
Chapter 9 Lesson 2-2 - The Human Everyone's Talking About (Part 1)

The next day, I was on my way to class when I heard two demon students gossiping nearby. "Hey, check it out. That's the human everyone's been talking about. You think it's true what they say, that Mammon became a babysitter?" Realizing they were talking about me, I tried to pretend that I couldn't hear them and keep my expression indifferent. "Well, if so, then I'd say that actually works out great, doncha think? If we wait and strike when he's not paying attention, he'll never figure out it was us. C'mon, we should devour the human before Beel does."

I could hear those gossiping demons coming ever so slowly to where I was standing. I remember what Mammon had told me, that I should run away if I am about to be attacked by demons. 'If I wasn't an ordinary human, I would be showing you both how you shouldn't mess with me.' Feeling a bit terrified of being attacked and eaten by my demons, I was about to make a run for it when I heard someone calling for me. "Hey, you there." I looked around and saw an attractive male waving at me to get my attention. He had whitish silvery layered hair with left curling bangs, blue-yellow gradient eyes, a fair complexion, and was wearing a uniform, meaning he was a student.

I looked around to see if he was actually calling to me or someone nearby. When I was pretty sure he was talking to me, I pointed to myself, looking confused. "That's right, I'm talking to you, the human with that frightened, torment look on your face that demons love so much. You're practically screaming, "Come and eat me! I'm scrumptious!" Your name's Daisy, isn't it? This D.D.D. here belongs to you, right? I saw you drop it just now. Here, take it."

The strange, yet attractive male came over and handed my D.D.D. back to me, and I mumbled a quiet thank you to him as I took it and put it back in my uniform pocket. 'I must have dropped it when I was about to make a run for it.' I looked at him, seeing that he was still here smiling at me, it made me suspicious of what else he wanted from me. 'He even knows my name, and I haven't told him who I am. Very suspicious.' "Haha. What's with that look? There's no need to be suspicious of me. My name's Solomon. I'm an exchange student from the human world, just like you. Nice to meet you, Daisy."

"How do you know my name? I don't recall meeting you or giving you my name before." I was curious about how Solomon, this supposed other human exchange student, would know my name when we never met and this is my first day in this school. "You're probably not aware of this, but you're a bit of a celebrity here at RAD right now. Just being an exchange student from the human world makes you special enough. But on top of that, you've got an infamous demon like Mammon looking after you as well."

The bell for school to be in session rang and many students were heading to their respective classes. "...Uh-oh. I'd better get going. See you around, Daisy. Take care of yourself." Solomon waves goodbye to me as he heads to his class, and I said goodbye and wave back. When he was gone, I headed to my class, feeling prepared to take on whatever is thrown at me. Demons were staring at me as I entered the classroom. I sit down in my assigned seat and ignored them. As soon as class was over, I got out of my seat and out of the classroom as fast as I can. Soon, I meet Lucifer in the hallway, with a smile on his face.

"Good morning, Daisy. You've become quite the celebrity here, haven't you?" 'So I've heard from Solomon. Though I think it's more fresh new prey rather than "celebrity".' "Good morning, Lucifer." I gave Lucifer my best smile and was being polite as possible. "Were you able to get a good night's sleep? I have to say, you look a bit more relaxed now." I nodded, thinking of how relaxed been despite being a "celebrity". Last night, Levi gave me directions to my room, and there I found some of my Pokémon plushies on my bed, which helped comfort me.

"Be sure not to let your guard down. I don't want you to end up getting eaten by some random, lesser demon. It would only mean plenty of paperwork for me, and I don't need that." I nod, not wanting to reply to Lucifer as he gave me a firm look. 'I know that I should keep my guard up. I don't want to die to a demon, and you don't want to deal with paperwork that has to do with my death by a demon. I understand.'

"Was that Solomon I saw you talking with earlier? You and he are the only two students from the human world here. Seeing as you're both human, it's fine if you associate with him, but know that he can't be trusted. He may be a mere human, but he has a ring imbued with wisdom, and he wields powerful magic. He's the type of man who will try to subjugate even a powerful, greater demon if he gets the chance." I was glad that Lucifer confirmed that Solomon was in fact a human, and shocked to find out that Solomon was a powerful sorcerer. Then, as Lucifer talked about how Solomon would "subjugate even a powerful, greater demon", I was reminded of what Levi said last night. "Lucifer has something that Mammon wants, something he'd kill to get..."

'Lucifer has something of Mammon's that would help form a pact with Mammon, and have him actually protect me and help me.' I tried to act natural as I plan how I would even get a hint from Lucifer on how or where I could get this "bargaining chip".