
An octopus's tale

[ATTENTION! The author is going on break till July 2024. Apologies, have to get through a central examination. Will return once it's done.] This is an octopus tale. An octopus represents our ability to overcome challenging situations with creativity and intelligence. Such is our team of octopuses as well. Artemis, Audrey, Belle, Baker, and Misty stumble upon a hidden underground laboratory in the quiet town of Havenwood, revealing the startling secret to eternal life. Driven by curiosity and the allure of eternal life, they drink it, unknowingly unleashing an ancient curse that threatens to erase the town and the people's existence. As darkness descends upon Havenwood, they must embark on a perilous quest, seeking redemption and a way to break the curse. With the town teetering on the edge of destruction, they discover the actual value of mortality and the power of selflessness. Will they find a way to restore balance and save themselves from the curse they unleashed, or will Havenwood be forever lost to the shadows? "The Forbidden Elixir" is a gripping tale of friendship, sacrifice, and the profound lessons learned when tampering with the natural cycle of life. A chapter is released every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, so 3 chapters every week. SEASON 1 - [ONGOING] SEASON 2 - NOT STARTED SEASON 3 - NOT STARTED SINCLAIR'S BACKSTORY - NOT STARTED FORBIDDEN ELIXIR(ORIGINS) - NOT STARTED TALES FROM THE REALM - NOT STARTED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow me on: Facebook: Daylightmoon writes Discord: daylightmoon123445 YouTube: Daylightmoon writes [Discord channel exclusively for readers and Patreon will open up as soon as chapter 50 is published] Support me how you can with power stones, gifts, and adding my book to collections. After all, creation is hard! #Forbiddenelixir #An octopus's tale #Daylightmoonwrites #Daylightmoon123445

daylightmoon123445 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The geek boy:

'Code medal, Baker, looks like there is something hidden in here after all...' she spoke through her earphones. Baker scratched his head in dismay but didn't dare breathe a word to her, since he knows what she was like. Belle, her name and her attitude being parallel opposites, is very stubborn, she could get anything she wants if she just puts her mind to it. When she heard about the spooky mutant camp story, she activated her stubborn mode and wouldn't leave anyone alone until she would find monsters. To find monsters, they might actually have to plant it, he laughed to himself.

The very next day, she stood in front of his house, wanting to know what was on the inside, and that she needs an outside man to control the exterior. It didn't make sense at first, but now he understood what she meant by that. She used his geekiness to get what she wanted.

'Are you kidding? Going inside that house? I'm sorry, I'm not interested, even a bit.' he nodded. She turned red, almost as if she was going to crawl on the floor and start crying, but stayed silent and just smiled. Her smile was so unnerving it sent chills down his spine. It was like she was prepared to unleash all evil on him.

'Can I come in at least?' she smiled, he didn't know if it was sarcastic anymore, but he let her in, in case his mother heard him refusing and blamed him for being a bad neighbor or something.

'S-sure, but you have to go away once you have something to drink.' he warned her. She stayed silent and hopped inside, like a bunny rabbit. Her sister, the youngest one Misty, joined her inside, but was actually thankful and even bowed as thanks for the invitation.

She looked around for some time. She scanned the entire kitchen three-sixty degrees, turning her head in all directions. There was nothing much to see anyways, except the floury mess he made with his dad that morning for breakfast in bed for his mom, the misplaced spice bottles in the open, unhinged shelves, and the overfilling pantry he forgot to close when he got them snacks.

'Can I get some lemonade?'


'...' She paused for a moment and got up. She brushed her skirt, and just, walked upstairs!

'Hey! Where do you think you're going?' he snarled, trying to keep it as low as possible, as his father was working at home that day.

'That is your room, right? I've seen you work with your computer before, and it was pretty chill, not going to lie.' she pointed towards the room down the end of the hall, where he usually sits and codes his projects near the window, so he could get some fresh air and inspiration on the way.

'I didn't say you could go in. You should go away, or I'll call my dad.' he threatened her, in the chillest tone as possible, but no, she wouldn't budge. She turned, her skirt flowing around like a ballerina when she turned, and twisted her head sideways.

