
An Analyser's System

In the year 2023, earth faced it's first extra-terrestrial invasion. Monster's began falling from the sky. Portals, began opening around the planet, mutations started to occur amongst humans. It was the beginning of the end. An apocalypse. But this very beginning, opened up a new path for those who wished to survived. Levels, Skills, Systems, Quests. The more completed, the more gained, the stronger the individual. Humans had started to evolve. However, they weren't alone. Come join Ray and Tina, siblings who are alone, and caught in the middle of this disaster. Watch them struggle for their survival. Will humanity be able to survive? Or will humans cease to exist?

Renovator · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Info (Spoiler)

Level, each level grants the user two stat points. Quests may grant the user an extra stat points as part of the reward. System Granted To All Beings Who Complete The Requirement.

Ray's Current Stats

<Name: Ray Radford>

<Race: Human>

<Level 21>

<440/3200 Exp>

<Class: Analyser>

<Title: Hidden>



Health Points: Hidden

Magic Points: Hidden


Vitality: Hidden

Sense: Hidden

Strength: Hidden

Agility: Hidden

Intelligence: Hidden

<$£%)# Stat points Available>



<Analyse LV. 1>

[Allows user to $)£(^($%# Analyse £*%#^%# all components #}{"$£^$&% created by #$%}$^}$%]

<<Cool down variable>>

[Sub Skill Analyse Branch]


[Allows user to trace and copy a set movement or action]


[Analysed (Learnt) Skills]


[Allows user to accurately carry out movement copied from trace]

[#$£~5# State]



Welcome to Analyser's System.

You are free to post exp comments beneath! I hope you can all enjoy this ride. There is a lot, and I mean a lot to be told! Daily uploads will be 2 chapter's daily! Stay safe everyone!

Renovatorcreators' thoughts