
The Next Covert Mission

"As for the rush to make your point… enjoy your childhood, kid. You'll have all the time in the world!" Master Jon smiled tightly.

"But it's a good experience Master Jon." He responded skeptically.

"For you or them?"

Remo kept his silence…He is a great uncle and mentor.

"Next weekend, I will teach you the ancient art of defensive block with the speed of the wind. You can use this technique during fights by your ordinary self. No need your hidden abilities."

Lowering his head, Remo nodded.

A hint of regret could be seen on his eyes.

It's like losing the chance to show something special… something important.

"Come on, kid! I can feel your regret. Cheer up! It's not the end of the world yet!"…

Remo laugh mildly before moving on with him.

The days quickly passed, and he was already on his secondary school.

Even during the summer break, he devoted his time practicing his combat skills.

During this time, he fell in love with the rigors of learning the technique and put them into action.

It was also at this time Master Jon explained him the power of lifeforce in nature.

"You need to know that growth of plants and perseverance of animals are vital energy holding the human system internally. Because of that, the true-life force of essence self-unites your body, mind, and spirit."

"What do you mean by that Master Jon?"

"What I mean is the energy moving in your body is your breath and blood. It nourishes your healthy diet, give you enough rest and during practicing your technique."

"I do believe you, Master Jon. I can say I begin to feel my energy rises in my consciousness after I took the "first pill" then meditate."

Master Jon nodded then faced Remo putting his hands above his head. He closed his eyes merging their auras.

"At a very young age, he'll soon become a true master!" Master Jon said to himself.

It was at this moment that Remo wakes up from his trance feeling someone is pushing his shoulders hard.

"Hey bro, were here! What happened to you? You've been very quiet!"

"Are we there yet?"

Peter and other staff could not contain their amusement. "You were daydreaming, Sir Remo! Peter been nudging you for quite some time now!"

"Uh..huh… Remo glanced at the clock in front of the vehicle.

It's past six in the evening. Mayi will soon come as informed earlier.

"Okay. Let's go have our meals, boys."

While taking dinner, Joyo Ratnasani asked. "Care to join our nightly games, bro."

He is a Malaysian foreman who takes care of the Archi works. The other two guys Horlik and Arif were from Indonesia who will assists the construction until completion.

"Not this time brothers!" he excused himself.

It was obvious he would come out as the winner anyway --- which was always the result.

"Good riddance. We could not succeed with you around!" all of them literally laughs.

'Okey boys, Peter…See you tomorrow!" he bade his goodbyes.

"Sure, chief, see you tomorrow. Sleep tight." Peter understands, but not the others.

Mayi is waiting for him.

Upon arrival, Mayi greeted him right after he entered his room.

"How is your work today, love."

Remo went over and give her a peck. There was no tantrums this time.

She was composed idly stroking her straight black hair.

"Great day babes! Have you finished your dinner?"

"Yeah. I know you're leaving soon, so I would like to stay the night with you."

She took my arms. "I know its uncalled for to tell you; undignified and even uncalled for," Mayi was on the verge of crying, "but it makes so much difference what you think of --- of me" …


Remo interrupted and put his fingers crossed in her lips.

He could clearly see what she was thinking. Without a doubt, Mayi was unhappy of him moving away.

"I care for you, babes." Each of his voice was distinctly transparent so she could understand his true feelings.

"We can plan ahead and make sure we'll meet and connect even when I'm away." Remo kissed her kips confidently.

Her misery slowly disappeared with a quick blush spreading gradually on her face.

The next moment, the room were filled with intense energy, mixing two bodies for the sake of love.

An hour past their romance, Remo was given a surprise when his phone vibrated.

Mayi was asleep, cuddling and feeling comfortable.

He draws himself off to avoid waking her up, flicking his phone with an energy force, he catches it on the way to the balcony.

Feeling like a chess player, handling his pieces cleverly was needed to avoid being detected by anyone.

"SAS in this hour? --- Well, they are living in a different time zone, anyway!"

"Good evening. Any important messages?"

"It's morning here Remo! As an agent of SAS, your role is to take calls at any time.'

"I understand!"

"Your next mission is to locate and take picture of a man for valuable information of other agents on his whereabouts. Do whatever it takes to get the job done!"

"The subject: Mr. Allam Mussad, commander of the Taliban mujahideen forces."

Four photos front, side views of a bearded plain faced Afghan fighter was flashed for ten seconds. 

Unlocking his visual memory, Remo switched his sense of power to remember the images on his brain.

"If caught, you are authorized to terminate or harm the criminal in order to escape."

"Your mission, should you decide to accept it, our communication shall self-destruct."

"I do!"

 "We have chosen a team for you. Ryan Finn, an American marksman sniper would assist your mission!"

"All necessary documents shall be forwarded. Good luck Remo Hunter!"

Across the balcony was a dimly lit forest that were lined on every side with tall and graceful trees.

He would be leaving this place. Probably never come back after this mission.


For people… this mission is unpredictable. Tonight was one such night. He would work with someone where his arms and body in another man's safety.

Ryan Finn. Who is this guy. Can he be trusted?

With a quiet snick, he turned around and went inside shutting the back door with the wave of his hands.

Mayi was sleeping soundly.

He watched the 'little girl' with beautiful profile looped around her black hair, warm with dusky scarlet complexion like a pear.

He felt some pity...

'I'll be leaving soon babes. But I'll come and see you!'