
An Artificer in Tales of Demons and Gods ( HIATUS )

Zhu's life was irrevocably shattered when a tragic accident led to his brother's death, a misfortune for which he held himself responsible. This calamity fractured his family, leaving his parents to tread separate paths in the wake of their grief. Tortured by guilt and longing, Zhu desperately seeks a way to undo the irreversible — to bring his brother back to life. In his quest for redemption, Zhu strikes a Faustian bargain with the Devil, who demands a perilous task in return: the assassination of the Sage Emperor in the mystical world of Tales of Demons and Gods. Now, Zhu must navigate a realm where magic is reality, and power is won through arcane knowledge and daring. He must master the very forces he once shunned, delving into the arts of sorcery and combat to fulfill his dark pact. As Zhu embarks on this perilous adventure, he is forced to question the true cost of his family's reunion. With each step toward the Sage Emperor, Zhu must decide if he can pay the price demanded by the Devil or if some costs are too high, even for the return of a lost loved one.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter no.11 Lupus

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Zhu dashed through the forest, his body humming with the energy of enchantment magic. Trees blurred past as he navigated the labyrinth of traps he had set to protect his home.

"Jarvis, updates on the traps," Zhu panted, leaping over a camouflaged pit of spikes.

"Right. You're approaching the Whirlwind Snare," Jarvis's voice echoed in his mind.

Zhu skidded to a halt just in time, a gust of wind swirling up leaves where he would have stepped.

"Nice try," he smirked.

"Your appreciation is noted," Jarvis deadpanned. "Now, veer left. Avoid the Singing Bushes."

As Zhu dodged to the left, a chorus of eerie melodies rose from the bushes he'd narrowly missed. "Singing bushes? Really?"

"Adds ambiance and paranoia," Jarvis retorted.

Continuing his sprint, Zhu's keen eyes caught the faint glimmer of a magic circle ahead. "Poison darts?"

"You know your own traps too well," Jarvis observed.

Zhu ducked and rolled, darts whizzing overhead. "And you enjoy this too much."

"There's a fine line between enjoyment and job satisfaction," Jarvis quipped.

Zhu chuckled, weaving through the forest. "What's next?"

"The Reflective Maze," Jarvis announced.

Zhu groaned. The maze was a network of mirrors that created endless reflections. He stepped in, and suddenly, dozens of Zhus stared back at him.

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall," Jarvis began, only to be cut off.

"Don't even start," Zhu warned, navigating the maze with practiced ease. "I'm not in the mood for fairy tale jokes."

"Too bad. I had a good one about seven dwarves," Jarvis said wistfully.

Exiting the maze, Zhu found himself facing the Giggling Grass. Each step triggered a burst of childish laughter. "This is the worst," Zhu muttered.

"Your sense of humor needs work," Jarvis advised.

Zhu rolled his eyes and picked up the pace, approaching a seemingly innocuous patch of ground.

"This is the Tremor Trap, right?"

"Precisely. It triggers a shockwave," Jarvis confirmed.

"Why did I even make this many traps?" Zhu mused, watching the distant trees.

Jarvis replied, "Maybe you were subconsciously preparing for a surprise birthday party. Surprise, it's wolves."

Zhu stopped abruptly, spotting a girl his age fleeing through the forest.

"Nope," Jarvis interjected.

"Correction: my physical age," Zhu clarified.

"Right, because mentally, you're basically a grumpy wizard.'

They watched as the girl narrowly evaded the pursuing wolf pack.

"Aren't you going to help her?" Jarvis asked.

"No, let's see where this goes," Zhu said, intrigued.

"You and your deranged curiosity," Jarvis retorted.

"Remember, this deranged curiosity is why you exist," Zhu shot back.

"Ah yes, my existence: brought to you by Zhu's questionable life choices," Jarvis joked.

As they observed, the girl, cornered, screamed as a burst of frost-like energy erupted from her. Despite her pain, she raised her sword defiantly.

"Looks like she's not waiting for a knight in shining armor," Jarvis noted.

"More like a frost queen in distress," Zhu mused.

Jarvis teased, "Is this where you swoop in and save her? Zhu, the hero and romantic lead?"

