
Talk Before the Journey and Getting a Cute Wife

"So tell me what are you going to do now?"

"Haa.....what do you mean by that old man, are you saying that you don't have power to send me back?"

"No its not like that Rito, b-but the thing is...." hikari speak up in the middle of their conversation but couldn't able to finish her sentence.

"The thing is now that you have come to the heaven to can considered yourself missing in your old world and even if I send you back what will you say to you family and friends about your new look. I think you are smart enough to know the consequences. Right?"

"...You are right I don't want to be a lab rat for all those experiments waiting for me if I choose to go back. But can I ask you one thing old man? Why are you keep saying old world? Are there any more worlds out there?" he said with a curious face with made him look more cute in hikari eye's.

"I will tell you if you answer my next question."

"So tell have you ever seen anime?" said old man with a mysterious face.

"Aaaa.....what it have to do that stuff, but since you ask me I should give a honest answer.....No I'm not a anime fan like all those otaku's but my cousin is one of them so I know about few of them like their names or few scenes but I like to hear anime songs so I know many of them. Even my mobile music folder is filled mostly with anime songs."

Rito said while nodding his head.

"Good you are honest kid so I will tell you that all those anime and novel worlds are real and there are many world's similar to those anime. Not only that but there are also several other dimensions and universes with many alternative world's." said the old man with a mysterious face.

"Wait! So are you telling me that every single of them is real. Like magic, robots, monsters, cultivation....All of them! And why are you telling me that." he said as think about a good reason.

"Because as a compensation I will grand you few power and send you to a random world at a random place. So what do you say?"

'It's very interesting to think would turned out like this but it would be very interesting to try something new once in a while.'

"So what powers I would have?"

"About that tell me if I give you the power to conquer anything in the blink of an eye, what would you do?" old man said in a very serious tone like he is testing him but rito doesn't seem to notice it.

"If that kind of power you are talking about.....then sorry i'm not interested."

"Ohh...and why's that, other people always love to have that kind of power whenever I offer it to someone?" said the old man, he was startled by his answer but decide to test him further.

"Well it is good to have that kind of power but if what you saying is true regarding all those world's then it would be boring if I have all that power but no one to fight on equal ground. And I also remember one time my idiot cousin keep nagging me about someone name saitame who is so powerful that he always beat anyone by just one punch so I watch few episodes the that series and I don't want to look like him in the future, so that's my reason!"

"......Ha..ha.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....you are really weird kid, I have seen very few people who think like you in my whole life you and so I have a perfect gift for you in my mind. You will receive it as soon as you will reach your destination but before that it seems that hikari want to tell you something." he said as he look at her granddaughter who seem to be struggling to say something.

Rito shift his eyes towards hikari who have a sad look on her face. But it look like Rito knows what she want to say and beats her to it.

"You don't have to say anything it not your fault you know so don't be sad."

"....You're saying that its nothing but it'st still my fault, so I will do anything for you as long as I live."

"Hohohohoho...my dear granddaughter have become really become bold to confess her to someone in front her grandpa. So, what would you do young man would to take my granddaughter hand for marriage."

"GRANDPA!!! W-W-WHAT ARE Y-YOU SAYING!! We don't even know each properly yet. N-N-No it not like I would agree if we know each other but it is just to soon!!!" she said while quickly run away in embarrassment leaving old man and rito alone.

"Hehe....so what do you say young man, will you marry my granddaughter. She looked quite happy even if she don't show it on her face."

"What! Are you serious, I thought you were only joking."

"Yes I'm serious, you think I would say something about that regarding my own granddaughter?" he said with a little frown forming on his face face.

"No it not like that, what I mean is why me. There would be plenty of other men how want to marry her so why me?"

"You are indeed right that if she want she can be with anyone she want but it is not easy for her because the young one now days are so arrogant that it is become nothing more that a contest for them to see who can win her heart. So if she got married then she can live more freely. That was also the reason she visit to your world to hide away from them but you know what happen after that."

Old Man explain him Rito about Hikari's problem as he can see that they both seem to have feelings for each other. So he thought it would be a good chance for hikari to get a good partner.

"I can understand what you are saying so I will accept your request and promise to keep her save and happy for eternity." said rito with a serious child like face as it is a first time a girl showing interest in him so its become his responsibility to make her happy.

While he said that there seem like hikari came back but before she could enters she hear rito's words and tears of happiness start to form in her eyes.

"And by the way try to get more wife's if you can along the way. Hikari would be happy to have more friends as her fellow sisters."

As old man finish his words he snap his fingers and light start to envelop Rito's whole body and disappear after few seconds leaving no traces of him behind.

"How long are you plans to stay outside come lets have a tea to celebrate your future wedding." he said in a kind tone eye smiling. After he said that hikari came and again sit besides her old man. There are still traces of tears around her beautiful face but seem to be very happy.

Hello friends I hope you like this chapter. So please comment and tell your views about it. I will update new chapter very soon.

KronoSilvercreators' thoughts