
An Elementalist at Hogwarts

When Henry Marth, a rich, handsome and playboy but lazy young adult save a strange black cat at the cost of his legs and his handsome face he lost everything, his friends, his girlfriend, even the love from his parents, he finally saw how superficial everything in his life was and ultimately sinked in depression. Only movies, tv shows, mangas, novels and his now only little companion at four legs made his life supportable until the day of his house burnt with him inside, but it's not the end of his journey, no, it's just the beginning. I don't own Harry Potter nor Bleach and the cover isn't mine either. English isn't my native language so there will be errors. I lauched a Pat reon https://www.pat reon.com/The_Grindelwald You can read extra chapters who will only be posted on Pat reon Just remove the space if you want to check, thank you for the support if you decide to become a pat reon.

The_Grindelwald · Book&Literature
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Magic knowledge

It's been four years since my first attempt at magic and my near death, I'm now seven years old and my parents, after that incident started our teaching of the magic arts and the magic knowledge, yes our, because my sister was the collateral damage from my stupidity as they started teaching her as well, of course before magic teaching came the ordinary teaching. Like how to read, write, knowledge on the world, muggle history, mathematics, geography, not as much as we could learn in a muggle school but enough to have common sense, something who cruelly make default to the majority of the magical world...

Then came the teaching of the magic arts, at first they teached us what is magic and the risks about his use, well apparently nobody know a shit about what is the magic, an energy who is everywhere as well as inside the body of everyone and this energy grant the possibility to deform the reality, waouh, such an explanation...

Everyone owns this energy, even the muggles and the ordinary animals but they don't have a magical core, and it's this magical core who grants us the capability to use the energy inside us.

I have to make some researches on this energy in the future but it will be after my curiculum at Hogwarts at least.

Like how mother explained to me, making magic without be stong enough, in another words using magic when your magical reserves aren't enough to support this magic, is very dangerous if the user made the magic with all his will, the vital energy will be used to make the magic to compensate the lack of magic amount. In the past there are some famous wizards and witches who used their vital energy to fuel their spell to fight against stronger opponents, often in desperate case against powerful Dark Lords, yes Grindelwald and Voldemort weren't the only Dark Lords who stepped on the world and not the strongest either.

There are some wizards who used their vital energy unintentionally, just because they overestimated themselves or miscalculated the consumption of the magic they used but unfortunately used with strong will, after all none window pop up in your head saying:

[Your magical reserves aren't enough to fuel your magic but you used enough will to make your vital energy compensate the lack of you magical reserves, your vital energy will take the relay to fuel your magic. Do you agree?]

Using your vital energy is a very serious thing, it's not like after using it and going to sleep a little will make you be okay, no, the only known way is using a dark ritual to steal vital energy from others, killing the stolen in the process, and even with this, the amount of vital energy gained is very small and hundreads of people are needed just to replenish one wizard. Some Dark Lords used the vital energy of an entire city to fuel their magic. In history, even a Light Lord after using his vital energy in a final fight against a Dark Lord used this ritual to replenish his own and then became a Dark Lord himself.

The consequences of a lack of vital energy vary according to the amount the user's lack of his vital energy, there can be:

-The user feels constantly sleepy (6)

-The user's magical reserves constantly slowly decrease (5)

-The user ages faster than normally (4)

-The user suffers from incurable disease(s) (3)

-The user suffers from brain disorders (often leads to madness) (2)

-Death (1)

The consequences are ranked from tle weakest to the strongest, the weakest having the highest number. The consequences are cumulatifs, it means that if an user suffers with a consequence ranked with the number (3), then he will also suffers from the numbers (6), (5) and (4), except for the number (1) of course...

My parents also teached us that a spell have a minimum amount of magic needed to be casted successfully but don't have a maximum needed, it means that if you don't use an enough amount of magic the spell will simply fail, but the more you use of magic amount, stonger the spell will be.

It alos means that a simple spell learned at Hogwarts in the first year can be devastating if used by a strong wizard if he put a lot of magic in his spell.

This knowledge made me realize that dueling is a very complicated art, it's not just like I precedently thought how it was, just knowing a lot of spell and making a plan to oversmart your opponent as well with a lot of dodging skill. No it's necessary to instantly calculate the right amount of magic in every spells to counter them efficiently, it's put the dueling art in another scale to my eyes.

It's made me think to Hunter x Hunter when Gon and Kirua further learned the Nen under Biscuit.

The spells at Hogwarts are ranked by at which years they belongs, in another words it's when they are teached. There are three criteria:

-The simplicity of the spell

-The damages the spell can cause

-The minimum amount of magic needed to be casted successfully

I think it's the case in every magic school because if not it would put the students in danger.

Of course grey and dark magic are banned and can't be teached in schools.

At this moment Krispy, a house-elf, apparated in front of me and told me that my parents called for me. After a few moments I reached them in the living room.

"Honey, a friend of your father will come for dinner with his family this evening so you can start to prepare yourself, your sister is already preparing herself" said my mother while smiling.

"Who are they?" asked curiously to my father.

"The Greengrass Family."


Author's notes:

As you can see, there's a lot of bullshiting in this chapter, nothing said in this chapter is true in the Harry Potter universe, and I will continue with a lot of bullshiting with the world building, Families background and even with famous character's past.


Well english isn't my native language and I apologize for the errors, feel free to tell me errors so I can correct them and once again feel free to write a review and drop few powerstones if you like the novel, bye!

I lauched a *******

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