
An Endless New Dream

An updated and partially rewritten version to be posted on Royal Road Reincarnated into the World of Remnant. Let’s see where this take our gender bent protagonist. What adventures will happen. Will the fall of beacon be prevented? Can Salem be stopped? Is traveling worlds possible where will they end up next. I wanna admit now this is my second ever book. At the start, I wasn't that good at keeping track of things like time there are times when I meant to jump months and it seems like its the next day. There are times when I mean to time skip years and it was only months. The first 7 chapters are there and a mess I am sorry about that, its been over a year since I have written them and I still do not know how to fix them. Im really only keeping this book here because it is A End. It is gonna be my last fanfic when I finish it and I like to read it sometimes to see my own growth as a writer.

Commonnerfer · Anime & Comics
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479 Chs

233: A long over due meeting.

There is a Knock on Kyra's office door.

"Come in." Kyra says

Professor McGonagall walks in and throws a massive book down on the table.

"I and all of the professors here have finished it." McGonagall says alittle angrily.

"Why are you upset?" Kyra asks

"I got several sets of memories back that we're Obliviated." McGonagall growls.

"I'm assuming all of the other professors did aswell?" Kyra asks

The Scottish woman nods.

"I don't appreciate you Obliviating some of my memories from last Christmas." McGonagall says

"It was a necessary thing as you can see with dumbldore being who he is." Kyra says

"You mean senile." McGonagall says

"I'm going to grab Elsa for a test if you wanna get all of the professors here." Kyra says as she steps out.

"Why would she need Harriets cat for a test?" McGonagall thinks to herself as she goes out to get the other professors.


"So what is the point of this exercise?" Snape asks since he sees Kyra holding a small panther.

"We are testing your occulmency. If you pass Lily you can meet the rest of my family." Kyra says

"Why are we doing this?" Sprout asks

"Because of Albus." McGonagall says

"Why is that?" Filius asks

"Does your head suddenly feel extremely clearer after learning occulmency?" Kyra asks

They all nod besides Snape since he already knew it.

"Vasati!" Kyra shouts

"Yes, Miss Yume?" The elf asks

"Tell them what dumbledore does to the pumpkin juice." Kyra says

"Every night before the feast the headmaster comes and ads a secret ingredient to the pumpkin juice." The elf says

"Loyalty potion." Kyra says her theory. Is it right not likely, however she wants them to distrust the senile old man.

All of the professors shiver.

"As much as I wanna out him and have him removed, he has several generations of wizards and witches loyal to him. Not to mention he holds so many positions that if he were to be removed the country would collapse." Kyra says highlighting an extremely important issue.

"What do we do?" Snape asks

"Bide our time... he has 10 year left at best." Kyra says

"Why though?" McGonagall says

"Do you wanna deal with the aftermath?" Kyra asks

"Anyway, Elsa go ahead and test them." Kyra says as the Nundu stares at them all.

Most of them pale however after a few seconds Elsa gives a meow of approval.

"Congratulations you all passed." Kyra says

"Is that Nundu?!" McGonagall shouts

"Yep." Kyra says

"And it's been in the castle since last Christmas!?" McGonagall shouts her accent getting worse.

"Sounds right." Kyra says like there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

"Off you go." Kyra says setting Elsa down and she takes off.

"That can't be in the castle!" McGonagall says and several of the professors nod.

"Sorry but it's Harriets familiar according to law nothing can be done about it." Kyra says with a smile as their jaws drops and they seem helpless.

"Oh, the sun is setting. I think I'm going to go for a walk be back by dinner." Kyra says disappearing.


As Kyra is walking through the forbidden forest she suddenly hears a voice shout.

"I see it! we are close enough." A young girl.

'Did students get lost.' Kyra says running in that direction.

"Where are we?" A different girl asks

"That my dear is hogwarts." A girl with red hair says

'Is that Rias Gremory?' Kyra thinks seeing her.

"How did we get here?" Koneko asks

"Yes please do tell." A red glove with a green gem says

'That's the Rias we reincarnated how did she end up here?' Kyra thinks before speaking up.

"I would love to hear this as well." Kyra says knowing this Rias should be in a different world.

"Ah it's you!" Rias shouts

"Yep definitely her." Kyra thinks.

Yep, she’s in this book for now, I wanted Rias to be op and I’m wondering how to do that is a somewhat sensible way. So find out what happened next chapter.

The other book only has 5 chapters but that’s because I don’t know enough about DXD’s underworld and Rias’s past to write a full story on it so I’m shifting locations. And will go back to completely screw cannon in a bit.

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