
Fire the Cannons

[A/N: Enjoy the cannon.

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Walking up to the school was quite the experience for Luke, especially that time that he went there during their school festival. That was a fun time.

Moving on, Luke was walking as he saw a familiar green haired boy. 'Wait, why the fuck is Midoriya here? Did the fucking universe correct itself and suddenly let him have a version of OFA? Either way, I should know what his quirk is by the time the physical test rolls around.' He though whilst staring at the green hair boy trip and get saved by Uraraka. Getting to a registry area of the school, he went to the room they told him to go.

Now in the room, he waited for a teacher to come in and give the exams. Eventually, a teacher entered, did the last roll call, and once he was done with that, gave them their exams and told them they had until 12 PM to finish the exams.

Luke's head was banging on the table, as he didn't account for this. In all his time training, fighting, having sex, he didn't account for the one thing exams are notorious for. Studying! He looks around him to see if anyone else was having trouble, and just as he was about to give up. There, a person who was passing through the pages as fast as possible.

That was his ticket to succeeding, and like the big brain person that he was. He made an eye appear on his shoulder and made it invisible. This was almost like the first test in the chūnin exams.

The information starts to flow inside his brain, as he was now able to get answers from the person while fact checking it with his wisdom. This made it so that he got a perfect score during the written exams.


[Quest Added]

[Test of Strengths]

Objective.- Get 1st place in the entrance exams.

Secret Objective- ???

Reward – 40K EXP, 1 [Gacha Token]

Secret Reward- ???

Failure – OFA is stripped.

Stretching on his chair, he stood up and submitted his exam paper. Everyone around him was so shocked that they want to sit near him (for cheating reasons). He was then told to go to the auditorium, and wait for the next exam to start. Walking over there, he again waited.

While waiting for it to start, a nervous looking girl took the seat next to him. Looking to his right, he noticed it was Ochaco Uraraka. With her looking back at him because he was looking at her, she was smitten by his appearance.

[+ 25 Affection with Ochaco for being hot.]

[+ 20 Obedience with Ochaco for being hot.]

"You need gum? Your awfully shaky aren't ya? Hold up, I got some gum in my pockets." Ochaco was quite surprised, as Luke was speaking in a very informal tone and thought that he was a delinquent.

Backing off a bit, because she thought he was that type of person. Luke who noticed this, just told her to relax and that he wasn't going to do anything weird and that they should focus more on the test.

Thanking him for calming her down, she asked if he was a foreigner because of the way he looked. He responded with saying yes, that he was indeed a foreigner from another country, and that he went to Japan to take go to UA.

Surprised by this, she kept on asking questions until Present Mic started talking and they had to quiet down.

After ignoring Present Mic whole speech and subsequently Iida's rant, Luke marched on to his test site with Ochaco by his side, as they both had the same testing site. Doing some stretches, with Ochaco doing some exercise stretches and Luke just stretching his back. The countdown finally started ticking.

"START! WAIT WHY ARE YOU ALL JUST STANDING THERE?! THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN REAL FIGHTS GET TO IT!" Present Mic shouted to everyone who was standing there like clueless chickens.

Luke just ran, and boy did he do it quickly. Limiting himself to only the speed of lightning in his 'Lightning Armor' he ran and punched every single robot in his path. Blowing each of their robotic head of as he kept on getting notifications on killing these robots.

After getting enough to guarantee his victory, he looked at the mass destruction behind him. Satisfied with his work he found a random chair and sat their looking cool as chaos ran rampant around him.

Eventually the big boy showed up with his little reinforcements. The 0 pointer, in its hulking form, moved and demolished multiple buildings doing so. Luke was walking towards it when a scream alerted him that something was wrong. Finding Ochaco stuck in some of the rubble, he immediately ran towards her and saved her in the nick of time by grabbing her in a princess carry and running to where it was safe.

Now in a safe place where no one could disturb them, Luke grabbed a small chuck of metal out of one of his pockets, aimed it at the 0 pointers head. And let it rip.

[205,800 Damage Dealt]

A boom sounded throughout the facility, as everyone covered their ears from the 'bomb' that just exploded in their ears. Of course, Luke helped Ochaco, who was near him, by using 'Vector Manipulation' to make it so that she only heard it partially to not make her suspicious.

