

sometime in the future

It's March again, and the trees are full of the soft, white cotton balls, the lightest winds carrying them away occasionally. There's two merry voices laughing and bickering, mingling with the early spring morning; our hands entwined in their own mundane way.

It might have been the next year, or perhaps an March coming ages later... Who really knows, in an eternity of existence?

Who really cares, in an eternity with your love?

heyyy there! this story idea has been in my head for almost 3 years now (with little of the soup of thoughts actually being written down)

I will work towards constructing it into the story that I've already fallen in love with, hope to capture your hearts too!

NOTE (....spoiler?):

though it starts with a prologue, the timeline is actually set in the future. Similarly, the (would be) epilogue would be set in the past!

Would love to know if y'all have any ideas about my story! Comment it and let me know =)

stormwindscreators' thoughts