
An Angel's Second Chance

I'm just hanging out with my friends and suddenly a kid who is chasing a ball down the street doesn't seem to notice the vehicle speeding up to him so I rushed at him to save him but died later on. .. Apparently I'm inside an office and I gained cheat skills and a god as a Father!? Reincarnated into the world of "Freyn" where magic and different races exist but the civilization seems to be advanced? I'll live out my life as I please while seeking out what I always need in life

Escha_sama · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: Death

My body hurts..

It hurts so bad..

My body hurts so bad that I can feel my bones and my insides getting crushed..

I try to lift my hand and see If I can still touch my face with it..

'My hand is not moving, it must be damaged so bad'

Ah It looks like my head is still alright and I can feel my thoughts return back to normal but at a slower pace..

My head feels funny. Why was I even in pain and lying down in.. a street?

'Why am I lying in a street anyways?'

As I try to look what's ahead of me and see what's happening..

I see snow..

The snow is dyed in crimson stains

What appears to be snow has been covered in crimson and it looks like it mix together well.

It looks beautiful. Mesmerising even.

'It appears to be.. my blood? perhaps?'

Not far from the edge of the street, I can see people gathering, a car crashed at a building and a boy young enough to be called a kid is also laying down on the street with an unnatural pose that looks like he was pushed down from behind.

'Ah. I remember.. now'

I was walking at the sidewalk after we went outside from a karaoke box with my friends chatting with each other and saw a boy hanging out with kids at his age playing 'soccer' while looking dirty and covered in sweat.

'must be nice to be young, you'll have fun everyday and live a life without worries' - Hana

the kids started to kick the ball and the ball was kicked in front of the boy and drove his foot backwards and unleashed a powerful kick.


The ball flew through the streets and the boy chased after it to retrieve the ball.

"So.. Hana! which do you prefer romantically? Girls or Boys?" - Reine

My mind shifted back to Reine while still thinking about an answer. Still.. choosing between or a Boy or a Girl, I don't have any

opposition towards the same sex, they seem cleaner and pure compared to boys though, so maybe? I prefer girls more?

"Reine-san, I think I prefer girls more than boys on a romantic relationship" - Hana

"What makes you think that Hana-chan?"

- Belle

"Well.. Boys are dirtier than girls and they always looks at us with lust, they always think not with their brains but their instincts as a male" - Hana

I looked backed at where the boy was going to and looked at him again.

'yep, boys are always dirty and sweaty, I guess I'll never like boys romantically now because of that question huh but does that mean I am a Lesbian? I'm still not ready for a relationship though'

And suddenly there was a car making loud horns and was closing in near the kid. The boy was terrified and couldnt move his legs most likely because of fear taking over him.

'It's Dangerous! I have to save him!'

My body moved it's own and rushed to where the kid is located. I ran as fast as I could and pushed the kid away from the nearing car. But what I noticed was the car was nearing fast.

"HANA!!" "HANA-CHAN!!" - Reine & Belle




I noticed myself that I was knocked away by the front sides of the car and hit the ground and rolled over and over until my body stopped.


The pain was unbearable and I think I'll lose my consciousness with just closing my eyes and moving a part of me. This is not looking good, I feel myself coughing up blood from my stomach.

My insides are burning, my head feels dizzy, my vision starts to look hazy and I hear ringing sounds from my ears as the pain is still making my body twitch in unbearable amounts of pain.

'so this is what dying feels like'

Soon crowds of people started to gather and make noises around the crash site observing what happened in this place.


I kept my eyes open for as long as I can and held on to my will to live. I started seeing pools of blood spreading underneath my body making their way into the snow.

'Ah, seeing the snow's purity become tainted with blood.. Oh god! It's pretty fascinating..'

Soon after a few minutes, the ambulance arrived at the scene and made proper ways of taking care of an injured patient. Both my friends came out of the crowd running.

" *sobs* Hana! *sniffs* w-wait! " - Reine

Both Reine and Belle came inside the ambulance, they were stopped at first but after they learned that Belle is the daughter of Dr. Shigimure they let both of them in the ambulance.

'Im surprised I'm still breathing amidst all of that.. I even made my friends became worried for me.. that I let myself hit by a car while saving a kid'

After that, I was treated straight into the Hospital owned by Belle's Dad which is an Hospital known for it's reputation for saving lots of lives.

'Maybe I'll still live..'

After a few hours of finishing the treatment, I saw both of my parents and brother with both of my friends from the window making a beeline towards the door.

"My daughter! I heard all about it from Reine and Belle! Why did you do such thing.. again!?"

- Sumire

"Im.. Alright Mom" - Hana

I let out a weak coarse sound from my vocal chords.

"Stupid daughter of mine! Why are you always helping out others even if it costs your safety!? Do you even know how you made us worry so much!? And look at all of these Injuries! They are nothing like small scratches like before, THEY ARE BROKEN BONES AND SHATTERED LIMBS!" - Sumire

My mother dropped on the floor sobbing with her hand covering her face, father hugged mother to comfort her and also made few sobs.

"Sister.. You.. Why save others while you can't save yourself? We'll be sad if anything happened bad to you.. and *sniffs* look where we are. right now *sobs*" - Souma

He's right, why save others while I can't even save myself? I can't seem to stop caring about other people if they are in need but I guess I don't have to worry about those right now. I have lots of good reputation for helping people but why do I help other people in the first place? It even gave me a result of hurting my body in the process

"Don't.. worry about.. it.. I promise to take.. care of myself.. from now on" - Hana

'I feel really tired. I can finally rest now.. can I?'

My eyes are closing slowly and voices of my parents and friends seems to fade. My body feeling cold and the surroundings seems to be darker. My brother seems to be dashing outside of the room to call for the Doctor, my parents holding my hand while sobbing and my friends are trying to tell me something.. but I can't hear it. Reaching my free hand to my parent's hand holding mine and attempting to move my lips, I whispered in a small voice.

"Thank.. You"

Without even knowing I breathed my last, my hand started to become limp and the sound of the EKG machine become flat. My surroundings got darker and darker until my vision is surrounded by darkness.

Hello fellow readers, I am still new here at Webnovel and I will try to make my very first novel and will try to improve later on. Hope you don't mind errors and mistakes made, enjoy

Escha_samacreators' thoughts