
An Assassin's Affair

He didn’t care if this ruined his once peaceful life. He didn’t care if this landed him and the road of no return. What he wanted, was to make them realize who they messed with. He’ll do whatever it takes, no matter the cost or toll it might take. An assassin always makes sure to return the favor. It’s their duty, right? Death awaits the ones who screwed with him, but unexpected love awaits as well. It’s just in a matter of time before someone starts to fall into intoxicating love that eats at the cold heart of an assassin. Karma… really is a ruthless bitch.

LunderePar0llel · Action
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: A Wrong Advance

Yoru walked down the trails as he looked around the place. A ton of different shops were everywhere selling such fine and expensive things. It was as if being poor in Royal Crescent was basically impossible. Yoru didn't want to attract any attention to him so he hurried his way to the Royal Palace. It was going pretty good until an unknown person came up to him.

"Wow. I wasn't expecting to find such a beautiful lady like you around here. Why don't we go somewhere private? Ya know, and have some fun," the most definitely pervert old man said. Looked like he was drunk as well with a bottle of sake in his hand.

Yoru looked at the old man and scrunched up his face. 'To think the Royal Crescent has people like this. While it is possible, it's still a shame' Yoru thought. "Sorry, but I need to go and attend some business at the Royal Palace. Why don't you bother someone who isn't under 18?" Yoru said in a more feminine voice.

The old drunk man looked at Yoru will clear anger in his eyes. Did all drunk people act like this when they get rejected? "Tsk, is that really a way to talk to your elders? I should report you just for this!" The old geezer yelled. Catching some eyes from other people that filled the streets. 'Great! This bastard attracted unwanted attention!' Yoru thought with pure annoyance. Having to find a way out of this situation, the brunette started to fake cry. "He tried to touch and lure me away! I'm just a minor!" Yoru yelled as he fake cried and put his arms up to protect himself.

"How horrible!"

"I can't believe this is happening in the Royal Crescent."

"Where are the royal guards?!"

Yoru looked at the old drunk man who was shaking in pure rage and fear. A sick grin played on Yoru's face. A grin that only the old man could see. But before the man could say anything, guards took hold of him and carried him away to where he would be receiving his soon to be chosen punishment.

While people were still talking about what happened, Yoru sneaked his way out of there and continued his way to the Royal Palace. His stealthiness really comes in handy in situations like this. He wasn't far, just a bit more and he'll reach the doors of his target. Multiple ideas circled in Yoru's mind. And many of it was killing the ones who did the same thing to his clan. Other parts were the fun he was going to have sneaking and going around the Palace. He was basically a servant now so it shouldn't be that difficult. And before he knew it, Yoru was standing face to face with huge red doors.

'The Royal Palace,' Yoru thought. 'It's finally my time. Let's make this count.'

- 3rd Person POV: Seojin -

Seojin walked the halls of the Palace. He was bored and there wasn't anything he could do. He's done his boring studies, he couldn't get out of the Palace due to previous incidents, and there wasn't any entertainment going on. His long white hair flowed behind him as well as his shiny ice blue eyes that wandered the halls. Trying to spot anything to play with.

"Why is it so boring here!" Seojin yelled. It frustrated him as he walked back to his room. Even with all the power he has over people, it proved useless if he was stuck inside the walls of the Palace. Opening the doors to his room, Seojin stood there as he watched a figure move around his room, as if looking for something. Not making a sound as to wait until the unknown figure noticed his arrival.

- 3rd Person POV: Yoru -

Yoru walked around the Palace as to find his way around. The place was huge compared to anything! Stumbling into a room, he looked around to see if he could find anything to prove useful to him. A huge prince size bed, wardrobe, multiple scrolls laid around the place, chest filled with jewels and riches, and a table to change and fix one's appearance. Everything that Yoru barely, more like didn't, even have.

"Wow! This place is filled! I didn't bring a bag with me to collect it though," exclaimed Yoru. Not even taking into mind the person who stood at the two doors watching him. Not that he looked like anything he usually looks like since he's taking in the appearance of a servant girl.

Turning around, it was unbelievable, it took like 10 seconds before he noticed someone standing by the doors to the room he was in. "WahhhHhhhH!!" Yoru yelled in surprise. Falling onto his butt. "U-Um. Hello! I was just checking the place to see if it needed any cleaning," Yoru said in his impression of a servant girl.

"Is that so? Well it shouldn't be that much of a surprise to see the Prince of Royal Crescent here should it now?" The person said. "Also, no servant would want to steal the jewels and riches from me either."

'Shit. Did I really blow my cover this quickly and not only that but by the Prince of this place?' Yoru thought as he also thought about the fact he was only here for like 10 to 15 minutes or so. "W-Well um, it was just by mistake I said that. It's obvious I wouldn't steal from the prince himself!" Yoru said while trying to calm his nerves.

The Prince looked Yoru up and down and saw such beauty he's never seen before. Why didn't he realize this so much sooner?

"What is your name servant?" The Prince asked out of curiosity. Yoru looked at him surprised and confused. He didn't come up with a name for himself yet. "U-Um, it's Nami Fujumia, your highness," Yoru said. He came up with a name just in time or else he would look suspicious for not knowing his own name. "Well, Nami, since you're already here, you wouldn't mind entertaining me with something. It should serve an honor to you to be invited by Prince Seojin himself," The Prince now known as Seojin said. His white hair caught Yoru's eyes as it gracefully flowed behind him.

- 3rd Person POV: Seojin -

The young lady who identifies herself as Nami stood before Seojin. But he didn't really believe her. No servant would just go into his room like this and be so careless like this one. Moving over to his royal bed, Seojin sat down and eyed the nervous servant that stood in the room.

Raising an eyebrow, "What are you just standing there for? Come over here already," Seojin said as he patted the empty spot on the bed next to him.

'I'll find out who you really are. To think you hide from me is really a bold move to play,' Seojin thought as the servant girl (Yoru) walked over to him.

Yoru's thoughts - 'What in heaven's name have I gotten myself into?'