
An inside down Cinderella

An orphan girl whose life is been always on the line because of her family now gets a hero but what will she do with her worst nightmare as her prince? will she also fall in love with him? will they have a happy ending ? will her family have there way with her heritage?

Rahmatu_Jibril · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Death

Sana took a deep breath and pushed open the two large doors she quietly walked in she walked straight and slowly for some unknown reasons she felt something was terrible has happened the first person she was seemed scared and sad then all the ministers,governor s,the duke and his duchess were also sad literally all the rich men and powerful people where there in the room she then saw her husbands family standing in front of a gold like coffin she could guess what happened but she didn't want to believe it not at all she didn't even want to think about it ..they have finally win her husbands family got what they wanted or maybe its someone else... maybe it's his mother but no she was standing just fine in fact everyone was here all except her husband but he promised her he won't let his family's evil plans will never come true so why..why... ? her brother in law John walked up to her and offered his hand for her to hold but instead .... Where is he... John !!! Where the hell is your brother ..she said pulling him back and forward .. Sana? listen to me .... his highness was in the study working on something when he got attacked.. pa! she slapped him right across the face... he got attacked or you attack him! she roared at him John who can't believe that Sana slapped him..the whole him in front of everyone did she forget that he still love her or is she really now in love with his so called brother? what ever her reason he was going to get back at her for this insult but not now as for now he is a brother who lost his younger brother,a business man who lost his Partner and a subject who lost his king he took a deep breath and tried to comfort her... Sana listen yes Kai and I have problems yes we never get along but I will never hurt him not to think of killing him .... lets believe that you can't hurt him but you can send someone else to hurt him don't drag on what I said cause you honestly know am right! she said then push him out of her way she saw the gold coffin again and she ran to it .. its open she went on her knees and tried to uncover the face but just then her mother in law stopped her... Queen Sana! where are your manners or have you forgotten our tradition and value no one is to see his highness corps not even his mother ... Flex! she called her youngest son ... Go and close the coffin announce to the people and start preparing for his highness funeral! ... she said and then stomp her way out if someone else was responsible then that person won't be spared not even death was. Good enough but what else can she do or say when its her sons that are responsible for the lost of her king