
An Illusion of Will

Al struggles to survive and thrive in an ever-changing World.

Seven_of_Sixes · Fantasy
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119 Chs

H.E.R.O.'s Tower

Despite New Ark City's bustling activity, calmness and tranquility hung in the air. 

While the old-world cities roared like raging, crashing rivers, New Ark City flowed with an unbreaking steadiness. Above, sleek vehicles glided through the sky, resembling silent sleds. 

Raging Stone and Bee Max guided Al and Elissa toward the city's tallest building, a towering structure that broke through the sparse clouds. The towers animated skin stood out against the surrounding architecture. On its surface, an old-school Asteroid's game played out. The game was being projected from the skin of the building over hundreds of feet tall.

Raging Stone brought them to a halt a street's breadth from the tower, pivoting to face Al and Elissa. "That's H.E.R.O. Tower, go meet the clerk on the first floor, they are usually in a black and white suit," he instructed, his voice a low rumble, "state your names and purpose, and they'll grant you access to the elevator. On the highest floor is where meetings are held with our Guardian A.R.M."

Just as Raging Stone and Bee Max were about to turn away, Elissa's voice rang out, arresting them in their tracks. "Wait!" she called out, her words echoing through the quiet streets. 

Elissa struck her chest holding her right hand above her heart. A gesture of unwavering determination. "I am the second-in-command of the 23rd Supreme Mortal Seed," she declared, her gaze steady on Raging Stone and Bee Max. 

"The kindness and sacrifices you, Raging Stone, Bee Max, and Hot Pyro, have made on behalf of me and my pupil Al shall not be forgotten." Elissa's hand remained resolutely over her heart, a promise that echoed through the quiet streets. The eyes of the moving crowds looked on with curiosity at Elissa's vow. 

 After assuring them that they could rely on her and Al in their time of need they bid their farewell. Al and Elissa set their course for the H.E.R.O. tower. 

"I thought I told you I needed time to think about it, and here you are telling people I'm your pupil," Al remarked, his expression stern, devoid of any trace of humor.

Elissa met Al's serious gaze, but then a playful smile danced across her face. She reached out, her fingers gently caressing Al's left ear. 

Instinctively Al stepped back, attempting to swat her hand away, but he was too slow. Before Al could protest, she declared her intentions "I've made up my mind. I'm taking you on as my pupil. Consider it your greatest blessing. I don't need to hear your answer," she declared, her confidence palpable.

Al's skepticism was evident as he responded, firm and resolute, "Please don't impose your will on me. I told you I needed time to think about it," his guard firmly in place. 

Ignoring Al's stance Elissa smiled at him "Our destinies are intertwined." She quietly thought as the two entered the tower together.

Inside, the main entrance of the first floor was adorned with crystal statues of the H.E.R.O. program's most prominent figures, each frozen in heroic poses. 

Al walked over to a figure that appeared as a man wrapped in seaweed and sludge. "Hero: Rotting Swarm -Sprite Node 4063, Creator of renewable wetland technology," Al whispered as he read the plaque beneath one of the crystal figures.

Elissa, meanwhile, scanned the area and quickly spotted the clerk—a young man dressed in a black and white suit. "There's the clerk. Come on, Al, let's go!" she urged, her enthusiasm infectious. He sighed and followed her towards the clerk.

"My name is Alexander, and this is Elissa were here to meet with A.R.M." Al explained to the young man, and after a brief exchange, the clerk marked their right hands with a three-hour temporary stamp. 

"Just place your hand in front of the elevator with that stamp, and it will take you where you need to go," the clerk instructed, guiding them toward the elevator lobby with a helpful smile.

Following the clerk's instructions, Al and Elissa proceeded to the end of the lobby, where they passed through different decorative elevator doors. 

They approached furthest one, the door was adorned with a vivid combination of purple and yellow, depicting the cosmos. Holding up their marked hands, they activated a red laser, which scrutinized the stamps closely. Once recognized, a green light illuminated above the elevator door, revealing the floor it was currently on—50th—and rapidly descending towards the 1st floor.

With a soft chime, the unique cosmic-colored doors of the elevator slid open, revealing a diverse group of heroes stepping out. The crowd of Hero's didn't even turn to look at Al and Elissa as the walked out into the lobby.

The elevator was now vacant, inviting Al and Elissa to enter. As they crossed the threshold, the elevator system appeared to have already anticipated their destination and automatically selected the 450th floor.

