
an Archangel with an infinite potential in the Multiverse

A man died and saw himself in a place where there was no light, and there he met a god who would give him 2 wishes. He asked God for the powers of the archangel Michael and a system that would strengthen him forever.God tells him that he can only get Michael's powers by doing the tasks he gives guy accepts.begins his adventure with infinite potential

eternal_angel12 · TV
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29 Chs

Chapter 14

[main quest=Kill the gods of Olympus and assign new gods.]

[quest giver=Chaos]


[side quest=save percy jackson's mother.]

[reward=summoning a servant from the throne of heroes]

This time the Rewards are really good. I always wish I had a sword. Armor suits me well. But why is chaos giving me a mission?

"Isn't it just god giving system tasks?"

[The host who gave this quest is the chaos that created the Percy jackson universe. Due to the law of the multiverse, the system can only get permission from him. If the host does the job of chaos, he can go to this universe. Does the host accept this quest?]

this is really interesting, it's the first time I've been commissioned by another creator god.

"I'll take the task, system."

[does the host want to go to the percy jackson universe?]

"System, if I go to the other universe now, what will happen to the universe I'm in?" I asked in a curious voice.

[The host doesn't need to worry. The time difference will be 1 second for the DC universe you're going to, and 10,000 years for the percy jackson universe. So if you stay in the percy jackson universe for 10,000 years, only 1 second will pass in the DC universe.]

"I've decided. System take me to the Percy Jackson universe," I said determinedly.

[host, please close your eyes.]

I closed my eyes when I heard the system. I suddenly felt like I had lost all connection with everything. And then I opened my eyes and found myself in a deserted forest.

"I'm really looking forward to gaining more strength, but first I need an espresso," I said as I went to find a Starbucks.


"The espresso of this universe has a really bad taste!" I said, throwing the glass with the unfinished espresso in the trash.

"Hmm, what do I do now." I said thoughtfully.

"First I have to find myself a house." I have to find myself a house next to Percy Jackson's house because the closer I am to Percy Jackson, the better my chances of rescuing his mother.

As I recall, Percy Jackson lived on the Upper East Side in Manhattan. Then I should look for Percy Jackson's house there first.

After deciding, I went to find Percy Jackson's house in Manhattan.


"in some cases they landed on Earth and, how should I say..."

"Was it a playboy," said Grover and the other kids in the museum started giggling.

"Their children were partially god, partially human, do you know what horses were given to them?" Chiron looked at Percy and said.

"And do you know what they're called, Percy?"

When Percy couldn't hear the music in his ear, Grover tapped Percy's shoulder with his elbow.

"Percy," whispered Grover.

Percy immediately turned to Chrion.

"I didn't hear your question, could you repeat it?" Percy said.

"What are they called, human-born children of the gods?" Chiron said, looking at Percy.

"Demigod." Percy Jackson said quickly, looking at Chiron.

"Certainly, and most of them were great heroes. Like Hercules, Achilles, and what other hero?" Chiron said wisely.

Percy just nodded. Then Chiron looked at Percy and said, "I Give you a hint. You have something in common with him."

percy looked at the greek writing on the statue behind chiron. slowly the greek writings became english. and when he looked at the perseus name on the writing he understood. and he looked at chiron and said

After saying "perseus", chiron said "right" and went towards the statue of Hercules.

"Hercules killed the Nemean lion with his bare hands and took its skin as a trophy..." said chiron,

the teacher Mrs. Dodds, called Percy from behind.

After saying "Percy, we need to talk." Percy said "let's talk mrs.dodds" and they entered a part of the museum.


Right after Percy came in, a voice came from the ceiling. Percy looked up and saw mrs.dodds there and said

"Mrs.dodds you were downstairs, how did you get there?" he said, pointing to the floor and where mrs.dodds was.

After roaring "Where's the lightning", she emerged from his human skin and transformed into an ugly beast with wings, attacking Percy.

Percy quickly fled from the creature that flew at him leaping to the ground. The creature had risen to the ceiling again, looking at Percy.

"I know, you stole the lightning." she said,then grabbed Percy with his claws.

"Where's the lightning!!" repeated the monster

Then the door suddenly opened. Chiron and Grover came in. Chiron immediately said to the creature, "Let go of it, or I swear I'll tear you apart."

After saying that, the creature hesitated for a moment. Then it flew towards Chiron, dropped Percy on the ground, and fled through the window.

After the creature was gone, Percy stood up, frightened. After talking frantically back and forth, Chiron looked at Percy.

"It's a fury" said chiron

"yeah it's a fury, wait what's in a fury?"said percy

After saying that, Chiron handed Percy a pen and said.

"Percy, this is a very powerful weapon. Hide this pen well." He said, then grabbed Grover's collar and brought him closer to himself.

"Take him to his mother. Always keep an eye on him." After saying, grover went to the exit.

