
An eventful summer- short story

A comedy story that I made up while looking at a funny picture. Feel free to laugh. Hopefully you feel a teensy bit happier after this. Apologies for choosing the wrong settings. !WARNING!: SHORT STORY NOT A SERIES.

TingTheWriter · Teen
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An eventful summer

On one summer morning, I decided to go to the beach. The sky was clear and sunny and the early morning breeze indicated that it was a good day to go to the beach . It was a terrible idea.

Even while knowing that I was a very inexperienced swimmer, I still dared to go into the water without a float. Well, technically, it wasn't by choice, it was by force. Specifically, force fortified by Mother Nature.

So here's what happened. As I was nonchalantly applying sunscreen, sunbathing in the glorious, warm sun, my bladder suddenly called for an emergency. And it so happened that the nearest bathroom was 50 miles away from me. With my unfit chubby rolls of fat, I knew I wasn't going into make it in time. So, me, thinking no one would notice, went down to the sea of water and started doing my own business. A flash of realization struck me and I knew that this wasn't going to be only liquid waste excretion- it was going to include solids too.

Knowing this, I went deeper into the sea, trying to find an obscure place that no one could see from most angles. I released my load. Feeling satisfied, I turned around to see a sunburned man with a blue swim cap staring at me— and at this moment, I knew that I had to run. I screamed as loud as I could and ran. And from that day on, I never went back to that beach again.

I can't seem to upload the image, but hopefully you can imagine it. Please leave in the comments what you think the image was, it'll be quite fun to see your opinions. Hopefully this cheered you up!

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