
Trials Of Adonis [Pt 1]

The mission would be tough.

Adonis already knew how powerful and ruthless the Dragons could be. The last thing he wanted to do was underestimate them, or the journey he would have to take in order to arrive at his ultimate goal.

He even considered staying in the Capital a while until he was able to gather enough power and resources to depart.


'No! I can't stay here any longer!'

As much as it pained him to admit it, everyone around him was holding him back.

His insane growth would have been even more astronomical if he was alone—taking all the EXP for himself, and moving at his own pace. However, due to his consideration for everyone else—and the fact that he recognized how important allies were—he had intentionally stifled his growth.

The consequence for that was the death of his thousands.

'No more!'

Adonis resolved to leave the Capital—no, to leave the United Human Alliance as a whole.