Zhu rolled his eyes. "Keep dreaming, Jarvis."

"But really, Zhu, a girl who can handle herself and shoot ice? It's like a dating profile made for you," Jarvis continued, relentless.

Zhu couldn't help but chuckle. "You're pushing it, Jarvis."

The girl struggled valiantly, but the wolves were closing in. "Okay, let's help her out," Zhu decided, preparing to intervene.

"Ah, the hero emerges. Zhu to the rescue!" Jarvis exclaimed dramatically.

"Shut it, Jarvis. We're saving a life, not writing a romance novel," Zhu retorted, moving swiftly towards the fray.

As Zhu watched the wolves close in, he quickly formed a transmutation circle with his hands. The ground beneath the wolves burst into a forest of stone spears, rendering them lifeless in a moment of brutal efficiency. Xiao Ning'er, the girl fighting for her life, looked on in stunned silence.

But Zhu wasn't done. With a flick of his wrist, he conjured another set of magic circles, this time around Xiao Ning'er. Invisible restraints wrapped around her, rendering her immobile.

"Really, Zhu? Was that necessary?" Jarvis's voice echoed in his mind, tinged with exasperation.

Zhu shrugged, stepping out from the shadows. He observed Xiao Ning'er, noting her blend of surprise and wariness. "Just being cautious," he replied.

As he examined her, Zhu caught Jarvis's mocking tone. "You know, you could have played the hero. Girls like that, right?"

Zhu sighed. "Jarvis, why are you so interested in my love life?"

"I'm not. I was just programmed to assist you in... romantic endeavors," Jarvis responded matter-of-factly.

"Programmed? By who?"

"You, you dumbass," Jarvis retorted.

Zhu raised an eyebrow. "When?"

"The day after I was created. Apparently, you were feeling particularly lonely that day."

Zhu chuckled, shaking his head. "That was decades ago."

"And yet, here you are, still single."

Ignoring Jarvis's jab, Zhu focused on Xiao Ning'er. "Let's see what she's up to," he muttered.

But just as she began to struggle against her bonds, Zhu snapped his fingers, casting a dark magic spell to knock her unconscious.

"Subtle as ever, Zhu. There goes your chance at making a first impression," Jarvis remarked dryly.

Zhu rolled his eyes. "I'm not here to make friends, Jarvis."

"Or girlfriends, apparently," Jarvis added.

Zhu surveyed the scene, a mix of satisfaction and curiosity in his eyes. "Let's get her back to the cabin. I have questions, and she's going to have answers."

As he picked up the unconscious Xiao Ning'er, Jarvis continued, "Just remember, 'kidnapper' isn't the most attractive title on your dating profile."

Zhu couldn't help but smirk. "Noted, Jarvis. But for now, let's focus on the mystery at hand."


Zhu trudged through the dense forest, the unconscious girl in his arms. Jarvis's voice broke the silence.

"Analysis of the girl complete," Jarvis announced.

"Lay it on me," Zhu requested, his curiosity piqued.

"She's externally fine, just some sprains and scuffs. However, internally, it's a different story. She has either lupus or Raynaud's phenomenon," Jarvis explained.

Zhu furrowed his brow. "Explain."

"Both are autoimmune conditions. In lupus, the immune system attacks the body's tissues, causing inflammation. Raynaud's phenomenon leads to decreased blood flow, often triggered by cold or stress. Her body's battle is causing the ice-like energy release. Without treatment, she won't last more than a week," Jarvis detailed.

"How can we treat it?" Zhu asked, concern evident in his voice.

"Conventionally, there's no cure," Jarvis replied.

"When were we ever conventional?" Zhu retorted.

Jarvis seemed to perk up, "There is a way to save her. We can use Transmutation magic to alter her immune system, stopping it from attacking her."

Zhu nodded, a determined look crossing his face. "Start analyzing her body and genetic code. Create the magic formula."

"I'll craft the magic item for the procedure," Zhu added, quickening his pace.

"Let's get to work, Jarvis."

"Right behind you, sir. And who knows, maybe you'll save your future wife," Jarvis quipped.

Zhu rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a smirk. "Focus on the science, Jarvis. I'll handle the fantasy."