
An Extra’s POV

“Otherworlders… we beg you to save our world from ruin.” Rey and his classmates get summoned to another world, and they’re given Skills and Classes based on their limited Karma. Everyone gets multiple Skills and a decent Class in order to survive the new world. However, Rey decides to invest all his Karma on a single Skill, leaving him with the weakest Class. Unknown to everyone, though, he has the potential to be the strongest. ________ Original Character Arts of the characters are in my Discord Server, so please join to have access to them Link: https://discord.gg/5HRA6ZUa7y Join our Subreddit too: https://www.reddit.com/r/Magecrafspellcraft/s/jd6bWa6zsN I hope you all enjoy the story. Thank you!

Magecrafter · Fantasy
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774 Chs

The Malignant One [Pt 1]

"Let's get the first things out of the way."

The one known as Ater began by raising a finger, pointing the tip upwards.


In an instant, a swirling sphere of darkness, sparking with purple crackles of energy, appeared at the top of his pointed finger.

It shot up into the sky, scattering the moment it reached a high enough altitude.

Once the sphere exploded, it created a thin layer of purplish black darkness—like a veil—that covered the sky and shrouded the immediate vicinity.

In a mere moment, all of the Mercenary Gang members were within the massive dome of darkness.

'What did he just do?' Claudius wondered to himself as he stared above him.

They could still see the moon hanging in the sky, as well as pretty much everything else.

The world was just a bit darker, but apart from that, there was no issue at all.

'If his goal was not to take away our vision to restrict our mobility, then what was it?