
An Endless New Dream

An updated and partially rewritten version to be posted on Royal Road Reincarnated into the World of Remnant. Let’s see where this take our gender bent protagonist. What adventures will happen. Will the fall of beacon be prevented? Can Salem be stopped? Is traveling worlds possible where will they end up next. I wanna admit now this is my second ever book. At the start, I wasn't that good at keeping track of things like time there are times when I meant to jump months and it seems like its the next day. There are times when I mean to time skip years and it was only months. The first 7 chapters are there and a mess I am sorry about that, its been over a year since I have written them and I still do not know how to fix them. Im really only keeping this book here because it is A End. It is gonna be my last fanfic when I finish it and I like to read it sometimes to see my own growth as a writer.

Commonnerfer · Anime & Comics
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479 Chs

Autumn’s adventure ch 12:

The PRT office had been on fire.

Well it might have well been actually on fire. The Head director Costa-brown was being thrown under the bus then having the book thrown at her corpse, By Congress and the Youth Gaurd, actually the youth gaurd office seemed to be on fire itself for mess Sophia Hess caused.

To top it all off the fact that Director Piggot has just let the cat girl up and leave was completely out of character for her, the entire base was on lock down for master stranger protocol for 2 days.

"Colin could this get any worse?" Piggot asks

"Yes, in all seriousness do not tempt Murphy." Colin replies.

10 minutes later a call comes in.

"I've got to go deal with the undersiders it seems."Colin(Armsmaster) says putting on his helmet nad leaving.

40 minutes later another call comes through.

Hookwolf was tied upsides down hanging off of the medhall building while a girl was yelling at him in German.

Director Piggot's face-desk would've been one for the ages if anyone were to have witnessed it.


Back with Taylor and Autumn they are sneaking in through the second story window into Taylor's room.

"Dad!" Taylor shouts seeing her dad sitting there waiting for them.

"I need the Forget me stick!" Autumn shouts in panic as she pulls a very threatening looking baseball bat thing out of nowhere.

With a simple swing Mr. Hebert is out cold on Taylor's bed.

"What did you do!" Taylor shouts

"I… I don't know I just panicked!" Autumn shouts

The two hear Mr. Hebert groan.

"Well do something help my dad." Taylor shouts

Autumn in a panic starts pouring aura into Mr. Hebert to get him to wake up.

"Oooww… what was that?" Mr Hebert asks rubbing his head.

"Sorry?" Autumn says genuinely sorry.

"Okay… right what were you two doing out?" Mr Hebert asks still nursing the lump on his head.

"We were on a date!" Autumn says happily

"Okay, I'll need to give you the shovel/shotgun speech later." Mr Hebert says

Autumn smiles and nods.

"Are you okay dad? I mean your glowing." Taylor says

"I feel great. Right you two are back safe we can talk about this in the morning." Mr Hebert says

"O-okay dad." Taylor says nervously

The second Mr Hebert leaves.

"What did you do to my dad!" Taylor asks Autumn

"I think I unlocked his aura? Though he doesn't have much." Autumn says

The bug girl groans.

"Taylor?" Autumn asks

"Yes?" Taylor says

"Umm, your dad didn't react at all to me saying we were on a date." Autumn says confused

"Oh that… um he kinda already knew about me…" Taylor says staring off into the distance clearly uncomfortable.

"So… all the teasing? You wouldn't actually mind going on a date?" Autumn asks a little shocked

Autumn being oblivious is kinda expected since Kyra's her mom.

"Ah, um… the last girl I liked kinda…" Taylor says zoning out.

Autumn takes this opportunity to hug the taller girl.

"You don't have to share if you don't want to." Autumn says

"If we are actually gonna be a thing I feel like I should tell you. Though I thought you were just a flirt, I had no clue you actually swung this way." Taylor says

"Ah um… I mightve been around momma Yang to much." Autumn admits

"You've got multiple mothers?" Taylor asks

"Yep! And I'm biologically momma Kyra's kid and momma Blake's kid." Autumn says

"Huh, so I could still have kids with my partner like this." Taylor says slightly amused.

"Yes definitely, I think we are side tracking though." Autumn says

"Right… well, it was 2 years ago… a few months after my mom died. And Emma was besides me through all of that. She was always with me my best friend since we were in diapers. It's just after awhile I stopped seeing her as a friend and saw her as something more… you know? So I confessed to her told her that I had a crush on her. She left confused and told me she would get back to me. I was so proud of what I've done and told my dad about it. Things were looking great and summer was coming however with mom gone and dad busy with the dock workers Union I was sent to summer camp since he couldn't be home all the time to watch me. Emma never got back to me, and when I came back from camp she was changed." Taylor says having started crying in there somewhere.

Autumn hugs Taylor tighter.

"I'm not leaving you like this." Autumn whispers

Taylor nods in affirmation as the two drift off to sleep.