
An Archangel in the Multiverse

Hey guys! Samael here! I'm trying to write another novel cause I felt that my previous ones were pure shit but if you don't think so I'll think about continuing it. So here's the synopsis. I was the Archangel Michael until I was turned into a mortal being by my father. After dying from my human life, my father wants me back as his assistant. He then sent me on a vacation of sorts before going back to him after returning to my previous power level.

JustACommonReader · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4

I quickly got in between the five of them0 before any bloodshed could happen. Fortunately for me, I saw the invisible thing that Emma tried to do just now with her 'Lucy Powers'. I intercepted the energy-like construct and destroyed it. When I meant was; I absorb the energy and destroyed it by spreading it all throughout my body.

I then turned towards Chen Fan who was silently accumulating Qi inside his mouth and said, "Absorb that Qi back to your body, right now! Don't forget that we are not here to fight."

I turned towards the kneeling trio and said in a very much annoyed voice, "What is wrong with you three? Suddenly rushing towards us like you are going in a fight," while shaking my head in disappointment.

The old man then raised his head to look at me with clear reverence in his eyes and said, "Young Master! We did not know that there was a person of your stature arriving in our little city!"

Huh? What's happening? I clearly didn't release any of my energy yesterday, so how the heck did this old man come to this conclusion?

Seeing the clear confusion in my eyes, the old man happily clarified it for me, "I know that Young Master is a very important person with how imposing and charismatic an aura you have. You are clearly a martial artist of the highest level and that Is why we are here to greet you?"

I then turned towards my two companions and noticed that they were smirking a little at me. Oi! What are the two of you smirking for!? Hmph, if that's how you like it then; 'No dinner tonight. The three of us will focus on our cultivation,' as I spoke inside their minds.

Ha! Their horrified looks always bring a smile to my face. But before I could even say or do anything more, they quickly went beside me and simultaneously said, "Hahaha, don't be hasty Senior/Honey. We'll get to the bottom of this without any violence."

'Showing that is.'

My right brow twitched as I knew exactly what they were thinking. When I was about to open my mouth, Emma quickly grabbed the young girl and travelled a few distances away from us while Chen Fan grabbed the defenceless-looking old man.

I turned towards Bodyguard-kun and said, "Whelp! It seems that it will just be the two of us, eh Bodyguard-kun?"

Bodyguard-kun sweatdropped at my words and said, "Please don't call me that Young Master. And what is happening to the Young Miss and the Patriarch?"

I gave him a dissuading smile and said, "Don't worry too much about it Brother Qi. They are just talking to them and asking why you guys suddenly rushed towards us." Seeing that he was about to say something, I then continued, "The REAL reason this time."

I quietly went inside my library and started to go towards the crafting or smithy section. I then started to read a couple of books and decided to call it quits when I've gotten sufficient knowledge after reading more than a hundred books.

Haaaa, reading too much is hurting my head. Maybe I should tone it down sometime? Like not trying to perfect my skills before going out of the Library? Yes, that could definitely work!

When I got out of the Library, I felt that time didn't past by too much with how Xiao Qi was still trying to formulate a good enough answer to give me. Hehehe, I forgot how beings with lower power to myself will act like this if I pressure them too much.

I feel quite sad that my kind character has started to fall apart but this is quite good too. Now I won't feel too disturbed or too guilty if I kill or couldn't save someone. I couldn't see why the old me was so depressed about killing so many beings when the war between the demons was still happening. Couldn't he see that it was war? You had to do what you had to do to survive!

I shook my thoughts away from those kinds of things and focused all my attention to the stuttering young man in front of me. I walked towards Xiao Qi and put his hands together and slapped it. I could see him wince a little from the pain but the 'technique' clearly showed its result as one could see that he wasn't so nervous now.

I smiled at him and said, "You okay now?"

Xiao Qi nodded his head and explained, "Yes Young Master. But to answer your earlier question; the Patriarch and the Young Miss rushed towards you earlier due to the fact that the Patriarch wanted you to teach the Young Miss. While the Young Miss rushed to you specifically was to see if you were the perfect husband material."

I chuckled a little at his words and answered, "I am sorry to say that I am already married. And the teaching will be considered as I already have a little disciple of my own."