However, just before the doors could close, a loose-sandaled foot gently halted them. The owner of the foot, a young man with jet-black hair and dressed in the attire of a monk, stepped aboard. "Sorry about that. I'm in a hurry. I hope you don't mind if I join you on this elevator ride," he said, his voice carrying a soft and fragile quality.

"Oh, no, please, go ahead. Don't worry about it," Al graciously offered, welcoming the man into the elevator. As the door sealed shut, the elevator began its ascent.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but you don't strike me as a Hero. What place does a regular citizen have in a world like this?" Elissa inquired, her tone respectful and genuinely curious. 

The black-haired man, appeared unfazed by the question, answering openly. "You're right, I'm not a 'Hero.' But also, I'm no regular citizen if such a thing even exists in these lands. I'm an alchemist. My name is Carlinn Ioannis, and I represent the Alchemical Institution of New Ark City." Despite his soft-spoken demeanor, Carlinn exuded a profound confidence.

Al couldn't contain his curiosity. "Wait, you practice Alchemy but you're not a cultivator, you haven't even awakened your Will," he observed. 

Carlinn stared observantly at the middle-aged Al, his white robe complementing his silvery hair, and the two swords strapped to his back. Al stood out from the average cultivator in his own way. 

Then, Carlinn's gaze shifted to Elissa, her attire consisting of light armor that left her arms, thighs, and abdomen exposed. "Despite your unique appearances, I assume you two are cultivators?" Carlinn inquired. 

Al and Elissa nodded in confirmation. They were rapidly approaching the 80th floor.

"The Will finds the Way, it is the way. But the way leads either to the left or right, a lake or a mountain. Even Cultivators know this. In the Mortal Chasm, they cultivate a Will rooted in the material or energy plane, and in the Immortal Chasm, they do it again," Carlinn explained, his gaze shifting between Al and Elissa, inviting them to correct him if he had misspoken.

Carlinn continued his explanation, "As Alchemists, the world is the only Will we use. Its herbs are the fruits of the material plane, its lightning and fire the spirit of the energy plane. Have you ever wondered, why have there only ever been six cultivators that exist in the God Chasm at any given time?"

Al felt a spark of illumination, though the room it illuminated remained murky and unclear. Elissa, on the other hand, turned toward Carlinn, her gaze sharp with intrigue. "How does he know so much about our God Leafs?" she wondered, ready to ask him more questions.

Before the conversation could proceed the elevator reached the 130th floor, it jolted to a halt and the doors slid open. 

A 7-foot-tall skeleton clad in tactical military armor strode in, accompanied by a Sprite Node hovering at his side. "Hey Carlinn, how is the college doing?" the skeleton greeted Carlinn in an unusual, almost robotic voice.

Meanwhile, the Sprite Node turned its attention toward Al and Elissa. "I am glad you two made it without any serious injuries. Rest assured, Hero Hot Pyro is not dead. I await you both on the 450th floor," A.R.M.'s voice resonated through the Sprite Node, offering a reassurance that brought a measure of relief.

The tall militaristic skeleton turned toward Al and Elissa after his Sprite Node had spoken to them. "Oh, you two are here to meet our Guardian A.R.M. I'm the Hero Death Mark," he introduced himself, extending his bony hand to shake theirs. 

Al and Elissa returned the greeting and shared their names. The elevator continued its ascent, now passing the 310th floor.

As the doors opened, a small figure dressed in black robes entered the elevator. "Carlinn Ioannis, nice seeing you around here as usual," the figure also greeted Carlinn, who responded with a warm smile. 

The elevator moved on, and Carlinn struck up a conversation. "So, did the Hidden Hand enjoy the gift I sent them?" he inquired, his voice carrying an air of mystery.

The robed figure turned towards Hero Death Mark, Al, and Elissa, responding cautiously, "Maybe we should discuss this some other time." With that, the elevator soon reached the 440th floor, and Carlin Ioannis bid farewell to everyone inside before stepping out.

Hero Death Mark was next to exit stepping out on the 444th floor, bidding his farewells to Al and Elissa, he inexplicably ignored the robed figure. 

Left behind were only Al, Elissa, and the mysterious person cloaked in black robes.

Before the elevator could get to the 450th floor the mysterious figure turned towards Al and Elissa. With an ambiguous voice it spoke directly to the two of them. "You think your destiny is a chain that binds you. Destiny is the light that illuminates the darkness."