
An Italian in my life

"After you I came to understand why storms and hurricanes are named after people" (Book translated from Portuguese to English. Over ten thousand readers on Brazilian wattpad before being deleted from the same platform). Cibele never imagined that her destiny would have great twists and revelations. Her dream had always been to become a stylist who would be graced and valued all over the world. But she did not expect that in the final stage, her plans would fall apart and be so disastrous for her resume. Leaving her studies about fashion, possibilities, and a passing world, or at least she thought so, Cybele flees to Greece, to the bosom of her hometown to reunite with her family. There was only one resentment in her heart, the fact that she knew Apollo would be there, thinking about a possible re-engagement, but she felt that her love for her childhood sweetheart had ceased, and the secret that she had with her was one more reason that was inside her, and in a few months it would soon be discovered, or maybe not, as fate is always unpredictable when it comes to the people in our lives. A possible passion, improbabilities, suspicion, lies, secrets, omissions, certainties, truths, and a mix of feelings will tell the so promiscuous story of Cybele.

Isadoraalvezzz · Urban
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43 Chs

Chapter Three

Later, after talking to everyone, at night Cybele looks at the stars sitting on the red swing in front of her house.

She checks her e-mails on her cell phone and puts her hand on her stomach, feeling full after her grandmother has pushed all possible food into her. But it was good, it made her feel at home again.

Her sisters arrive from behind, and the two of them seem to catch a smile, she sits on the swing leaving Cybele in the middle.

She gives them both a look, and raises her eyebrows. — Okay, what is going on with you two?

Alexia spits out her lines in a hurry, we overheard your conversation with Apollo, it was difficult. — she puts her arms around her sister's shoulders giving comfort.— But we want to know who is the father?

She opens her mouth, and doesn't believe what she heard.— Oh yeah? And you say that like that? — She crosses her arms angrily.

Athena rolls her eyes. — Oh, come on! — She puts her hands on her knees, "Better us than Aunt Tereza, if it were her the whole island would already know... — She lets out a low laugh.

—But tell us, who is she? How you met, we promise we won't tell anyone. - Alexia says, leaning her head on her sister's shoulders.

Cybele takes a deep breath. — I bumped into him at the party. A tall brunette, with thick lips, smelly without a doubt, I don't know for sure if those brown eyes caught my attention as soon as I saw him, or when he came to me with firm and sure steps. He looked like the owner of that place. The smile of the brunette Italian, made my heart soar. We talked all night long, he never took his eyes off me and I never took mine off him. It was one of the most incredible nights of my life, everything about him was new and exciting, but then it was over... — She has a faraway look in her eyes.

— Wow, I can't imagine what it is like to experience this, but you are going to tell him right? — Alexia asks putting her hands together.

— I don't know girls, he gave me his number, but... Honestly, what's the point? I can do this alone, but what if he rejects the child? I don't want my child to be born with a father who rejected him, she raises her cheeks.

— Wow, that was so selfish to say, you're afraid to talk to him again, okay, I know it's horrible the idea of being rejected, but look at us, we don't know who our parents are, you know wanting it or not I missed having a father, grandpa is great I know, but this doubt makes me uncomfortable you know? — Says Alexia playing with her necklace, she frowns and stands up in front of her sister, blinking her eyes a lot.

She shakes her legs a lot. —All right, I'll call him, will you help me? She bites her lips, her nervous fingers pressing the unlock button on the cell phone, causing the screen to flicker on and off.

— Oh, stop fooling around and call him back. — Athena says impatiently, looking up into her narrowed eyes.

Cybele lifted her head up, looked up at the sky and stared at the beautiful stars amidst the blue immensity, which made her feel so small. The cold wind enters her lungs as she takes a deep breath and turns her head back to her cell phone, keypad the name ''Pietro''.

Little did she know that it would change her life forever...