
Second Round Begins

Shorex take alex to the room. When they reached they see Nuk and Tom were ready to fight with another monster. Shorex told " Alex go to room and get ready in 5 minutes, Go fast " said Shorex. Nuk and Tom were very excited to fight with another monster. Alex has come. Shorex take them to the room . Choose any door. But they see In Three doors there were written it is easy and in rest it written hard. Before going inside the room here carefully. When you see anything it was not real when is understimate the fake it was real. Nuk and Tom didn't understand But Alex has understand , he is walking towards hard . Tom and Nuk suggest no to go inside the room , come with us that was easy one we can pass easily. Alex said" Come with me , understand who Shorex said come with I'm saying last time or else will defeated. Tom and Nuk didn't understand . They go to their rooms and that was happens what alex has said. Nuk and Tom were defeated by 2 monster and alex has win the 2 round. So, Nuk and Tom ' what i have tell to you ' said alex. Shorex says ' You have to trust on your friends to became a powerful team. Ok sir ' said Tom and Nuk. Nuk and Tom go to monk for some bandages. Alex and Shorex were discussing about the war that will happen soon. Shorex said ' We have to upgrade our wepons for the fight."Yes"Everyone said.So , To whom we have to upgrade our old wepons? said Nuk.

Let's Go to To upgrade our Wepons Ro Shing Shi. "Who's that Person" said Tom . "He Is the One who make armours, Wepons & Upgrade Expert" said Shorex. He is the only one who made our Wepons.