

Rachel lost all the colors of her life even before turning 20. She never thought she could fall in love again. On that day, she lost her hopes and the desire to live. The only thing that kept her alive was her memories with him. It was the day when Aaron first saw her. He had never believed in love at first sight. He saw her crying miserably. He stood there the whole day watching her. Later he learned, that it was the day when she lost the love of her life, her husband. He couldn't believe himself that he actually fell in love with a girl at the funeral - her husband's funeral. "Don't leave." Aaron had run behind her, getting drenched in the rain. He was scared, scared that she would leave him. She pushed him hard and shouted, "I don't like you!" Aaron stood there, rooted to the ground. Staring with a blank expression he asked, "Why?" She tightened her lips, scared of showing her weaker side. He continued, "Because of your husband's death?" Rachel felt her world collapsing. She hadn't expected him to know about Eric's death. Seeing her expression he continued, "Rach, you can't live with memories forever. You have to move forward with someone. But I want that someone to be me." Rachel took a deep breath. "I'm not going to get married again." Seeing her being adamant, he said, "Yes, someday, you will." "No, I won't." He asked, "What if you change your mind in the future?" "That will never happen. If that day comes, then I will come to you." Rachel just wanted to get over with this as soon as possible. She didn't think much about her words as that day would never be going to come. Arron narrowed his eyes and asked, "Promise?" She nodded. With an evil grin, he went near her. Holding her face, "Let's seal this promise." Saying this, he kissed her hard. His first love. Can he bring back the happiness that she couldn't even find in her dreams? Him and her? Is it possible? Is it an inevitable fate? Note : Criteria to read this novel - "PATIENCE" Why? because ~My first novel :) Comments, votes, and reviews are appreciated. You can share your thoughts, curiosity, questions with me through the mail. It's a way for me to learn about my readers' minds. ID: joyousbird04@gmail.com Thank you :)

Joyousbird · Urban
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96 Chs

Chapter 89 : Home is where your husband is. (6)

Rachel fidgeted in her seat as she tried to collect words carefully.

"I'm sorry but, can we meet tomorrow, if you are free? I want to meet you in person…. Okay… Sure… I will see you tomorrow then. Bye."

She had thought that Darren wouldn't agree to meet her but thankfully, he said yes. At least, she could explain and apologize to him in person.

She released a breath that she had held for a long time.

"Are you going to see him?"

Aaron questioned.

"Of course, I should see him. He deserves an explanation."

Aaron tightened his grip around the steering wheel. He reminded himself to stay calm and not to say nasty stuff at this time.

He nodded his head and the silence fell again.

After thirty minutes of driving, they reached their destination.

It was slightly dark outside with one or two street lights. The land was not crowded with buildings like the city. It was so calm that they could hear each other's breathing.

"Where are we?"

Rachel asked without making an attempt to get down from the car.

If she was given an option, she would choose not to put her foot on the land! It was as scary as hell.

But of course, Aaron never gave an option.

He got down and motioned for her to do the same.

Just as her feet touched the ground, a howl echoed through the silent land.

Her back went stiff for a second.

'Damn it! This place is so creepy and you called it home? It's more like a graveyard!'

She cursed his ancestors for bringing her to such a place.

'Calm down, calm down.'

She chanted all the while and soon, they reached the door.

Aaron entered the password and the door opened.

She squinted her eyes to adjust to the sudden bright light.

"This is..."

Hey! She knew this place. She was 'escorted' to this place when she was drunk back then.

Back then it was quite clean but now it was... a little dirty.

There was dust almost everywhere. All the windows were closed and due to this, there was no ventilation. The air was a little stiff in there.

"I couldn't inform Aunt Lucy to clean beforehand. Just make do for now."

Rachel was confused.

'Who is Aunt Lucy?'

"Is this… Is this yours?"

Didn't he live with his family at the Lee mansion?

He removed his blazer and rolled up his sleeves. He spoke as he started to clean.

"Yes, this house is my grandfather's gift."

He cleaned the sofa set and the small dining table. He went to the kitchen and came back with a plastic cover that contained trash.

In just a few minutes he had cleaned almost everything. But Rachel had stood at the door all the time awkwardly. She didn't move or try to help him mainly because she wasn't comfortable in touching other people's stuff.

Time to time, she would ask him questions to get rid of the awkwardness.

"My grandmother's tomb is in this town. I used to visit her a lot when I was a kid. But when my family shifted to the U.S, I had to travel and stay in the hotel. To make it easy for me, my grandfather bought this for me."

"Oh, is it okay for you to stay here now?"

He came out washing his face and hair in the washbasin. The water was dripping from his hair making him look hot.

Any other woman would be drooling right now but unfortunately, Rachel didn't even notice it.

"Except for my grandpa, my family doesn't know about this place. I mean, they know I have a house but they don't know the exact location."

He wiped his face with a clean white towel and motioned Rachel to clean up.

"There's a bathroom down here as well as in the room. You can go wash up first."

She nodded and started to climb the stairs. Though she was here before, she had not got the time to look around on that day.

The house was not too big but a small one-storeyed building. There were two rooms on the first floor.

One was the master bedroom and the other was a small study room.

There was not much furniture, to begin with. There was a king-size bed with a white bedsheet covered.

She stood at the door and contemplated a moment.

Last time she had escaped from here but now, she was going to stay here!

She took a deep breath and walked inside. Everything looked the same except for a few items.

Pushing the attached door, she entered the bathroom. It was simple and clean. There were a small bathtub and a sink at the corner.

A small wooden cabinet was filled with white towels. She chewed the inner side of the cheek as she got lost in her thoughts.

Down in the hall, Aaron's mobile rang loudly.

He saw the caller ID and pinched his forehead. Nevertheless, he answered it.


"Mom? Now you remember that I exist? What have you done, you unfilial son of mine!"

His mother was roaring in a fit of anger.

Happy reading time.

LOL :)

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