
Mira Learns The Role Of Her New Body

As the crown prince and Mira's fiance the 8th Prince were looking for her. She had found a old cave. Where am I? This place doesn't seem very safe. She then saw a young boy. But she didn't believe that he was a human.

The young boy was hurt. But he had fox ears and a fox tail. What the? Is he a demon? The strange boy saw Mira. Hello big sis! He said with a big smile on his face. Just she was about to leave then a man appeared behind her.

He seemed to be the boys father. Mira was endanger, she then backed away from both of them. That woman looks tasty father. This is bad there isn't anything about demons in my world.

Just as they were going to eat her a white light covered her body. What is this? This is the holy light. Run away!! Mira never wanted to kill anyone. But she knew that she didn't have much of a choice but to kill them.

But do to her good nature she stop the holy light. Just after that a dark mist covered. What is happening? Why does have the holy light and the Demonic Darkness? No one can have them. She tried to stop the dark mist.

She some how did. Is she the one that keeps the balance. But why is she a human woman? Mira was covered with light and the dark mist. She couldn't control them both. Mira was growing weaker.

But just as her body was to weak to have control over both light and dark. She passed out. She then was carried by the holy light and the Dark mist. They both carried her to a river near by.

After a few days she was found. But it was the second prince. This is when she had finally woken up. Mira looked at him. I don't need anyone's help. But your too weak? Please understand when I say no it means no.

Mira stood up and left. She went to see if she could change her appearance. She did change it. She looked like her original self. This was me before I came her. But can I use it?

Sense no one knows what I actually look like then they wouldn't bother me. Mira was happy. But just as she had left the area the second prince saw her leave.

But thankfully he didn't see her change her appearance. So he continued to look for Mira. Miranda had been lost for a couple of hours. So she looked for help. The second prince was nearby. So she decided to look for him.

After she had found him, she had asked him for directions. He said that he would show her the way out. With a cubby smile on her face, she had followed him out of this place.

She was close to a town. Thank you for helping me, sir. She had left the town and moved to another kingdom. As time went on Miranda knew that she couldn't be her old self forever.

After 2 long years of being her old self, Miranda returned into Mira. Mira was very sleepy. She had been in hiding for 2 years. But she had mastered her powers. The crown prince was about to be king.

But luck would have it that the Crowned Prince Neil was returning home from a war with another country. He then saw Mira as she was about to enter the castle.

He had stopped his carriage to see her. Excuse me! Mira was startled by him. Umm yes? May I ask you to enter the palace with me? He had reached his hand to her. People were starting to talk about her.

Mira didn't know what to do. So she had agreed to enter his carriage. Just in case that she was indanger Mira was ready to use her powers. She then looked at him. Umm okay? Mira had entered the carriage.

It's been awhile miss. What do you mean by that your highness? Mira Sing Tiffany. You were my younger brother's fiance. But you had ran away from the wedding. I don't understand what you mean? She was trying to play dumb.

But Neil's smile meant that he didn't believe her. Even if you run for the rest of your life we still find you. So it's pointless to lie to me. Mira gave him an anger look. Why do you believe that I was her?

Before she could give herself away, Mira wanted to know how Neil knew that she was Mira Sing Tiffany. This is because I can tell by the aura around. It is the same as before. Even if more stronger. Is that all?

You must have more then my aura to just say that I was someone's fiance. Their is the fact that one of the flowers that I gave you, had something to help find you. And believe me this is not a lie.

Mira didn't want to believe this. But Neil did something to make her mark show. Damit it!! Fine then. You have won. I am Mira Sing Tiffany. And the answer to your is very simple. Why would I stay somewhere that is dangerous?

My own maid was killing me. My own mother was poisoned by my step mother. And that evil woman was doing the same thing to me. If I didn't leave then I would have died once again.

So then Your Royal Highness, I was just trying to stay alive. Is there anything wrong with that? No there isn't. But how can your father let this happen to his own favorite child.

He didn't know because my step mother was extremely smart and careful. She know if my father found out then she wouldn't be able to let her own children take over the family.

This is also why she had killed my own mother. So she could become the wife of the family. Believe me when I say this. She would do anything for power. She also knew that if I was dead then her children could marry the Royal family.

After all her status of the family will be a pretty high don't you say? You have a point. That woman is smart. Her children did marry into the Royal family after you went missing. Your father tried to do everything to find you.

But for some reason he couldn't. His people would give up looking for you. Mira looked at him. I did think that it was very strange that they gave up or didn't want to look for you.

This is because no matter what he couldn't find you. So that is why your father had to married off that woman's children to the Royal family. Even my father thought that it was strange.

It could have been that woman who stopped them from looking for me. I wonder what would happen if I return with a sword and wearing armor. After all my father was worried. Plus I could've said that I was told that I was poisoned.

And this poison had been brought by the same person from before my mother had died. Now that is something that I want to see. Neil knew why she would say this. So he gave her armor and a sword to wear.

Thank you for them your Royal highness. She said with a smile. Next time they return to Mira's home to see her family. What do you think is going to happen. Please leave me comment if have any thoughts on what you think is going to happen. So stay tuned.