
Chapter 14 Lesson 2-12 - The Pact Goes Swimmingly (Part 2)

"Haha! Man, I gotta stop laughin' so hard. My stomach is hurtin'! But you gotta agree, Lucifer is pretty old, isn't he?" Finally calming down from his laughing fit, Mammon wiped the tears from his eyes. I tried to look away from a scary-looking Lucifer, as I took an awkward sip of my tea. "You think?" The room went cold from Lucifer's dangerous tone, as he smiled at Mammon. "D'AAAAAAH!" Mammon turned around and immediately froze, utterly terrified of finding Lucifer right behind him.

Lucifer soon punched Mammon's head quite hard, causing him to land roughly on the floor. I started to worry when I heard a cracking sound. "...Ow! Hey, what's the big idea?! You didn't have to hit me THAT hard!" Mammon got up off the floor, holding his injured head. 'I am surprised there wasn't any blood, considering how hard Lucifer hit Mammon. I guess demons really are resilient and tough to kill.'

"...You know, he's so stupid that it's almost sad." Asmo had a hand to his cheek, giving Mammon a look of pity. "Mmhm. I can't believe he's actually our brother. It's almost like we're being punished or something." Letting out a tired sigh, Satan had his hand to his shaking head, as if he had a headache and it was somehow Mammon's fault. It certainly feels like no one ever takes Mammon seriously, even though he's the second oldest. 'I can relate to Mammon, minus being stupid. I am the oldest, but my little sister never listens or takes me seriously half the time.' "Hey, I heard that!" Mammon glared at both Asmo and Satan, who just ignored him.

"I heard about what happened, Daisy. Apparently you outfoxed a certain dimwit of a demon, and forged a pact with him." Lucifer started to chuckle at Mammon's situation. "Who're you callin' a dimwit?!" Mammon lost his temper and pointed angrily at Lucifer, who slapped it away.

"Your opponent may have been stupid, but even so, you've only just arrived. It's a real accomplishment managing a feat like that in such a short span of time. Well done. I imagine Diavolo will be pleased as well. We continue to expect big things from you." Lucifer gives me a genuine, subtle smile, causing me to blush and my heart to skip a beat. 'God, why do I find Lucifer and his brothers so darn attractive? They're demons and I'm a human, and besides, they're definitely not interested in me like I am to them.'

I try to calm down and stop blushing when Mammon gave me an irritated look. "...Hey, human! C'mon, time to get going. Don't just sit there with your head in the clouds. It's time for class! So, let's go!" Mammon took my tea from my hands and slammed it onto the table. Grabbed by the arm and pulled away from the table, I stumbled as Mammon forced me to follow him. Soon, we reached the stairwell when Mammon suddenly stopped. I rubbed my sore arm, not knowing what I should say to Mammon.

"Seriously, what's with that guy? He can't go a single minute without bringin' up Diavolo. It's always Diavolo this, Diavolo that. If Diavolo told you to go jump off a cliff to your death, would ya do THAT too, Lucifer?! Huh?! ...Ya know what? Knowin' him, he probably would." Mammon pouted, seemingly upset about how close Lucifer and Diavolo are. I didn't know what I should say or do to make Mammon feel better. 'Lucifer only brought up Diavolo once, and that's what's bothering you? You're probably exaggerating anyway. Then again, you know them both way better than I do.'

"Anyway, ever since you got here, human, it's been nothin' but one bad thing after another for me. So, let's get somethin' straight. I didn't make this pact 'cause I wanted to, and I ain't happy about it! Everything I did, I did for my credit card-for my baby Goldie! If you end up gettin' yourself eaten by some demon here at RAD, don't blame me, 'cause I don't give a damn. You got that?! Don't go thinkin' you're great and stuff just 'cause you managed to make some stupid pact, human!" The more Mammon talked, the more I grew more enraged. 'I know I am a human, but THIS human has a name. Calm down Daisy, it is better to handle this in a calm manner. Deep breaths.'

I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths then opened my eyes. "Would you please call me by my name?" I asked Mammon politely, trying to keep what little cool I have. Mammon could kill me easily, but I wasn't about to give up. 'Being called human for my whole stay would be extremely annoying.' "Hmph. Seems like you're actually startin' to learn some manners, huh? Well, since you asked, I guess I can't really say no. All right, I'll call you by your name..." I was glad that Mammon was finally going to be nice to me, that is until he started laughing at me.

"Pff, just kiddin'! Did you really think that was really gonna on me? Idiot. You expect ME to call you by your name? You, a lowly human? Ha! Come back and ask me in another million years, and maybe I'll consider it!" I started to glare daggers at Mammon, wishing I could do something to make him treat me properly. "You'd better learn your place, 'cause if you keep sayin' stuff like that, I swear I'll make you my next meal. Startin' at your head and workin' my way down!" I shrink back as Mammon towered over me, more scared than angry at Mammon.

"Eh? What's wrong? Am I that intimidating? Do I frighten you? Then listen... If you stop talkin' back and just do what I tell ya, then things won't be so bad for-" Mammon started coming closer with a look of malice in his eyes. Suddenly, all of my built-up emotions of fury and terror were released before I could stop them. "Stay!" I closed my eyes for a second, afraid that Mammon would attack me. When nothing seemed to happen, I opened my eyes, surprised to see Mammon frozen in place and confused.

"Wh...! Wh-What's goin' on?! I-I can't move...! Wh-What'd you do to me?! Is this some kind of magic?! Listen up, h...hu...huma...Daisy. What the...dammit! Don't tell me this is all 'cause of the pact?! Now you listen to me! You may control my body, but not my mind! I'm my own boss, and I always will be! Don't you ever forget that! Huma...Daisy...Daisy, my boss! No, Your Majesty Daisy...!" I smiled, happy to see Mammon struggle against the power of the pact. Mammon grew red and glared at me, but I ignored him and continued to smile.

'Wow, this pact is powerful and helpful. I wonder what else I can do with this power I now possess. I know I shouldn't use it for malicious purposes, but he started it, so that means I'm allowed to tease him a bit.' I started giggling as I stare at the still frozen Mammon, who was still struggling.