
An extremely enthusiastic Hitler if

Como dicen, escribe sobre lo que sabes. Por lo tanto, estoy basando el personaje de SI en mi propia vida educativa y profesional, excepto que ahora él/yo voy a ser un neonazi rabioso. Algo que me gusta asegurar a mis lectores, si tengo alguno, seguramente no lo soy. Ahora elegí un inserto de ASB Hitler ya que me parece que este podría ser un escenario algo más fácil, lectores "amables", por favor siéntanse libres de comentar y ayudarme en mis esfuerzos.

jjj_c_mmut · Others
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chapter 44: Reactions and observations

Peenemunde May 5, 1937

From General Leeb's personal diary

Today the Führer came to inspect the new facilities here in Peenemunde, after a long day of tours and explanations we had all gathered in one of the largest hangars to hear his impressions. I have his speech recorded here as best I can remember, for my own encouragement.

"Men of the Wehrmacht, scientists of the German people, you gathered here at this new base not only for the noble and honorable task of providing the brave warriors of Germany with the weaponry they need to defend the German Heimat. Long after your Military inventions have disappeared from the history books as obsolete tools of the past, their scientific advances will bring a brighter future for all Germans and people around the world.

The doctor and his team are working on a new energy source that will one day illuminate all German cities. Cities connected by planes powered by Dr.'s engines, planes transported safely through night and fog thanks to Dr.'s sensing apparatus.

And there are the Doctors and creating new and wonderful calculating machines. Machines that will help not only in artillery ballistics calculations. But it will soon propel the entire field of mathematics into the next millennium, as scholars around the world break free from the shackles of pencil-and-paper calculations.

Or take Dr. and his fuel program that will propel Dr. von's missiles far beyond the mere earthly target, deep into space. To take our people to the moon and beyond, to enable us to boldly go where no man has gone before.

This will be your sacred mission to bring to the People and to our children the Reich of a thousand years. A Reich illuminated by the advances of science and technology.

Therefore, my only order as Führer of the German people to you gathered here before me, bring me the Light!"

There is a note written in the margins of the diary:

"After the Führer's speech, a large number of scientists applied to join the Nazi party and most, if not all, seem motivated and dedicated to their tasks."

Some notes from the third meeting of the Port Authority of New York 1937

New York, May 7, 1937

"Gentlemen, as you all know, I have recently returned from visiting Germany and, more precisely, its new port complex near Hamburg. What the Germans have wrought there will send shock waves throughout the world of transport and logistics.

With their new system of standard-sized containers and pallets, they have simplified and streamlined all aspects of logistics. Where they once required entire crowds of stevedores to transship a load, they now only need a small team, and they are managing the task in much less time. Right now at our own docks it takes several days to unload cargo that arrives by train or truck, and then load it on board a ship. It only takes a few hours for the Germans!

I don't think I need to point out the enormous competitive advantage this gives to the German transport sector and the industry they serve. Therefore, it is imperative that we upgrade our logistics with a similar system.

Fortunately, the Germans are aware that their system will become more efficient as more ports and shipping companies adopt their new way of working. Therefore, they are willing to license pallet and container construction here in the US for a few cents as long as we keep the same sizes and dimensions to remain compatible.

"My strongest recommendation is that we send a team of negotiators, engineers and other experts to Germany as soon as possible to acquire for the Port of New York and the U.S. as a whole these enormous benefits to our industry."

Some preliminary observations of the new Admiral Hipper class.

To Admiral Cunningham CinC Mediterráneo

On the occasion of her arrival at her post in the Armaments Blockade off the coast of Spain he sent HMS Exeter to observe the new Kriegsmarine ships in particular their new cruiser KMS Admiral Hipper. The preliminary observations of the Captain and Crew are attached. A more detailed report will follow upon her return to port.

On behalf of Admiral Superintendent Gibraltar

Yours in command,

Commander J. Tomson

From HMS Exeter in command of Gibraltar,

In accordance with orders, we have made several close passes by the KMS Admiral Hipper. As the Germans were quite aware of our purpose, some interesting maneuvers were carried out on both sides, however, we were able to take excellent photographs and observations of our quarry.

1. While she is officially classified as a 10,000 ton heavy cruiser, the Captain's strongest suspicion is that she, in fact, weighs several thousand additional tons.

2. Her 8-inch cannon armament is well mounted, she should be able to fire a full volley at almost 320 degrees.

3. As reported, she does not fly airplanes, nor does she have the facilities for them.

4. During maneuvers, she was able to make remarkably sharp turns and during last month's storms she exhibited excellent seakeeping and stability.

5. Unfortunately, we were unable to lure her at speeds above 30 knots, but it would be foolish to assume that she couldn't easily exceed those speeds.

6. Several strange round structures are mounted on its observation tower, the purpose of which has so far eluded us. Although her position leads one to believe that they have a role in the observation.

7. Her torpedo tubes measure at least two feet wide and are quite long. (We hope that the photos taken allow a more accurate calculation of her dimensions). This points to a new, heavy type of torpedo, most likely a capital ship killer.

8. In addition to her primary and secondary weaponry, she carries an almost ridiculous amount of tertiary weaponry. We estimate that this is for air defense purposes, and that after the events of last year, the Germans have decided not to make any more changes with the bombers.

As ordered, HMS Exeter will now return to Gibraltar.

Yours in command,