Xiao Qi's eyes widened at that and said, "It seems that the Young Miss will be a little crestfallen at this information. And please do consider about the teaching part Young Master."

I was kind of amused at his words and wanted to say something but was a little interrupted with the other four's sudden arrival. I then looked towards my two companions and asked, "Well? What did you get from them?"

"Senior, he wants you to teach his granddaughter."

"The little missy here wanted to see if you were husband material."

At their words, the old man and his granddaughter flushed a little and continued to stay quiet. Haaaa, this is so troublesome. I then turned towards Chen Fan and said, "Oi, little Fan. You should go and do what they want. You are clearly husband material for the little miss over there and you could also teach her along the way. While you're at it, go and heal the old man's wounds already."

The old man widened his eyes at my words and said, "Young Master! How did you know of such information!?"

I closed my eyes and smiled at his direction and said, "There are many things that I know of Wei Fu. And please don't call me a Young Master. I'm too old for that title."

Old Wei's facial expression softened at my words and nodded. I could clearly see the slight sign of curiosity on his face but he refrained from asking as he knew that it would be quiet rude. I then turned to the 'Little Missy' and noticed her sizing Chen Fan up.

I could see the amused expression on Emma's face and couldn't help but smile a little too. Even Xiao Qi and Old Wei were amused by this development! I then turned to Old Wei and said, "I'll have my little disciple go to your house a few days from now to heal your old wound. I know that he will need a little more time to prepare but please bear with him."

Chen Fan quickly turned towards me and said, "Ehh!? Senior! When did I become your disciple!?"

I gave him a questioning gaze and asked, "Since yesterday night? You know, the helping you become stronger?"

Chen Fan scratched the back of his head while having a sheepish look on his face, "I did not know that I was considered your disciple just because of that Senior!"

I smirked a little at him and said, "So you don't want to become my disciple now?"

Chen Fan quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, no! I did not mean it like that Senior! I really do want to become your disciple."

Emma faked a cough and then said, "So what I am now? Chopped liver? What's going to happen to me, Honey?"

I raised an eyebrow at her and said, "You are my wife, not my disciple. Just because I have a disciple doesn't mean that I will ignore you and your progress."

Old Wei quickly followed suit and fake a cough before saying, "What about my granddaughter Young Master?"

I looked towards Old Wei and then towards the hopeful looking Wei Ziqing. I sighed a little at her hopeful look as I didn't want to let down such a young and promising student. But I had no choi-….. wait! She could be Chen Fan's student and if there is nothing left for him to teach her (Which will be a very long time) then there I will become her teacher! A Grandmaster per se.

I smiled towards Old Wei's direction and said, "If your granddaughter can defeat Chen Fan or even be his student, then I will take her up after he finishes teaching her."

Wei Ziqing looked quite sceptical at my words and sized Chen Fan again. She then looked back at me and said, "Chen Fan doesn't look much. Prepare to be my teacher and be amazed by my talent!"

We (Wei Ziqing and I) could clearly hear the sounds of palms hitting faces at that moment but completely ignored it. I smiled kindly at her and said, "Then I will be waiting."

She then turned towards Chen Fan and saw that he was picking a ground of sand up. How the heck did he separate that grain from the others? More importantly, how in the world did he acquire grains of sand!?

All of us were looking at Chen Fan in disbelief for completely different reasons. I was wondering where the sand came from, Emma was shocked that he would use sand to humiliate the poor little girl, Old Wei and Xiao Qi were wondering what he was going to do with the sand, while Wei Ziqing was wondering what was going on inside his head.

Before Wei Ziqing could even react, the grain of sand flew past her and grazed her neck a little bit. If one had a very sharp perception, then they would have seen the falling of a single strand of Wei Ziqing's hair.

Old Wei's and Xiao Qi's expressions were that of a gaping fish while Wei Ziqing, on the other hand, was still grasping the situation. I could hear her whisper, "What just happened?"

I smiled a little at Wei Ziqing's dumbfounded expression and said, "You lose."

She quickly turned towards me and said, "I did not lo-"

She quickly fell silent as she touched her neck as she felt a wet sensation drip on the side of her neck. Wei Ziqing then turned back to her opponent in shock and stuttered, "H-how? H-h-how d-did you d-do th-that!?"

