
An Endless New Dream

An updated and partially rewritten version to be posted on Royal Road Reincarnated into the World of Remnant. Let’s see where this take our gender bent protagonist. What adventures will happen. Will the fall of beacon be prevented? Can Salem be stopped? Is traveling worlds possible where will they end up next. I wanna admit now this is my second ever book. At the start, I wasn't that good at keeping track of things like time there are times when I meant to jump months and it seems like its the next day. There are times when I mean to time skip years and it was only months. The first 7 chapters are there and a mess I am sorry about that, its been over a year since I have written them and I still do not know how to fix them. Im really only keeping this book here because it is A End. It is gonna be my last fanfic when I finish it and I like to read it sometimes to see my own growth as a writer.

Commonnerfer · Anime & Comics
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479 Chs

Ch 378:

Meanwhile at the Azure base in a meeting room looking at a black mental cube.

"I've honestly got no idea." Langley says

"I'm not much help either I'm afraid." Amazon also admits

"Unacceptable the Admiral is coming with New Jersey we must have answers." Elizabeth says

"Maybe that other ship. The really powerful one she might know some stuff." Hornet suggests

Enterprise says nothing and just stares at the cube.

"What do you think lady Enterprise?" Belfast asks

Enterprise reaches her hand out and touches the black mental cube.

Everyone meanwhile jumps to hold Enterprise back Hornet pulls back Enterprise immediately.

"That black mental cube is the opposite of the normal ones." Kyra says walking into the room.

"And it would be best for no one else to touch it." Kyra says closing its holding box.

"What about my sister!" Hornet shouts

"She's the only one who would've been fine aside from maybe Laffey." Kyra says

"I'm sorry however madam you said that this was the opposite of a normal mental cube?" Belfast asks

"That it is, the normal mental cube is built off the hopes and dreams of humanity while that corrupted filth was built off of fear and greed." Kyra says


Meanwhile out in space.

I'm hooked on a feeling

I'm high on believing

That you're in love with me

"Well at least the music is good." Blake says

"How long is this gonna be?" Ghira asks

"Well, we could get there in around 15 minutes however the other ship is well going to take around a day… if we are lucky." The capitan says

"Note to self, don't let Kyra talk me into stuff again." Ghira says

"Grandpa you know that won't work." Lapis says

"I know…" Ghira says


Back at Azurlane base.

"Built off of greed and fear. What are you some sort of Poet!?" Elizabeth asks

Meanwhile Belfast is helping Hornet with Enterprise.

"It's not to much unlike Excalibur. The sword of promised victory, built off of the dreams and hope of man kind." Kyra says looking Elizabeth in the eyes.

"Radar has picked up a large fleet heading this way." Harriet says breaking into the room.

"Harriet what did I say about kicking down doors?" Kyra asks

"Don't get caught?" Harriet says unsure.

The groan that comes from Kyra is missed by no one.

"Which direction are they in? I'll bombard them from here." Kyra says standing up.

"Wait what?" The other ships ask

"I need to talk to your Admiral. It involves the fate of this world." Kyra says

"228 degrees range 200 miles." Harriet says

"I should probably step outside don't wanna blast the roof off." Kyra says leaving


"One more day sister." Kaga says

"I feel like we are forgetting something." Akagi says

Suddenly there are splashes as shells hit the water.

Several siren ships go ablaze as they are hit by the shells.

"Oh we forgot to bring a bigger boat." Prinz Eugen says

"What?" Akagi asks before there is more shells raining from the sky.


"So how long before the Admiral arrives?" Kyra asks turning around.

"That is some impressive weaponry." Queen Elizabeth says

"Thanks." Kyra says

"The Admrial will be here within 8 hours." Elizabeth says

"It's takes more than a few days by boat." Kyra says

"He's taking a plane." Elizabeth says

"Wait… you can take your riggings into planes?" Kyra asks

"Yes?" Elizabeth says confused

"Okay then…. I'm gonna go take a Nap, if you could send for Harriet or Luna to wake me up when he arrives that would be great. I've had a hell of a day." Kyra says