
Resounding Clash

'I didn't want to come to this conclusion before, but…'

As Adrien stood before the Dragon Generals as an accused traitor, surrounded by the entirety of the Dragon Camp, he found a small smile crawling up his face.

'... There's definitely some mastermind pulling the strings here.'

It felt a little ironic—rather hilarious, even—to Adrien. He was the one who usually took on such a role, so it was a little shocking to have someone else manipulate these events from the shadows.

'Whoever they are… they are good.' He smiled to himself. 

Not only were they able to catch him off-guard, stripping him of the advantage he had built up from the start, but he was still unaware of this person's identity.

All possible suspects weren't present, which meant this had to be a new foe. 


"What's with that look?! Do you not have words of defense to give?" R'azak yelled out, his eyes bloodshot as steam proceeded from his nostrils.