Old Wei then turned to me and said, "I have never expected that the Young Master has a Grandmaster for a disciple. Does that mean that the Young Lord in front of me is already beyond that of a Grandmaster? An Immortal perhaps?"

I then adopted a thinking pose and started to dive into my memories about the novel "Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator".

'Hmmmm, wasn't Chen Fan called a God when he was in the Divine Sea Stage? Then doesn't that mean that I am classified as a God here? Heh, a God. If I were in Heaven, then this level would have still been an angel with 4 wings. Wait! Wasn't DxD's ranking of the angel's the same as that of mine? But the difference in power is really big though. A single angel who has a pair of wings can solo all of the angels there and even come out in top! Wait… I'm getting sidetracked.'

I turned towards the 'old man' and smiled, "No, by your standards I am already a God. A being who is much stronger than that of an Immortal."

Xiao Qi's, Old Wei's, and Wei Ziqing's eyes widened in shock as they turned towards me while Chen Fan and Emma looked at me in confusion. But before the other party could even speak, Emma quickly voice her thoughts, "Honey, what do you mean by that? What exactly is the ranking system here?"

I smiled at her and said, "The ranking system is like this; Master, Grandmaster, Half-Immortal, Immortal, Half-God, God, Human-Immortal, Earth-Immortal, and Celestial Immortal/Monarch."

I looked at the still confused looking Chen Fan and said, "A Master is someone who is in the Foundation Establishment stage whilst being in the Initial and Intermediate sub-stages and a Grandmaster is someone who is already in the peak of Foundation Establishment. A Half-Immortal is someone who is in the Profound Opening-Initial Stage while an Immortal and a Half-God are in the Intermediate and Peak stages respectively. And a God is someone who is already in the Divine Sea stage such as myself."

The other party looked quite shocked at what I said and could only gape in astonishment at my words. Hehehe, kind of speechless there aren't you? Chen Fan, on the other hand, was nodding his head 'wisely' and started to digest my words. Emma just ignored all of what I said and just walked over to me and snuggled up. I could only sigh in 'exasperation' and rub her head affectionately.

I could then see the confused look on Chen Fan's face and listened to what he said, "Sen- I mean Master, what is the equivalent of a Human-Immortal, Earth-Immortal, and Celestial Immortal to our standards?"

I smiled wryly at his words and replied, "A Human-Immortal is someone who is at the Initial Stage of the Tianxian level. While an Earth-Immortal is someone who has Tianxian Intermediate and Peak levels. The Celestial Immortals, on the other hand, is someone who is already in the Core Formation level."

Chen Fan nodded again at my words and wanted to say something but was interrupted by my cute and little wife, "That's what your combat level is at right Honey?"

I looked at Emma incredulously and wanted to cry a river on why my little wife just revealed such an important piece of information. I then looked at Chen Fan who was gaping at me and said, "What's with that reaction little Fan? You didn't think that I would only rely on cultivation to protect myself, did you?"

Chen Fan rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and said, "No Master. I was just quite shocked at the clear difference in the level you have from your cultivation to that of your combat prowess."

I nodded at him 'sagely' and said, "Right, I only started cultivating the moment you found me. I never really knew that cultivating was that easy if I could jump from having no cultivation to Divine Sea level in just a matter of minutes."

I could only laugh internally as I saw Chen Fan, Wei Ziqing, Old Wei, and Xiao Qi cough blood as they heard my words.

Chen Fan then smiled wryly at me and said, "Sen- I mean Master, please tell me that you really have cultivated before the time I met. I don't believe that one person could just jump that big of a distance in cultivation."

It seems that my little wife came to my rescue as she said, "Nope! He has never cultivated before in his entire life! He was too busy spoiling me to focus on such trivial things."

I could only smile dryly at her as she just admitted that I spoiled her rotten. Don't make it seem like I did it voluntarily Em! You were the one that gets angry when I don't do 'sweet and romantic' things to you! All those 'sweet and romantic' things you request were just me spoiling you rotten like buying you jewellery because you liked it!

She then looked me in the eye like she knew what I was thinking and smirked. Oh, ohohoho! Now, I see things clearly! So this is what it's become now, huh? Well then, this means war!

Before I could even tickle the little devil, wait I can't use that term anymore. I don't want my little and cute wife associating herself with my mischievous little brother! Okay, replay!

