
My Mind

Its a normal day as any other and to be honest I can't complain, there isn't really anything to complain about really so just writing down my thoughts is enough I guess. Don't know why I'm doing this but doing it gives a sense of peace you know, just writing whatever comes to mind and I was thinking if that helps to show the reason why this is being written.

Now here's the thing about thinking, you end up thinking to much and then everything else becomes so weird and it puts things into perspective . You think about all the good things you have going for you and then you start thinking of what can go wrong and what is wrong in your life even if it has already passed and you just didn't notice or something that's happening now, you never really know with thoughts so its safe to say it can be very unpredictable and so I have come to the conclusion that human thinking is dangerous.

I'm not really sure if that's true or not but I think it is and I'll stick to that thought until I'm sure of just why I think Its dangerous.