
Chapter 19: On the road again.

 With both Edwin and Hadrian agreeing that they were going to take care of the children, the choice was clear. They went to the mayor, got the three adopted under Edwin's name, as Hadrian was an outlaw, and bought a covered carriage with two horses.

The back of the carriage was full of fodder for the horses, and Hadrian even braved the sunrise inside. At nightfall, he came out refreshed and wide awake, singing the praises of the comfy seats inside.

And so, they gathered their things and got back on the road soon after. Edwin was driving the carriage with Luciano next to him. He felt that now it was as good as time as any to begin teaching the boy. But he felt he needed to speak plainly, least he snuffed out the boy's enthusiasm to become a healer.

"Lucy, do you know what the most important thing about healing is?" asked Edwin. The boy smiled brightly and nodded.