
A wish

Late at night, in a certain building complex, inside an apartment on the lowest floor, was a twenty-year-old college student laying on his bed and reading the latest chapter of his new favorite story, that was slowly turning to his least favorite story, the more he kept on reading and by the time, he got to the last paragraph, he threw his phone at the other side of the bed and screamed into his pillow, frustrated with the way, the author ended the story.

Reading stories was one of the ways Lin enjoyed spending his break days, since his only friends were out of town, visiting their hometown, while he was stuck home, because his family was in another country, in a vacation without him, the audacity they had to do that to him, just because he had exams on the date of the only flight available, he was still thinking how to use the situation to his advantage when they are back, he didn't care that they went on vacation to celebrate his sister's birthday, he was still going to demand compensation.

But back to the story, Lin thought that the villain would have a redeeming arc but that didn't happen, the villain died at the end, in a stupid death scene, they killed him off, as if it was an accident so that the ML could live happily ever after with his harem; but they could have lived happily ever after without killing the poor innocent Lucas, the misunderstood villain who didn't deserve the fate, that came upon him, all he did was to protect his younger sister from the ML, who he saw as a player and not good for her, why does he have to suffer because of it?

Frustration was apparent in Lin's face, he thought about Lucas, how long he tried to get his sister to understand that she can have any man she wants, she didn't need to share a man with eight other women, only for his sister to turn her back on him and ignore him for the ML, she ran away from home and went to live with the ML with the other women he had and she wouldn't come back even after her supposed boyfriend left her because he lost interest in her.

The villain never did anything to the ML, but after that incident, his sister got depressed and stopped eating and interacting with others, she stayed in her room all day and never left, refusing to talk to him and her friends, even the other harem ladies tried to talk to her, but she would only beg them to tell the ML to take her back and they eventually stopped coming because of that.

Seeing all of tat, the villain went to the ML house and demanded to have a talk with him, he begged him to have a talk with his sister and convince her to live her life; which he did, in the worst way possible, because after that day, his sister attempted suicide multiple times and failed each time, because he was there each time and took her to the hopital, eventually leaving her in one so that she won't hurt herself again.

If you thought, that was it for the tragic backstory of the villain, then you are in for a treat because it wasn't just that, he found out his sister had cancer a few months later after her latest suicide attempt and her days were counting down, because she wasn't reponding well to the treatment and mister ML, who claimed loved her long ago, didn't come to visit her, not even once, because he was supposedly caring for his sick father that was overseas, which wasn't true in the slightest because the ML's father turned around to be faking and the ML knew that but chose to stay with his father, rather than visit his ex that was dying, Lin wanted an explanation from the author about that, were they intentionally making the ML a bad person to reddem him later, unfortunately his comment was never responded to, so he never got to know the answer to his question.

The sister died and the villain was devastated, his sister was his only family and when she died, he felt like he lost everything and as a man with nothing to lose, he set up with a revenge plan, that was the final arc for the book, that was meant to make the ML learn to appreciate what he had and his life, to be more empathetic.

That was all cool in Lin's eyes, but why did the sibling pair have to die because of that? He understood the sister's death but why did the brother die, by getting shot, multiple times, by one of the harem ladies, who went crazy when she saw her lover being punched by a guy, where is the logic in that?

That night, after cursing the author and calling them many different synonyms of the word dumb, he slept on his pillow, wishing that he could be a part of the story and help the sibling pair get their happy ending, they deserved it as much as all of the people in that story and maybe even more, and lucky for him, his wish came true, in the exact way he wished for it to be, quite lucky, isn't he?

Not really, as you will soon realize in the future chapters, because his life was about to turn real messy, like he always wanted it to be, but not in the way the story is going to take him to.