

"Yeah, im fine" I say as i finally calm down.

"So what were you doing?"

"I was exercising"

"Oh, why??"

"Why not??"


It seemed i finally managed to shut him up as he stood there probably thinking about my answer.

"Can i join you then??"

"Ehn, why??"

"Why not?"



"Fine, you can start with by stretches" I say as i demonstrate some stretches to him. Seeing him struggling to do any of them, i realize that hes just a 4 year old with zero experiences with stretching or working out.

"Hey, Naruto, start with this ones, they're easier"

"How do you know my name??"

"Everyone does, youre kinda famous, didn't you know"

"Oh, so you know that everyone calls me a monster"


"And you dont hate me"

"Why would i??"

"I dont know"

"Its not like you killed someone before or did you??" I ask as i take a step back pretending to be scared

"No, i didnt" he says almost shouting

"Im just kidding, i know you didnt, you seem like a nice kid, and i could always scream for help if you tried to kill him"

"Im not a killer!!" He shoutingly said

"I dont believe you" I replied him


We stared at each other for a second and then we suddenly started laughing.

"You havent told me your name yet"

"I'm A kamine Kiyoshi"

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto"

"Nice to meet you,Naruto"

"You too"

We stared at each other in silence for a while smiling after before it got awkward and i decided to continue our workout. We worked out for the day after he finally got the stretches right and then we finished the workout in about an hour though we only took that long because he took a long time to finish the exercise,he almost quit quite a normal of times and if not because i finished mine and his competitive spirit he would have though thats probavly the difference between me and other 4 year olds, as a reborn person, i probably have more willpower and persistence than kids my age.

Saying our goodbyes and agreeing to meet again the next day, i left him to meet my mom. We left the park together and were on our way home. Though she had questioms about my sweaty shirt, i played it off by saying i was playing tag with some other kids.

After about a month of going to the park and working out with Naruto everyday , i could finally see the differnce in myself. First, i increased my pushups and squats from 5 to 10 and i increased my running distance to 150meters, i also decided to add a throwing routine to the workout to train our aim.

I did that by drawing a bullseye on a tree and throwing stones at it, Naruto also joined me after finding out the reason for the exercise, And also i could finally feel my chakra, though i cant control it, it was definitely an improvement from not being able to feel it at all.

Waking up early and leaving for the park on my own. Yeah, on my own, my mom finally stopped going with me to the park after a few days of going with me. I got to the park early with a basket full of food for Naruto and I, i decided to start taking food for him since i remembered that he had problems feeding as a child in the anime. I got to our usual spot and started some stretches hoping that he would get there by the time i was done. Finishing the stretches, he still wasnt around so i decided to start my workout. By the time i was done running, i finally saw him coming but i realized that he had a lot of bruises on his face.

"What happend to you??"

"Nothing, i just got into a fight"

"With who??"

"Some kids were bullying a girl so i protected her"

Oh i think i remember now, Naruto was supposed to meet Hinata for the second time when they turned 4 getting bullied and protect her from some boys.

"Oh, you applied anything on it??"



"I dont have anything to apply on it"

"Oh, follow me home, we have something you can use on it at home"

"Are your parents at home??"

"Yeah, my mom is"

"Then dont worry about it"

"Youll be fine, they dont hate you like everyone else"

"Are you sure??"

"Yeah, just follow me"


Carrying my lunch basket we both walked to my house with him behind me.Getting home and opening the door

"Mom, im home with a friend and he neeeds some medical attention " i shouted

"Oh, im coming"

We both waited for a while before she appeared

"I dont think you have ever brought a friend home, i wonder ... "

Her voice trails off as she sees the person behind me and i feel Naruto stiffen.

"Dont worry" i try and comfort him as i say this.

"Mom, this is Naruto"

"Yeah, it is Naruto, so he's the friend youre always talking about?"


"Oh okay, how are you doing Naruto, thanks for always keeping my son company, he's kindof a weirdo"

"Mom!!! "

" Fine"

"Its nice to meet you aunty" Naruto finally replies after realizing she's doesnt hate him.

"We came home because of his bruises" i tell my mum

"Yeah, i see them, did you get into a fight, come with me"

"Yes,he was trying to protect a girl and got beaten" i reply her as we both follow her from behind. She finally brings out a firstaid box and gets a band-aid from it and applies it over his bruises.

"Just leave it for a while and you'll be okay in no time" she tells him.

"Thank you aunty" he says with a big smile on his face.

"You're so cute!! Dont worry about it, you can always come here if you need anything" she says as she gushes over him.

I drag him away quickly and tell her we'll be on our way back to the park.

Grtting back to the park we start our workout and finish for the day before resting and eating.



"Your mom is a really nice person"

"I know"


"Can't you just say thank you or something like everybody else"

"I can but i wont"


"Im just kidding, thanks"

"Yeah, i wish i had a mom like her"

I just stare at him as im not really an expert at dealing with situations like this.

"You wont say anything"

"I dont know what to say"


He stares at me for a while before he suddenly starts laughing



"Then why are you laughing"

"No reason"


"Youre just really funny"

"What did i say??"

"Nothing, its getting late, ill see you tommorow"

"Hey, tell me what i said first"



I shout at him as he walks away but he doesnt reply so i just give up. I guess i should also start going home.