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An Article Writer

John was twenty years old when he left his job as a teacher and start to write articles he want to be a famous article writer and word hard for this but no one published his articles he got rejected by everyone he believes that hard work never goes unrewarded he never gave up the wheel of time keep turning and he was at the age of twenty-five now with no article published on his name.

 One day he got inspiration when passing in front of the school on the morning walk He sat there in the waiting area


John was twenty years old when he left his job as a teacher and started to write articles he wanted to be a famous article writer and worked hard for this but no one published his articles he got rejected by everyone he believed that hard work never goes unrewarded. he never gave up the wheel of time kept turning and he was at the age of twenty-five now with no article published in his name. One day he got inspiration when passing in front of the school on the morning walk He sat there in the waiting area and started when he finished he realized that he had been sitting there for two hours the school has been closed and all the students left for homes he also go to his home. Suddenly a student standing near the gate of the school who might be waiting for his parents crossed his sight. John asked about that student and was told that he had not come to pick him up. John decided to accompany that student to his home safely. On their way, John briefly described his article to the student. When they reached his house the student told him his name was James and praised him for writing a good article. John gave his articles to the student as a gift and returned home. John would never have imagined in his wildest dream that his gift would help him accomplish his dream of being a famous article writer and that everything in his life would change. The next day he woke up knocking on the door. He opens the door and saw James standing there with a man. James gave john a newspaper and said "This is a gift for you and now will you please welcome us into your home?" John was stunned for a moment and blankly invited them inside He took the newspaper and was very surprised to know that James's father was the owner of a famous newspaper. James told him that his father liked his article very much and he published John's article in his newspaper. Moreover, he wants to invite me to be an article writer for his company. John was so excited and happy that he could not tell east from west. John's life changed entirely and the secret of John's success was persistence and hard work.