
An incredible game of love

kritika and Kabir who had a relationship of co workers in an company.... were unaware of the fact that they've known each other from childhood and were each others rival since then..... what will happen to them when they will get to know about there past...... will they ever fall in love or do they ignore each other for rest of there life..... *****This novel contains a bit of humour with the mystery of their rivalry in childhood..... love and romance between two leads is the main attraction in the story...... the twist and plots are quite interesting...... overall it is the must read novel... *******

Kirthana_Manthena · Urban
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2 Chs

#1.oh shit!! I'm late for my interview...


*** alarm rings***

It was already 9:am and the interview was at 10:am , she was late.... she got up from the bed and hurriedly went to freshup in the bathroom.. she munched her breakfast on her way to the company....

****during interview*****

" so, miss kritika you've been rejected by several companies before this... on what basis do you want us to select you... " the staffing authority questioned her...

" sir, before whenever I went to interview.. the most common question asked by them was about my job experience but if no one is willing to appoint new comers then how come we'll be able to prove ourself..... this is my 20th job interview, so on this basis you can estimate my perseverance level.... and addition to that I assure you that I'll do my best at work" kritika replied with voice containing confidence and respect.....

" okay, miss kritika... we'll inform you about your results later.. wait for our message.... "

they said...

" Thank you sir, I hope that you will appoint me"

said kritika in a respecting voice.....