"Are you crazy, it's just a pencil," Percy said, then followed Grover.


I walk the streets of manhattan. i look at the aura of every person i see, some gray, some white, some black aura.but i can't see a demigod aura somehow.

Maybe I should have called Percy Jackson's school before I called his house.

I saw 2 people running down the road just, these people are not human. One is the demigod Percy Jackson and the other is Satyr Grover.

I'm guessing. I'm in the queue where they went to pick up Sally after the Fury attack.

I must stop thinking immediately and follow them secretly before I miss this chance.

I followed them after


I followed Percy and Grover until they entered the apartment. I didn't want to follow them anymore so I got into the driver's seat of their car I knew from the Percy Jackson movies. I waited for them to arrive.

After a while, Sally, Grover, and Percy came out of the apartment. They ran towards the car I was in. As they approached the car, I started the car. I drove in front of them. When I got in front of them, I opened the door and said.

"Come in, y'all," I said,looking at Grover as he opened the door.

"Wait, who are you?" Grover said, looking at me.I quickly rolled his eyes at Percy.

"I'm Percy's guardian angel" I said, Percy was visibly embarrassed and sat in the back, then Sally opened the car door and sat in the back.

"You trust this man too quickly," Grover said, rolling his eyes. But no one answered. Grover couldn't help but quickly sat in the front seat.

"By the way, I'm Percy's guardian, don't try to steal my job." Grover said, but I just smiled at that and drove car towards the hybrid camp.


The journey was very quiet. But this is understandable, for who speaks of his special situation in the presence of an unknown.

"Mom, why do they call me the lightning thief? I haven't stolen anything," Percy said, breaking the silence.

"I believe you, Percy, you didn't steal anything." Sally said, looking at Percy beside her.

"And what is this half-blood camp?" Percy looked at Sally curiously.

"Percy, this is a place where special kids like you go," Sally said kindly.

"Why, I'm not crazy." I looked in the rear view mirror at Percy who said this. I think Percy deserves the truth because they're only hurting themselves by keeping it a secret.

"The reason you're going there, Percy, is because you're a demigod. You're the son of Poseidon." I said looking at Percy. Percy's eyes widened in surprise.

"How can this be, it's just…" Before Percy could finish his sentence, Grover looked sadly into Percy's eyes in the rearview mirror.

"He's telling the truth, Percy." I looked at Grover. It must have been really hard for him. He couldn't save his friends. Now Percy, for whom he was so responsible, is angry with him.

"So you've been lying to me my whole life," Percy said angrily.

"Percy, this was for your own good." Sally looked at Percy emotionally. Just as Percy was about to turn and speak to her, I started driving into the woods.

"What are you doing!!" Grover shouted at me.

"Just wait," I told him wisely, as I drove the car down the trees. This car is so powerful because I empowered it with runes.

grover just screamed like a girl from the speed of the car, yeah this will be his worst memory.

I turned my head to Percy and Sally. They were holding onto the seats of the car. And I just smiled innocently.

After a while we arrived at the entrance of the hybrid camp. I immediately stopped the car.

"The journey is over here," I said, turning around.

As soon as they heard my voice, they immediately came to their senses and got out of the car.

After we got out of the car, we ran to the door of the hybrid camp. Percy and Grover entered. But Sally hit a barrier. I could break in too if I wanted to, but I don't want to draw unnecessary attention.

"Mom, come with me," Percy said as he tried to pull his mother's hand into the mongrel camp.

"I'm not like you..." Before he could finish his sentence, a roar was heard from behind.

In the back I saw the Minator , turning quickly to Percy and Grover,I not wanting to linger any longer.

"It's alright, Percy, I'll protect your mother." I said, I shoved Percy and Grover's chests lightly, tossed them into the hybrid camp, and they passed out.

sally just looked at me in surprise.

Just as Sally was about to speak to me, the minator punched me from behind. I quickly turned around and threw her away with one hand.

The minator shattered the ground and fell to the ground. Then I watched the minator slowly rise to his feet.

After the minator stood up, I walked slowly towards him. Each time I walked, I first throw a spear of light at his right leg, then to the other leg. When I approached the minator, he already had spears of light all over his body.

I looked into the Minator's eyes. His eyes begged me to have mercy on him. But I have no mercy on my enemies.

I formed a large spear of light behind me and threw it towards the minator's head. The spear of light pierced the minator's head. There was an explosion.

Only the dust flying in the air remained from the effect of the explosion. Then I controlled the air around me and dispersed all the dust.

Then I turned around to see Sally and I saw her looking at me with surprise and a little fear.

Not wanting to stay here any longer, I went towards the car.

"Mrs.jackson aren't you coming?" I said as we walked towards the car. Sally got in the car immediately.

Then I started the car and drove to Gabe's house.