
Sacrifice one family for another…

Next morning...

Sofia-" Hey, Isla. Good morning. Where were you all night?"

Isla( Fumbled)- Uhh. I was... I was somewhere here only. Just... Just on a walk and... and then, ahem, I, I just went to a bar and had some soft drink. Yeah! Soft drink and, ahem, I did my sleepover there only."

Sofia-" You alright?"

Isla-" Ahh. Yeah... I mean yes. I, I am okay. Just need a shower."

Sofia-" Okay cool"

Isla going for a shower...

Mia-" Why is she talking like this?"

Sofia-" I don't know. I guess instead of a soft drink she had a beer"

Mia( chuckles)- "Oo shut up"

Isla thinking about the night while taking a shower...

Jack-" Hello old lady."

Isla-" Why the hell I am here? You bastard, Dare you to call me an old lady."

Jack-" Yeah! Bla Bla Bla. I think you should not speak much"

Isla( shaky voice)-" You fucking bastard"

Isla spit on Jack's

Isla-" Ptooey. Fuck off"

Jack's man pulls Isla's hair and slaps her on the face...

Jack( in anger)-" Ahh. Don't hurt her. We fucking need her. She can die if we hit her. Did you get me? Ahh?...( Softy) Sorry Isla, I am asking from his side. Now, I need your help"

Isla( chuckles)- " Why the fuck do you think that I will help you?

Jack-" Listen, Let me be clear, Help me or..."

Isla-" Or what? Ahh. You are gonna kill me. Ahh, So go head. I will not betray anyone as you did"

Jack-" No-no-no. You are too young to be dead now. You are fucking too young. Now the only thing is that your son, What was his name? Umm. Yeah, Lucas, Lucas Right. He is getting older and older day by day"

Isla-" Don't you fucking touch my son"

Jack-" Just listen. If your son is getting older day by day till his death comes. So, I thought why to wait till death, Let's just help him and stop him to get older."

Isla-" You fucking bastard. Do not try to hurt my son"

Jack-" First stop banging the chair, please. And now, If you want him to live till he gets old then do whatever I say. Help me"

Isla-" You're fucking bluffing. You don't where my son is"

Jack-" Listen, Old lady. Do not underestimate me. And You know I will kill him"

Isla stays silent…

Jack-" I tried to save your son, but you love him. Okay then, just remember that you killed your son.'

Jack saying to his man...

Jack-" Call them and say kill Lucas and his whole family..."

Isla( sobbing)-" No wait, Please stop. I am ready to help you, please don't my son, please"

Jack-" Now that's called as good Mumma. Now tell me what is your gang planning for."

Isla-" Will tell you everything. But first tell me, who gave you information about us?"

Jack-" Ahh. These fucking demands. Okay, Do you remember Tom, that bartender, the first person you met on my island, Ahh"

Isla-" But he was Dina's good friend"

Jack-" Dina doesn't pay him, I do. And in this world who every pays someone, he/she is hired to that person. And I pay Tom, so he told me about you. Now fucking tell me what are you ladies planning for?"

Isla-" We are gonna enter your house by doing some explosive on your house and Dina will gather so many people, who will enter inside after the explosive and then somehow Sofia will reach to you and kill you"

Jack-" How are you gonna do the explosives? Ahh?

Isla-" I am gonna shoot you gatekeepers from the distance and then Dina, Mia, and Stella will throw the smoke grenades and Sofia will dynamite the door. Then they and the people with us will enter with guns and bomb vests."

Jack-" Oo my god. That would be a badass death for me. I really, that bitch plans like always"

Isla-" Now what? Your gonna kill me?"

Jack- "Not really. Do the things as you planned, but the thing that will change is, you won't shoot my men, you will just shoot near them and my men will act like they are dead. And when Sofia and your gang arrive, they will be dead"

Isla-" Now I have told you everything, leave me and my son alone, Please"

Jack-" okay!. And don't you tell anyone about this. Otherwise, you know..."

Jack freed Isla and Isla left"

Pol-"Sir, you really, do a got bluffing. I was afraid that if she comes to know that we even have no clue where her son is"

Jack-" Yeah, Pol. I really, do a good bluffing"

Pol-" But if she will tell everyone about it, then?"

Jack-" Nah. She will not. Don't worry. And listen if you do anything wrong, kill her without thinking"

Present time...

Stella-" Hey old lady. Why the fuck are you taking so long in the shower?"

Isla-" Coming."

Later on, the D gang gathers around and discusses the plan...

Dina-" So, Olive what did you get?"

Olive-" So, here is the plan. Isla, As I told you yesterday only what you have to do. Ladies, Isla will stay at distance, and if something gets wrong Isla will shoot from the distance."

Stella-" Ohh la la la. The old lady doing snipe"

Olive-" Isla, are you all right?"

Isla-" Yeah yeah. Continue the discussion"

Olive-" Sofia, you will enter with hijab on your face"

Sofia-" won't they say me to remove it?"

Olive-" If they will ask to. But don't worry, Elisa will distract Jack at the moment, so he will not see your face"

Sofia-" Okay!"

Olive-" Stella you will go with her"

Stella-" Okay! I don't mind"

Olive-" Then Isla will shoot one of the gatekeepers and then Mia, you will shoot the other one. Then I will explore the fucking door and throw smoke grenades inside. I and Mia will kill the guards in the smoke. We will only do this when Sofia meets Jack. Elisa will inform us that Sofia is with Jack. And Ivy, throw you only we can enter inside the house and all the rooms. Just hack all the computerized things and the finger scanners. And then Isla will shoot the bodyguards who are with Jack at that moment. Then Sofia, Do whatever you like to do with Jack. Every clears?"

All of them ... Yup! let's do this

The next day. Sofia, gonna enter the fucking kingdom...