
An Amateur Author's Thoughts

Just the thoughts of a young author striving to be popular.

Ameron_Werschrux · Urban
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7 Chs

Thought 3 - Where Do I Get My Thirst For Writing?

My thirst for writing can literally just depend on the mood, whether I like it or not. But there are ways to motivate yourself to write. One of them would be to think of future big events in your story, that way you have a goal to work toward to but make sure to not think too far ahead or you might get impatient unless you have a very strong will to create your story. This can help a lot. You can also imagine awesomely hyped-up fight scenes and imagine your characters having edgy dialogue XD just kidding, but I'm sure this can help too. You can also try imagining your story getting an adaptation. Or even by imagining getting noticed by your favorite youtuber. Doesn't that make you excited? Being consistent in writing boosts your motivation but make sure not to push yourself too hard. It depends on how long you guys do yer texts, but if it's maybe around 1000 words or so you might try 2 chaps a day if your thirst can't be calmed or maybe 1 chap per 2-3 days if you feel like going easy but consistent. You really gotta force yourself sometimes but make sure that whenever writing, the quality itself remains the same or even go higher. Playing music might help with it. How about playing Megalovania for an hour-long XD?