Before I could even tickle the little minx, Old Wei suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha! I remember when my wife and I did such things when she was alive. If only my granddaughter could find herself a lover like you Celestial Immortal!"

Wei Ziqing turned towards her grandfather in embarrassment and said, "Grandfather! Don't drag my own problems into this!"

Old Wei turned towards Wei Ziqing and fiercely said, "Be quiet Ziqing! I am trying to engage you with the Grandmaster over there!"

He then turned towards me and said, "Ignore my granddaughter, Celestial Immortal. She is just a very young and inexperienced girl."

Chen Fan and I could only sweatdrop at their antics. Don't they realize that both of us could hear them? Aren't we in front of them? What is wrong with these people?

I turned towards Chen Fan and smiled wryly, "So, Chen Fan. Do you want to be engaged to the lovely lady over there? Old Wei and I could arrange that for you two."

Chen Fan quickly looked at me and glared, "Master Michael, I already have a girl in my heart that is waiting for me. Don't expect me to be cheating on her while we are not together!"

I nonchalantly shrugged my shoulders and said, "Well if that's what you want then okay." I looked at Wei Fu and said, "I apologize but I have to turn down the offer Old Wei. It seems that my student doesn't like the proposal."

Old Wei just laughed it off and said, "Hahaha, no worries Celestial Immortal Michael. It seems that there will be other ways to find my granddaughter a lover."

But it seems that his granddaughter does not share the same opinion as him as I could hear her shouting at Chen Fan, "Oi! Do you think that I am not up to your standards?! Just because you are already a Grandmaster doesn't mean that you can treat me like dirt!"

After those words were said, I could see Chen Fan turning towards me asking for help. I quickly looked away from his pitiful gaze and thought, 'Like hell I'm helping you! I don't even know how that girl came to that conclusion!'

I then walked towards Old Wei and Xiao Qi and dragged both of them towards their car while Emma was clinging to me like a koala. When we arrived at the car, I turned towards the high profiled people in this city and said, "Hey, why don't the both of you give me a smartphone. In exchange, I'll give you guys one favour to call upon me if you do contact us."

Emma then raised her head at my words and gave me a questioning look. Don't look at me like that honey! I'm trying to be a reasonable person here. I can't expect myself to just demand a smartphone from them without any compensation!

When I turned back towards Old Wei and Xiao Qi, I could see the glimmering light inside Old Wei's eyes but it started to dim when I raised an eyebrow at them. Old Wei then coughed and said, "We can't expect such an absurd exchange Celestial Immortal!"

My eye twitched at his words but I rained down my annoyance and said, "Please, call me Michael. I don't really like the Celestial Immortal part."

Old Wei nodded at me and said, "Well, why don't I give you a 100 million with the smartphone? I don't think that a smartphone and your favour is an equivalent exchange."

"What? Old Wei, that is too mu-"

"150 million and we're set."

I quickly looked towards my wife and noticed a strange glimmer in her eyes. Haaaa, why did my wife have to like shiny and pretty objects so much?! If it weren't for that then I'm sure that she would be contented in a nice and comfortable life.

Old Wei nodded his a little but I could clearly see the reluctance in his eyes. Ehh? The rich and influential Wei Fu was reluctant in giving us 150 million? Ha! This is a little hilarious.

I then looked at Chen Fan and Wei Ziqing who were still arguing and sweatdropped. What is wrong with those two? I could clearly hear their voice even being a hundred meters away from them!

I then turned my attention back at Old Wei and Emma and noticed that they were actually talking. Huh, maybe I should try multitasking sometimes.

"My husband can heal that injury of yours right now if he wanted to. But I think that he wants his little student to be the one to do it so he could be closer to the Wei family in the near future."

"I see. Immortal Michael really thinks that far ahead eh? It seems that I have to up my game before I could contend with the big leagues."

Oi! Honey! What in the world are you doing exposing my plan to my target!? Are you trying to ruin everything?

"Old Wei, I suggest that you give my husband the cultivation technique that you are using to further improve it as it is damaging your already fragile and old body. It could even damage the body of your granddaughter in the future. The only good thing that I can tell you is that it is not affecting her right now due to how low her level is."

