
Chapter 44

“You okay?”

“Take it off me…the shirt.”


“Yes. Naked is better, and it feels important to do it right at the start, when we’re like this…the beginning of….”

“Of us,” I said.

“Of us.”

“I really do want to have all of you, Finn, for you to feel like all of you is perfect just the way it is.” I took a moment to cuddle. “Every inch of you turns me on.”

“Hurry. Get it off me, then do some more of that.”

I carefully raised the shirt from the hem as not to bump Finn’s broken arm. Once past that, I tore it off the rest of the way and chucked it as hard and as far as I could. It sailed right out the door.

Finn laughed.

“Easier than a cotton ball, I tell ya.”

“You afraid I’m gonna want to put it back on?” he asked.

I leaned close again to kiss his shoulder. “Uh-huh.” With my eyes closed, I rubbed at the hair on his chest and belly. “Mmm.” Then, I pulled back the sheet and looked down at all of it. “Even better.”