
An Author's Spirit

Featuring a world of different dimensions. The Writers Dimension remain the land of Authors, Poets, Script Writers and more. Jeffrey is a 13-year-old author who loves to read good books. One day with the git from a stranger he gains the ability to enter the novel he reads. Follow the adventure of the young MC as he becomes a bookkeeper and amasse enough experience to write his own book that will shock the different Dimensions.

Twin_Lantern · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Sharing The Secret (1)

May's way of defending Evie was nudging Jeffrey to speak up. Although she had seen Philip once or twice they weren't close enough for her to explain things. It would be much better if Jeffrey explained but too bad he did not have her line of thought.

"What is wrong with you, are you itching?" Jeffrey asked with a raised eyebrow.

May shot him a glare but he still could not get her message so she gave up.

"Um, you're May, right? the one that sticks like glue?" Philip asked breaking the ice.

"What?" May glare daggers at Jeffrey. "What did you say about me?"

"Ask him, why are you asked?" Jeffrey clicked his tongue irritated before he continued. "For formality's sake, this is Philip, my friend..."

"Hello Ladies" Philip flashed his best smile.

"...and she is Serena, the unfortunate one I got to meet last week"

Serena was about to snap at him but he continued his introduction, ignoring her.

"This is May, my neighbor and she's Evie Lake, my classmate"

Except for Jeffrey, no other person liked the way they were introduced. Serena was still taking deep breaths to calm herself down, May certainly do not like being introduced as his neighbor and Evie was a bit sad that he did not consider him a friend but she did well to mask her emotion.

"Didn't you say you're coming tomorrow, why the rush?"

"Long story" Philip sighed. "I'll tell you all about it later"

Jeffrey and Philip talked a bit more before all of them proceeded to walk Evie home first.

"Are you okay?" May asked when she noticed Evie was unusually quiet.

"Sure why?" Evie asked with a genuine curious expression that made May swallow what she was about to say.

Serena on the other hand was bored and was almost regretting coming with her brother. She couldn't join the boys in their discussion and the girls were strangers so she was the only one without a walking buddy.

Fortunately, it didn't take long to reach Evie's home and after dropping her off they swiftly continued their journey.

"While you are pretty this way, you might want to change your hairstyle it'll make you look more mature and appealing," Jeffrey said.

The sudden statement drew all their attention, May face palmed while Serena and Philip were nothing short of surprised.

"What?" Serena asked with wrinkled brows, she had a feeling he was referring to her.

"Never mind me just chilling" Jeffrey shrugged and Philip was flabbergasted.

"What is wrong with him?" he whispered to May but the latter was not planning on taking part in the incoming drama.

"Ask him, he's your friend. Bye bye" May left without turning back, and the sight made Serena and Philip turn to each other, each having the same thought. What was up with Jeffrey?

Jeffrey who seemed to have regained himself let out a dejected sigh before he continue leading them to his house.

* * *

The door was wide open so Jeffrey led Philip and Serena inside.

Unlike her brother who had been there before, it was her first time in the Writers Dimension meaning it was also her first time in Jeffrey's home.

Her first instinct was to look around, curious about what a writer's home was like and she was a bit disappointed as there was nothing that set the house apart from an average home.

The parlor was painted white with different colorful decorations hanging at different parts. The position of the decor seemed random but at the same time look like it followed a specific pattern.

The couches were milk in color and a giant TV sat a the front, that's when Serena noticed a figure sitting on the couch typing away on her phone without interest in the newly arrived guests.

Serena's eyes sparkled as she let out an excited squeal. "SHY! GIRL!!"

* * *

Moon's attention was drawn from the phone when she heard someone call her pen name and she was surprised to see two new faces beside her brother.

Well just one new face since she had met Philip before but the girl who was dressed like him, she had never met before but at first glance she suspected them to be siblings.


"Jeffrey wasn't lying, you really are his sister...I'm a huge fan, I've read your book and you're so pretty a..and..." Serena continued on and on and on until Jeffrey couldn't take it anymore and gestured for Philip to follow him.

Philip could only smile wryly while alternating glances between Moon and his sister before finally following Jeffrey to his room.

* * *

"So what's really going on," Philip asked feeling that Jeffrey was a bit weird.

Jeffrey did not answer him but proceeded to bring out a pen and a piece of paper and started drawing on it so Philip decided not to disturb him and instead watched out for the outcome.

After almost ten minutes, Jeffrey was done and placed the paper in front of Philip. "Have you seen this before?"

Philip first thought Jeffrey was fooling around but after seeing his serious face he paid a closer look at the drawing. It was the strangest pattern he had ever seen that if it could be called a pattern. It looked like different shapes overlapping one another, it was both confusing and intriguing.

The end product looked somewhat of a mess but Philip was seeing a face. "What is this?"

"It's from the gift that day" Jeffrey sighed. Philip's expression meant he had no idea what the pattern was which made him disappointed.

"Hold on, someone sent you a pattern, what the heck?" Philip was utterly confused while Jeffrey facepalmed.

"Idiot, the pattern was on a book"

"Oh. Well, where is it?"

Jeffrey then narrated what happened that day after he open the gift. How the book disappeared and how he was now able to transmigrate into books leaving Philip with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"So what you are saying is someone sent you a gift from nowhere granting you magical powers?"

"Yeah I guess"

"You gotta be shitting me when can I get that kind of stuff. Why does cool stuff never happen to me?"

Watching his friend lament, Jeffrey was speechless. "Wait a sec, you believe me?"