
Sudden Switch

The rest of the process was pretty simple.

Rey and the Symbiote Slime entered a binding vow, each delivering their own conditions for the relationship to be established.

On Rey's end, he gave three conditions:

"One, never betray me."

"Two, always obey my commands."

"Three, do not obey any other person's commands unless I give you permission to."

They seemed incredibly extreme, but when considering the actions or inactions of a Familiar, they all tallied.

Even Ater followed these three to the latter, yet he was still able to express himself and take the initiative in a lot of instances. As such, Rey didn't feel negatively about his conditions.

Instead, he focused on the ones that came from the Slime.

As though keeping things fair, it also had three conditions:

"Do not accept any other Familiar."

"Do not break our bond for whatever reason."

"Do not starve me."