
I Have a Terminal Illness

"Lin Huanyan, play by yourself! I won't accompany you. "

A familiar voice sounded above my head like a thunderclap.

This man who was shouting at me with a face that was almost deformed was my husband, his name was Faang Dawei.

His fingers trembled as he held onto a test sheet.

In my memory, Faang Dawei has never shouted at me. People are like good husbands and good fathers after their predecessors.

My name is Lin Huanyan, and I am a housewife.

In the middle of the night, my son suddenly felt unwell and my husband and I sent the child to the hospital overnight.

"Hubby, what are you talking about?"

Faang Dawei widened his eyes and pointed at the test results in anger. He said to me, "Lin Huanyan, you can't give birth. It's fine if you adopt one. In the end, she even had a terminal illness. If you have money, you can treat him! I can't afford it!"

The word 'terminal illness' is like a huge stone smashing into my heart, so stuffy that I can't breathe.

How is this possible? Mao Dou's body has always been very good, how is it possible for him to have terminal illness?

"I don't believe it. "

I carried the child with one hand and snatched the test results with the other.

The words "kidney failure" on the diagnosis report almost burned my eyes.

That's right, the child is not the biological child of Faang Dawei and me.

I married Faang Dawei for three years, my stomach is always disappointing. After going to the hospital for a checkup, the results showed that my uterus is not working.

We could only adopt a child, which was also a bean.

My husband also doted on the bean, but I vaguely felt that something was missing.

After all, he was the child that I raised for almost a year. I don't believe that Faang Dawei would be so cruel.

"Dawei, the child was raised by us after all. He still has feelings for us. I believe you are angry. Let's hurry up and treat the child! "

I tugged on Faang Dawei's sleeve and looked at the unconscious child. My heart was burning with anxiety.

"What else do you want to treat? This child will drag us down to death. "

Faang Dawei was the boss of a small company. His career was on the rise, and he needed money. As for me, an ordinary clerk. . . My monthly salary is only 3000.

"Other than changing his kidney, there is no better way to prolong his life. And renal exchange requires a large sum of money. The doctor said that a conservative estimate is two million yuan. Tell me, where can I get so much money?"

What Faang Dawei said was the truth. However, I can't bear to part with this two-year-old child.

The child is only two years old! He had just gotten to know this world and was about to leave. Just thinking about it made his heart ache.

After saying those words, Faang Dawei turned around and left.

I held the child, and my mind went blank.

The child made an unconscious sound while in a coma.

"Mom, I feel terrible. "

Looking at the child's tender face, my tears fell like rain.

I carried the child into the doctor's office.

The doctor looked at me sympathetically and shook his head.

"You have to prepare for long-term treatment. Right now, there is a shortage of kidneys, so you have to prepare the treatment fees in advance. I will give you a hospitalization list first, you go and pay for the hospitalization fees first! The child's current condition is very dangerous. If he doesn't get hospitalized soon, his life will be in danger. "

I nodded and mechanically responded to the doctor.

When I took the hospital bill to pay, I touched my pocket. There wasn't a single cent on my body.

I could only brace myself and call Faang Dawei.

"Hubby, the child needs to be hospitalized. But I didn't take a single cent. Can you bring my bank card over?"

"Wife, it's not me. . . "

Before Faang Dawei could finish his words, his phone was snatched away.

"Lin Huanyan, let me tell you. We will not pay a single cent for that little bastard's illness. If you want to continue treating him. You and Dawei must divorce!"

It was Granny who snatched the phone. She clearly expressed her attitude towards this matter.

Ever since I married Faang Dawei, Granny had talked about divorce more than once because I couldn't get pregnant.

At this critical juncture when the child was sick, she raised the same question again.

"No! Mom, the child is already very pitiful. A single parent family is bad for the child's growth!"

I said with tears streaming down my face. I hung up on the other end of the phone.

I turned to ask my best friend for help.

"Nan, where are you? My son is in the hospital. Can you send me some money?"

Jiang Nan's slight panting could be heard from the other end of the phone. There was also a soft moan that could not be suppressed.

As a married woman, of course I know what the other party is doing.

"Well, if it is not convenient for you, I can find someone else. "

Jiang Nan, who was on the other end of the phone, suddenly raised her voice.

"What? My godson is sick? Which hospital is he at? I'll be there right away. Aiyah, damn it, stop kissing me. We have serious business to attend to!"

Twenty minutes later, a fashionable girl wearing a black low-cut skirt with thick makeup appeared in front of me. She was my close friend, Jiang Nan.

Without saying a word, she handed me a card.

"Feel free to use it. "

Mao Dou's hospitalization fees were finally settled.

In this world, there are two people I can call upon whenever I want. One is my mother, and the other is Jiang Nan.

Jiang Nan and I are classmates in junior high. After she graduated from junior high school, she went into the night market to earn money.

As for me, I went to high school and went to college, following the usual routine. After that, I got married and had children.

For so many years, we've always maintained a close relationship.