
Land Of Giants [Pt 1]

All of the giants, in their magnitude, were in submission.

This absurd sight sparked wide eyes and gaping mouths from both Justin and Belle, as the two couldn't believe their eyes at the moment. They cast their gaze at the man who had the full respect of the Giants, and he was simply smiling casually.

… Almost as if the whole thing was nothing.

"H-how? When…?"

"When?" Ater said, turning to Justin, whose mutterings managed to reach his ears. "What kind of question is that?"

Both Belle and Justin fell into further confusion, but thankfully Ater clarified what he meant with his next statement.

"While the two of you were in the Dungeon, I figured I could simply conquer them to kill time."

"Y-you already conquered all of them?!"

"Yeah. You look so surprised." Ater gave Justin a smirk, then turned to Belle, whose face was already red as a tomato.

"It wasn't that difficult."