
An Endless New Dream

An updated and partially rewritten version to be posted on Royal Road Reincarnated into the World of Remnant. Let’s see where this take our gender bent protagonist. What adventures will happen. Will the fall of beacon be prevented? Can Salem be stopped? Is traveling worlds possible where will they end up next. I wanna admit now this is my second ever book. At the start, I wasn't that good at keeping track of things like time there are times when I meant to jump months and it seems like its the next day. There are times when I mean to time skip years and it was only months. The first 7 chapters are there and a mess I am sorry about that, its been over a year since I have written them and I still do not know how to fix them. Im really only keeping this book here because it is A End. It is gonna be my last fanfic when I finish it and I like to read it sometimes to see my own growth as a writer.

Commonnerfer · Anime & Comics
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479 Chs

Ch 212: Talk with Aunt Minnie.

"So today I will be having you turn these match sticks into needles." Mcgonagall says

"Now I don't expect you to get this in the first try. So if you shall look up here I will demonstrate the wand movement and chant." Mcgonagall

"And Miss Potter I would like it if we could have a chat after class." Mcgonagall says before looking at the match stick and pointing her wand at it.

Harriet grabs the match sticks and transfigures it into a dagger she also takes a good chunk of the desk aswell.

"Uhhh..." Harriet mumbles quickly putting her book over the dent in the table.


Professor Mcgonagall looks around the room to see Harriet helping other students.

'Just as talented as her mother.' Mcgonagall thinks before noticing the knife in front of Harriet...

'Maybe a bit more talented, okay she may actually be a very scary genius.' Mcgonagall thinks

'She mentioned the name Yume while she was... why would she mention that person's name." Mcgonagall thinks

Walking up to her.

"So miss Potter, what happened to your match stick?" Mcgonagall asks

Harriet holds up the knife.

"Uh... I kinda pictured the needle wrong." Harriet says with a slight giggle.

'Should I be worried... Nah Lily was a bit like that too wasn't she.' Mcgonagall thinks

"15 points to hufflepuff for the advanced transfiguration well done." Mcgonagall says waking away to check on the other students.

Meanwhile a brown and bushy haired girl starts rapid firing questions at Harriet.


"Oh thank mother she didn't ask how I did it." Harriet mutters taking a quick glance at the books.

Class seems to pass quickly.

"So you wanted to speak to me professor?" Harriet asks walking up to Mcgonagall after class.

"Your mother? She's alive?" Mcgonagall asks

"If you mean momma Lily then yes." Harriet says

"How?" Mcgonagall asks since most resurrection magic is dark.

"Momma Kyra found out her soul was bound to a blood ward on my body and was able to revive her." Harriet says

"Kyra?" Mcgonagall asks

"Ah, you should know her by the name of Yume." Harriet says

Mcgonagall seems to freeze.

"Why are you telling me this?" Mcgonagall asks

"Momma Lily trust you, Aunt Minnie." Harriet says

"What about Yum- I mean Kyra?" Mcgonagall asks

"She likes your character and personality but is afraid you would tell Dumbledore about her. I believe her words were 'Will this damn stalker ever leave me alone, he has shown up at like 6 of my safe houses already!' Then she was yelled at about using that kind of language in front of me by all of my other mothers." Harriet says

"So if I don't tell anyone about this stuff I might be able to meet Lily again?" Mcgonagall asks

"'Mom? I have a question'" Harriet thinks since she knows for her current safety since this world is crazy her mom is monitoring her thought to make sure she isn't charmed, potioned, or some

Sort of magical artifacted into god knows what.

Suddenly a Phoenix flashes into the room.

"If you could please ask your question again Professor Mcgonagall." Harriet says

"So if I don't say anything to anyone I can meet Lily again? We could talk about your family?" Mcgonagall asks

Suddenly the blue Phoenix flames away before coming back with a note and a book.

"Ah, yeah we should have her study that too." Harriet says

"What?" Mcgonagall asks

"Here take this it's an occulmency book, if you learn this then it is a yes." Harriet says after looking at the note.

"A yes?" Mcgonagall asks

"Yes, you have until the hogsmead weekend to learn occulmency then you will meet one of my mothers at the hogshead inn then go from there." Harriet says relaying the last part of the note.

"Thanks I won't let her down again." Mcgonagall says

"Have a good day Aunt Minnie." Harriet says walking out ready to go pick a fight with squirrel.


"So when can I leave?" Sirius asks a mediwitch

"Soon." The woman says casting a few diagnostic charms.

"Good I can't wait to see my god daughter." Sirius says