
Ch 142: Hero’s arrive.

Over the ocean a massive black cloud meshing with the bright city of atlas.

"That doesn't look to good." Weiss says

"I wanna man the mini gun!" Ruby shouts

"Go for it." Kyra says as she is cut of by the roar of bullets firing into the cloud of Grimm.

"I'm going to go get my mech ready." Hana says taking off her headset and leaving the co pilot seat.


Meanwhile at the Atlas defense line. A man named James a paladin captain.

"Are the ships up yet?!" James in a paladin over the coms.

"Soon! Damn council wouldn't let us mobilize." Winter shouts back over the coms.

All around the man in the Paladin atlas androids are opening fire into the cloud like shooting fish in a barrel yet none of the Grimm are falling.

"They aren't dropping dead!" James shouts.

"We don't know what Grimm are in the swarm." Winter says back.

Suddenly there is a loud thud.

"What was tha-" James says before he blacks out.


Back with the team.

"What's that white speck flying towards us?" Kyra asks

"I don't know?" Yang says moving up to

The co pilot seat.

"Yang? Why are you up here?" Kyra asks

"I like the view.... that white speck is getting closer." Yang says

"Wait a minute is that a Paladin I didn't know they could fly." Kyra says

They watch as the speck gets bigger and bigger until it "flys" by them.

"That thing wasn't flying." Ruby says over heheadset still shooting off the mini gun.

"It was most certainly falling." Osaka says

"Wrong! It was falling with style." Kyra says

"Is anyone going to help them!?" Tai asks a little intrigued by their conversation.

"On it!" Hana says leaving their vertabird with her mech.

"Jarvis? Do they have an ejection seats in those?" Kyra asks

"In the older modes they do ma'am."Jarvis replies.

"Wanna hack it and set off his ejector seat?" Kyra asks

"Kyra, it's getting closer to the ground." Tai says watching over the side as Hana Flies down to catchup.

"Sure ma'am." Jarvis says as a small dot is seen flying up from a paladin that hits the water.

"Got him!" Hana shouts over the coms.

"Great! I'm take him back to atlas then. I am going to tell winter we are here." Kyra says

"No, I'm telling Winter. As much as I love you I wanna say hi to my sister." Weiss says

"Got it, patching us through to an atlas frequency." Kyra says turning the nob on the radio.

"James! James! Are you reading me!" Winters voice is heard.

"Was James the one flying the paladin?" Kyra ask accidentally.

"Yes, I need a unit number and why are you on this frequency." Winter says sternly.

"Uh, hi Winter." Weiss says

"Weiss? You've returned." Winter says sounding happy.

"Who is James?" Weiss asks

"My boyfriend." Winter says

"Ah it's a good thing we saved him then." Kyra says over the roar of mini gunfire.

"Thank you. I need to get back to the other Chanel's to handle troop placement." Winter says

"Ah, backup is on its way back!" Yang shouts

"Why is she always doing this... that one didn't even make sense." Tai mutters

"Yang, Wait is team RWBYS here?" Winter asks

"Yep, all here with a few extra." Blake says

"Is that why I'm picking up 2 unidentified craft?" Winter asks

"That would be Hana." Ruby says happily.