Luke looks to his right, and saw Ochaco awestruck at the amount of power he just exploded out of his fingers.

[+20 Affection with Ochaco for saving her.]

[+25 Obedience with Ochaco for the amount of power you just released.]

"Hey Luke-san, what is your quirk exactly? Because that was definitely more power than a regular electricity quirk should have!" The girl, who was on the ground, shouted demanding an explanation.

"Well, my dear Uraraka, that is what you call a 'Railgun'. Using lightning on my fingers at just the right amount (a lot) and you get a projectile that can pierce through many, many things." Luke responded with a weird smile.

"I get that, but how did you find out you could do that?" She again question, putting her fingers on her temple to relive the head ache from her quirk and the absurdity of his power.

"I saw it in this one old anime from 200 years ago. Where one of the main characters had an ability, where she could fire out coins using her electricity. You know a lot of anime from the past have some good inspirations for new abilities." He explained looking at her now with a less threatening smile.

"Ok, but we should really go to the auditorium now. The exam should be finished." She said while limping. Luke went up to her and helped her walk because she would ask anyways if he didn't.

Eventually they both reached the sort of healing center, Luke told recovery girl what happened to Ochaco. Ochaco thanked him for helping her get there, but Luke shrugged it off saying that "As we are about to become future heroes, we should help each other when people are in need." Saying something poetic like that net him a couple of hero points.

After a bit, he had to go. So, saying his goodbyes to Ochaco, he went off back home.


Observation Room

Most of the hero course teachers were sitting in their respective chair waiting for exams to start, when suddenly the TV turned on. And with it brought the start of the exams.

All the teacher were looking at the various monitors that were in front of them, looking at different potential students that each had unique powers that they all showed off. One particular student stood out from the rest though, a blue blur that was running around leaving hole inside the robots.

This of course was Luke, speeding around and overall impressing the teachers at his potential. All Might in particular was the most impressed. Having such a smug look on his face that just said, I trained that boy.

But they soon saw another boy, this one was burning everything in his path. His flames looked to be hotter than even endeavor's. He would also pick up the flames lying around him and use them in a wave like fashion to defeat all the robots in his path.

And lastly, was an angry boy. The kids were screaming his head off about the robots being extras. Power loader felt a bit offended that he referred to them in such a manner. The robots and machines that he creates are like children to him. So, to them being not only destroyed (that part didn't bother him) but also disrespected. Made him feel a certain way.

But besides that, everything else was not as eventful as the first one. Some teacher voicing their opinions on that person's quirk, whether good or bad they all had some input on how they could have used it taking notes just incase one of them decided to take an apprentice.

Soon, the 0-pointer showed up. Rising from the ground, as it split apart like the red sea. All around, in all the testing sites. Rumbling and people screaming were common happenings. People standing too close to the area of the 0 pointer, fell into the dark abyss where there were pillow and signs telling them to try better next and not to fall into the "pit fall of failure".

Just as they were counting the amount of people who failed, a loud boom sounded throughout the facility. All Might, the smug bastard that he was became even more smug with the explosion. It didn't take long for the rest of them to look at the particular screen that All Might was looking at.

In it, the same boy who was blitzing the robots, was there holding his arm out making a finger gun. Next to him was a girl, who had her leg injured. This didn't matter though, as they were more focus on the boy. Looking at his file, it said that his name was Luke.

No last name, from what it said in the file. He quickly changed it after his parents died and he became an orphan. He was supposed to go through the recommendation exam but he denied it just eight months earlier.

On the quirk section of his file, it said his quirk was 'Electrokinetic Human Physiology' but he nicknamed it simply as 'Thunder'. This quirk generated tons of electricity from his body. But unlike other quirks that are similar to his, he could control it like an extension of his body. Focusing it into his finger he created a super move, 'Railgun'.

The power of the blast shot through one other 0 pointer before going into space. Various reactions were thrown as they all gaped at the power of the shot. Examples of these would be, "What the fuck!?" "Holy Shit!" and "STOP SMILING YOU SMUG BASTARD!"


[A/N: Plot, plot, plot, plot. Things are now happening! Characters are doing things. And Midoriya has a quirk! You want to guess what happens. No, you don't want to guess because it takes too much time? Well then! Find out on the next chapter of Esper's Game!]