
An heir for a legacy

Meet Alexis a guy reborn in Harry Potter world and his life their after he discovered some very interesting news ***I do not own anything written in this fic except my OC characters.*** English isn’t my first language

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The next day,

Alexis went down from the heir room that was given to him by his grandpa while thinking,' what will my grandpa arc and grandpa iggy train me at? I should go ask them about it and see what they will train me in. I will ask them after he thought that he went to the living room, he didn't find anyone, so he called Yoda

" Yoda"


" yes, young master Alexis you Called me for something?"Yoda

" yes, I want to ask where is my family?"

" lord black and lady black and young miss Lucretia and your mother and father and lord Prewitt are eating breakfast in the dining room while they told me to tell come to eat breakfast."

" ok, thank you, Yoda. You can go to do your work."

"OK young master"


After walking for a few minutes and greeting some soldiers that are patrolling the perimeter, he arrived at the dining table. He greeted his family and sat to eat near Arcturus because he is heir black. He asked his grandfather Arcturus and Ignatius," Grandpa, I want to ask when will you begin training me?"

Both his grandfathers talked with each other in a low voice, then Arcturus replied, " we discussed it just now. After breakfast, we will begin your training" after that, they ate soundlessly.


When they arrive at the office, they begin talking about the subjects they will teach him. Arcturus will teach him magical history and how the world is divided. He will also teach him transfiguration and charms, war tactics understand, how to lead the houses armies of war happens, potions and herbology, and Ignatius will teach him about magical creatures DADA and runes and arithmancy.

Then they asked him, " do you want to learn other subjects that dumby abolished when he took the headmaster role?"

Alexis asked," yes, what did the old goat abolish?

Arcturus replied, " he abolished wandless classes. He also abolished elemental magic, which was a core subject when I was at school. Alchemy was an elective subject that could be taken in the third year. He also abolished magical and muggle history. They were mandatory for both magical-born and muggle born. Some classes taught politics for Nobel children, and they're also classes that taught languages of other smart creatures like goblins and merpeople and also taught other countries' languages. There are more subjects that Hogwarts teaches but were canceled. Your dumby, we will talk about it later."

Alexis was shocked. He knows Hogwarts subject that they are teaching know from the books he read, dumbeldoor destroyed hogwarts he didn't know why so he asked his grandpa, " yes, I want to learn some of this subject, but I want to ask why dumbledor canceled all that classes?"

Arcturus replied, " you have to know that dumbledore is arrogant. He wants to be the strongest wizard in Britain's history and surpass Merlin the great, and to do that, he needs to weaken the magical people so they can see him as the strongest wizard in all history but he isn't even strong to be included in top 10 strongest in the world."

Alexis said, " who is the strongest in history, and how they know that they are the strongest?"

Ignatius" oh, we forgot to mention the ranking of wizards. Before, 17 young wizards had a core that worked as a muscle. Every time you do magic, your core will get bigger, and the core can be diveded into five ranks, and every rank has three colors

White ( beginner the wizard enters the rank

Silver ( intermediate)

Black ( advanced-peak)

And the young wizard ranking can be divided to how the magic is shaped inside their core

rank1- gas

rank2 - liquid

ranke3- solid

rank4- crystal

rank5- legendary (not mentioning the shape )


And their potential will depend on more factors

Like their parents' potential, they will primarily evolve to a certain rank, which will stop for them and not develop to the next grade. It also depends on the environment they live in if it is full of magic or lacks magic, and this is one of the reasons why purebloods still send their children to Hogwarts.

Let's return to our main topic. After 17, their magic will mature and determine the core if it weak or strong, and when their magic matures, they will have another system to determine their strength, and it depends on the power and size of the core itself, not the magic inside like a young wizard

And the ranking is

Weak wizards: the highest that rank one color white and silver can achieve)

Standard wizard: the highest rank one color black and rank two colors white and silver can achieve)

elite wizard: the highest rank three colors white, silver, and black can achieve) example ( Slughorn)

warlock: the highest rank four color white can achieve) example ( sprout)

elite warlock: the highest rank four color silver can achieve) example ( Bellatrix Lestrange, McGonagall, Flitwick)

magi: the highest rank four color black can achieve) example ( Genghis khan, albus, tom riddle)

Sorcerer: the highest rank five color white can achieve ) example ( herpo and four founders )

Grand sorcerer : the highest rank five color silver can achieve example, Morgana and merlin )

wizard lord: the highest rank five color black can achieve) example (NON-RECORDED)

that is, ranking most wizard is divided before 17 and after 17."


Alexis was a bit surprised that there is a rank system for Harry Potter, as it wasn't mentioned in the books. He thought, " I am living here now; I need to take it seriously. They are living beings, not book characters" he said to them

" so, under 17, I raise the quality of my magic. Older than 17, I strengthened the core itself and increased its size. But if two magi fought or magi and elite warlock fought, who would win?"