'Really? That's no way to treat a guest, Baker, your mom and dad called me over for dinner, so, I don't know what the hell you are talking about.' she smiled, it got more and more uncanny by the moment.

'Y-you know what? If you don't move now, I will call the police!' he held out his cell phone, hoping she'd leave him alone now, like his bullies in his old town. But Belle is a new kind of bully, or a frenemy, or an enemy, whatever, she was really weird.

'Belle! You should've asked permission first! Let's go!' Misty pulled her sister, but she wasn't ready to give up that easily.

She went into the room.

'Are you kidding me?'

'Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with her either.' she chirped.

'Well, whatever it is, I hope it's not contagious, because this is ridiculous.' he marched to his room, angry and ready to defenestrate her, but saw her standing in front of the window, the golden rays enhancing her skin tone, her complexion glowing. She kept staring somewhere afar, she didn't pay any attention to anyone there.

'You know, I can see something valuable is in there, something hiding in plain sight, and no one just dares to go there. But you know what? I'm pretty brave, so I would want to go there, explore there, and find something valuable, so when everyone looks at me, they would know it was me, it was me who found the mutants, and me who fought and killed them. I would be a hero!' she cackled. It was more of a witchy cackle, he doubted if she was a mutant.

'I don't know what you are talking about.' he finished as he tried to push her out of his room.

'Hey, you having girls around your room now?' A bearded, rugged man stood outside the room, with a blue polo shirt. He looked well-built, but his leg muscles were loosened than his arm muscles, showing signs of sitting in the same place over long durations of time.

'Dad, hey!'

'Wow, wait till mom hears about this.' he joked, his laugh a little rough and his voice hoarse.

'it's not what you think!' his cheeks turned beet red, he felt so ashamed and embarrassed, but also quite weird that there actually is a woman in his room, standing here and watching the sunlight with him, well, technically not with him, but still, she is in his room, so that was a flex.

'Hello, w were just here to welcome Baker to this neighborhood. He goes to the same school as us, and the same class as Misty's.' she pointed towards the stick-looking girl with blonde hair and pink eyes, shivering behind the enormous pile of clothes.

'U-um, yes, we're in the same class.' she stuttered.

'Oh, you are? That's great, Baker, already has friends to go to this year. Hear that boy? You won't need any buddies or anything like that when you're going to school. Did you give her the lemonade mom made?'

Belle nodded before he could respond.

'I asked for lemonade, but he said I would have to get out, so I couldn't get anything.' she sniffed. That little-

'Oh my god, boy, where are your manners? I apologize for my son, dear, let me call his moma and give him an earful. We're so glad that you're here. let me call his moma.' he called his wife from upstairs, doing the laundry.

'Are you serious? Did you threaten to call the police? I invited them, Baker, you don't need to be so mean to every girl you meet.' she chided.

Baker held his head down, but clenched his teeth, unable to explain her arrogance and bratty attitude in front of his parents. Like he already said, she was a different kind of bully.

After two glasses of lemonade and some biscuits, she didn't leave, but his parents did, with the command to entertain her like she was the landlord or the queen. He already hated her so much.

'Ok. So, the thing I came for is, actually because, I heard you were pretty good at computers and stuff, I need like an outside man to keep an eye on me from the outside and call for help if I didn't respond. You know, like in the spy movies.' she jumped on the chair, startling him.

'Uh, Belle, I don't think you should aim that much. It's just dusty, not haunted.' she brushed her sister's hand, but she waved her off.

'Ignore her, I need you to like, research and stuff about people who died in there and people who have seen things, accidents, stuff like that you know?'

'yeah, I know. And I won't do it.'

'What? Why not?' she shrieked.

'Because, I don't like you and your attitude, and I have work to do.'

'Please, I will do your summer homework if that is what you want.' she begged. She even knelt on the ground to convince him. He suppressed a laugh. She was so weird.

'If I help you, what will you do in return for me?'

'I will tell the townfolks to keep a statue of you too, as a sign of heroism, you know?'

He scratched his chin. It's not like he actually had things to do, he already finished his summer homework, and It was funny to see her beg, so he agreed.

'Alright, I agree, but seriously, don't do that drama with my parents, and don't come into my room ever again!'