
An apology from Behind Bars

A killer is on the loose,,and no one has any idea who it is, same killing technique, dead bodies being left at the same point How safe are the people ? Who is the killer ? Has he been granted any immunity by the government or is he a police or is he one amongst us roaming in the streets looking for his next target ?

Royal_gloria · Realistic
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


With the expulsion,,I had no where to go , no school was willing to take in a criminal. I had no option than to stay in the house the whole day ,,doing nothing, no internet. Just there observing the silence,,the loneliness, the guilt almost killing me .It was like a void of helplessness, despair and darkness. I wanted to give up on me , my life and my future .

I never knew what my hobby was ,but I guess it is sitting to watch movies if that makes a hobby. So one day am all alone as usual and I was thinking out loudly.

" Am out of School,phweks!! It's not like I wanted it so bad because it always finds a way to fuck me up.

Wait who needs school anymore? like if it's music there's YouTube, Sports there's Wii , Spanish there's Dora ,if it's Geography I'll buy I globe and History does it even matter ? those people are dead anyway.

School is just some Mental Abuse To Humans, MATH."

I stood up , "...can't I just become a stand up comedian, Like Nobody is perfect, but my crush is perfect. So my crush is a nobody and nobody loves me .My crush Loves me . I began to laugh at myself cause that was the worst joke I'd ever heard."

As I stood there bored the more the ideas popped in .

".. or I can just become an artist,like writing poems ," putting on a serious face with full facial expressions

" Like the light of the rising sun,

My heart beats within me , as if I too was young again.

And I know oh yes I know

Freedom is coming tomorrow"

Those were and will always be my best lines from the movie " SARAFINA."

But then I can't do poetry full-time. I need something else that's more fun and sweet.

Popping my eyes out, and nodding my head as I smiled out brightly cause this nice idea just struck me.

" I can get in the kitchen and do some cooking."

For starters that day I cooked some cookies , since that's the only thing I has cooked with mum before and it's ingredients were there in the house. When she came in the evening she was kinda happy and she finally talked to me after some days of some silent treatment from her. The next morning before she left for work she passed by my room, unusual since I got expelled.

" So I'm returning the Wi-Fi services on and the TV only , you can watch those cooking classes. ". She said as she walked away. " Woow! so some cooking can do some miracles ? " I said as I covered myself once more but this time happily and I slept. After which I woke up and did my duties then sat browsing from one YouTube channel to the next to get the best recipes. Everything was just interesting even some weird foods I'd never heard of seemed delicious.

Once in a week , she always has two free afternoons , and that day was one of the free afternoons, she came in with some fresh groceries.I also handed her the list of recipes I needed and immediately she called my big bro James, requested him to come with them she would refund the money.

Mhh! deep down just like me you know the last part is a lie. Parents never refund that money.

I prepared the meals for two weeks and a week within which I applied for being an online poet and I qualified.

Another day in the third week since I was expelled she came in home early with some good news.

I was in the kitchen preparing some popcorns to watch " Fast and Furious" when she came in .

" Robs ,your behavior lately is pleasing ,I don't want you to be be lagging behind , your friends are ahead in their studies. I guess you should be ready for some home schooling."

I was confused and at the same time happy. I never knew what to say exactly or how to behave . Scream jump or do whatever you guys do when you're excited.

" Ooh mY God ,tha....( before I finished she walked away) ....thanks mum." I said.

The voices in my head were over excited but they couldn't show it to her.Immediately she left I began to jump and dance as I made some little funny sounds as if I was literally screaming.

Alarm beeps are 7:30 a.m the eagerly awaited moment it's finally here. " Arise and Shine it's a wonderful morning." I said to myself as I Woke up , spread my bed neatly for the first time or rather there was a human being who was happy about studies. Soon I was at the breakfast table with mum and James .

" Good morning momma , morning James," I greeted as I pulled my chair .Mum did reply but James this guy was so arrogant .. some times I lack the right words to describe him .

" What's so amusing about today and why are you dressed like that ? remember yo grounded," he said

I asked him " Brother, how soon do you forget things ,? Have you forgotten about me having a tutor ?"

" ooh , " he said, wiping his mouth with his napkin, then continued sarcastically " I think it's because that's none of my monkey business."

" Whatever," I said..He always had ways of pissing me off and I hated him for that.

After breakfast they were gone and I was in the study room when someone knocked , I knew it was my tutor and yes I was never wrong it was her.

" Hey, are you Smith Robert?" she said.

" Yes I am ," I replied.

She introduced herself " I am Roman Argan, your tutor." I welcomed her in . We went to the study room. For the first day she wasn't in a rush ..She was just chilled ,she asked me about my likes and dislikes,my hobbies ( I didn't forget to tell her about my online writing and also promised to cook her some cookies the next day)

In turn she asked me one of the most difficult questions " So what's your life plan ?" I looked at her shocked " what is that?"

" A life plan ,"she said

" I am not sure what that means but I want to be a writer , actor , a renown lawyer and doctor all at the same time, " I replied. She laughed cause that's too much for someone

" I want you to know what you want to become in the next 10 years, with whom and where , what will your achievements be.If plan A doesn't work what will be plan B."She said.

That was it for the first day. And she went.

Wallahi on God I'd never met such a wonderful teacher in my life.So understanding, a good listener and advisor also made things look easier .

When mom came home I told her all about this new teacher and about the life plan that she was talking about.

That night I just laid on my bed restless, turning from left to right. Sitting up , getting out of bed and walking around in my room , trying to figure out everything. Life plan , plan A and B. It was such a long night .I got out to the corridor to get some fresh air , relax my head and think out straight.