Arcturus " a great question that will depend on multiple things first, the experience, who had more experience. The second thing is their spells that they will use against each other the last item and the most important thing is the magical scale they can test themselves, and is called wizard power (wp)

Squib from 0 to 0.9 wp

Weak wizard from 1 to 20 wp

Standard wizard from 20to 49 wp

Elite wizard from 50- to 99 wp

Warlock from 100 to 299 wp

Elite warlock from 300 to 499 wp

Magi from 500 to 699 wp

sorcerer from 700 to 799 wp

Grand sorcerer from 800 to 899 wp

Wizard lord from 900 to ??? Wp

And every spell has a no consumption rate. For example, lamos, a spell that can make light consume one wp

And I forgot to mention it also depends on the

Rituals the wizards did, and to answer your questions if two magi fought, it would depend on the number of wb, and this number is primarily private as it can determine his life, which is why they mention his rank, not his wp. And it also depends on the speed of wp regeneration, and for your other question, a magi can quickly kill an elite warlock. He can kill ten of them at the same time. Still, the same as a sorcerer to magi, a sorcerer can also destroy a country as big as Germany. For example, the reason why the USA and Soviet Union and the Cold War in the first place is because both of them had the same number of sorcerers. It was three each for both sides, and elite sorcerers are very, very rare rank. It can be counted less than 50 known sorcerers alive."

Alexis asked, " how many sorcerers does Britain have? And how can you determine the wb."

Arcturus replied proudly, ".Britain has more than five sorcerers, me and Charles Potter are, who is in a coma because of dragon pox."

Arcturus continued, " for your second question Merlin invented a spell that can stimulate the core to check its rank and can digitize the class, and this is one of the reasons why Merlin is revered by

Modern wizards."

Ignatius," after we told you how the rank is divided in the world, now we tell you how the wizarding world is divided and who controls each part or which faction. First, Europe is divided into two factions known as the light side and the dark side, which was created after the fight between Merlin Emery and Morgana le Fay. As Morgana students and servants designed the dark side, and Merlin students created the light side

After they created the faction, both tried to spread their ideals, which escalated to total war in WW2. As muggles called the wars, the light side won the war, but they didn't change anything, so the dark side was still strong. They still controlled Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, and the light side controlled Italy, Germany( after WW2), France, and some countries that weren't controlled by any, like Spain, Austria, and Britain. They still have a power struggle between the factions."

Arcturus continued, "the situation in other continents is different. Asia has a lot of factions that are fighting for supremacy. In Australia, the light controls it. In Africa, Tribes control. South America. Local factions struggle for control. In North America, the USA is controlled by a council and Mexico by a dark faction, and Canada by a light faction."

Ignatius" oh, we forgot to tell you something. The muggle think 29% of the earth is land and 71% is water, but the truth is the landmass is more significant than the muggles believe, and the ratio is 60% is the land, and 40% is water."

Alexis" how ..what ..why??"

Arcturus " see his face, haha; the reason why is when wizards concealed themself in 1689, they cast spells to keep the muggle from finding them and took 31% of land for their self it took three years to do as the law was officially established in 1692."

Alexis" so wizard took nearly 60% of land and left 40%of land for the muggles?"

Ignatius" yes and no. Yes, we left 40% for them, but we still can get land from them by buying it."

Then they began telling him more information about the world and the strongest people in KNOWN, and they are"

1- Severus flag American 180 years old, a grand sorcerer

2 Ivan Pavlov, 140 years old from the Soviet Union grand sorcerer

3- Arcturus black, 81 years old from Britain, a sorcerer

4-Charles Potter, 81 years old from Britain a sorcerer from Britain

5 Yuan yu, a 50 years old sorcerer from china

6- Ana athenasiadis, a 99-year-old sorceress from Greece

7- Sabrina Montgomery, sorceress 170 old Romanian

8- Diana brown, a 73 years old British sorceress

9- Richard page 54 years old American sorcerer

10- yuri Petrov, a 59-year-old from the Soviet Union sorcerer

This the top powerful wizards in the world, known as"

Alexis" you are the 3rd strongest, and is charlus Potter related to Harry Potter?"

Arcturus" yes, I am, but I was the fourth, the strongest wizard alive in the past, and died from old age in 1960. He was British, the lord of Hufflepuff and smith. His name was Edward smith. He was the strongest wizard alive and a grand sorcerer and was compared to Merlin, but In my opinion, he was inferior to Merlin. If they fought, Merlin would win without moving an arm, and with the death of Edward, Britain began to decline."

Alexis " so the reason for Britain's decline is the strongest wizard in it died?"

Ignatius" sadly, yes, when he died, there wasn't any grand sorcerer in Britain that led to decline."

They continued talking for more than 2 hours before ending their lesson

When they were going out of the office, they saw Charles coming to the office

Arcturus asked, "what the matter? Is there a problem ?"

Charles" nothing. I want to ask you. My parents want to visit us tomorrow. Can they come here?"

Arcturus " I don't have any problems but do they know about magic?"

Charles " I don't know. I think they knew about it and didn't tell me because they saw Alexis levitate a doll. They were happy about it and didn't surprised nor scared."

Arcturus" you can ask them tomorrow when they arrive, you can ask them."

Charles" ok good night, see you tomorrow."

Ignatius" good night."

Arcturus "good night."

Alexis " gg ( lol laughing) good night, dad."

After they said good night to each other and they went to bed