I could see the look of seriousness in Old Wei's eyes as he registered what my wife told him and looked at me in the eyes. "Immortal Michael! Please help my family! If the problem is really in our cultivation technique, then I know that my granddaughter will be injured in the near future!"

I looked at Emma with a wry smile as I could see the smugness on her face and turned my attention back at Old Wei in a split second, "Hmmm, let me see your technique first and I'll think about it."

Old Wei turned his attention to the arguing Chen Fan and Wei Ziqing and shouted, "ZIqing! Use our technique right now!"

Wei Ziqing turned to her grandfather in confusion and shocked and said, "Eh? What do you mean by that grandfather?"

Old Wei's eyes sharpened as he said, "You heard me. Practice our cultivation technique right his instant."

Wei Ziqing nodded at her grandfather in confusion but still did what he asked. She then started performing her martial technique and… wow, how can one technique have such many flaws?

Wait… how can I see the flaws without saying the word 'flaw' inside my head? Is this an upgrade? A modified one? I'm pretty sure that I can still condense a golden page if I receive the earnest gratitude of any future students of mine. Never mind that, I could just consider this as an upgraded version then.

I looked towards Old Wei and said, "Hey, do you have a pen and paper with you by any chance?"

Old Wei looked at Xiao Qi who shook his head and then turned back to me and said, "Apparently not Sir Michael."

Does this old man think that I couldn't see Xiao Qi shake his head? On the bright side, this old man seems to be learning that I didn't want any extravagant titles.

I looked back at Wei Ziqing and finally said the word 'flaw' inside my head and could feel a new book appear inside my library. It seems that if I needed a compiled book about the target's flaws then I needed to say the word flaw inside my head. While not saying it will only show the flaws on a window that looks like it came from a gamer system.

I shook my head in amusement and went inside my library. I then walked towards where I could feel the book was and started flipping the pages. Once I finished 'reading' it, I immediately went towards the books about mind art and went there. After reading the whole section, I went out of the library and walked towards the still practising Wei Ziqing.

Wei Ziqing then immediately stopped her useless technique and looked towards mine and Emma's direction when she saw us approaching.

After I was almost in front of Wei Ziqing, I immediately turned my direction a little and went to Chen Fan. When I was already in front of him, I could see the astonished look on the Weis faces.

"Hey little Fan. I don't exactly want to do the teaching or writing about the new technique so I'll just send it to your mind and expect you to give it to them, okay? And don't worry, the technique is a flawless version of theirs so you don't have to do anything other than teach them or write the technique and give it to them."

Before he could even let a word out, I quickly pointed my pointer finger at his forehead and transferred the knowledge of the new technique that I just made while walking towards him. Hehehehe, the road to OPness here I come.

When I was finished transferring the technique, Chen Fan looked at me in awe and reverence and then it turned into annoyance and irritation. "Master! Why couldn't you do it? I still have to practice and cultivate before school and it's only a week away!"

I rolled my eyes at him and thought, 'Why can't this 500-year-old master see what I am doing!? I am clearly giving him a chance to make connections with the Wei family! Is this why Brother Raphael made a mission for me to teach the child?'

I sighed in pity and said, "Little Fan, if you can't see what I am doing for you in the next 5 minutes then I am really disappointed in you."

I then turned to Old Wei and could see him nodding his head. It seems even Wei Fu could see what I am doing! Why can't you?!

After a few seconds, Chen Fan seemed to finally understand what I was saying and said, "Ah! I apologize for my slow thinking Master!"

This Chen Fan really is more stupid than the original one! What exactly did Brother Raphael do to this child?!

I then turned to Old Wei and said, "Old Wei, why don't we leave our charges while we go to your home and discuss a few things?"

Old Wei smiled at me and said, "Why of course Sir Michael! Ziqing, please excuse your grandfather as he heads home with Sir Michael over here. Why don't you get acquainted with Grandmaster Chen on the other hand?"

After saying those words, Xiao Qi quickly started the car while Wei Ziqing was looking quite sceptical at being left alone with a boy around her age, and a person who has the power to do perverted things to her too!

When I was getting inside the car, I looked back at Chen Fan and worded 'Go for it!' while enjoying the unamused and irritated look on his face. Hahahaha, this is going to be a fun vacation! Now I understand why people love teasing and pranking people so much!