
An Alpha's Wife and An Alpha's Soulmate

Evangeline was just a regular girl, for the past 16 years her life had been mundane and at times sad. She never would have expected what her life would become just 2 weeks before her 17th birthday. Now she must figure out who she is while also finding out who she truly belongs with.

Chelsea_Labelle_6656 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 2 Unknown Guardian Angel?

My heart hammered loudly in my chest as dread filled every inch of my being. I stood still for what seemed like an eternity before turning to make my escape, I could feel the scream coming up from my throat and out of my mouth without my knowledge. I could hear the deafening sound of his footsteps close behind me. I just had to make it to the front door then I could get help. I was halfway down the staircase when he landed at the base of the steps, right in front of me. There was a loud splintering sound as the wood cracked beneath him from the pressure. I let out another scream as I spun around and made my way back to my room. Surely I would be able to lock my door and call for help.

I pushed myself to be faster than I had ever been before and reached my doorway. I hurled the door closed and swiftly locked it before making a dive for the metal bat I kept under my bed. I finally spot it grasp onto it just as I hear my door burst open and fall off its hinges from the force. Before I could move a pair of powerful and oddly slim hands ripped me out from underneath the bed by my ankles. I don't know how I did it but I flipped myself onto my back while swinging the sturdy bat with as much force as I could muster. I felt the vibration run up my arms as it connected with the stranger's temple, but he didn't even flinch. My eyes glided over to the bat and noticed the curved dent that had the shape of his head. He ripped the bat from my hands and angrily picked me up. I screamed as he threw me on my bed harshly. My bed springs practically cried out as his weight crashed down atop me.

I pushed and shoved as hard as I could to get free, but had no success in my efforts. I looked up into a pair of dark grey almost black eyes, my body trembled as a devilish grin came to his face. Before I could stop it my hands were pinned above my head, I tried to thrash and kick my way free. His eyes became hungry and lustful. I screamed with all my might "Get off! Somebody help me!" I begged. He ripped off my shirt causing a surge of anger to course through me "Hey I liked that shirt you Asshole!" I screamed in his face. If he had been any closer I would of bit off his stupid nose. Just my luck he crashed his lips to mine making me want to gag. I bit down hard till I tasted blood. I smiled as he pulled away yelling in pain. My smile soon faded as he started for my pants. I could feel tears starting to form. This wasn't going to be my first time, was it? No, it couldn't be like this. I was starting to lose faith that this would end in my favor. His weight bearing down on me made this all too real, then without warning, it was gone and a loud growling snarl filled my room. Wait a growl? Did I hear that?

I sat up on the bed and saw a second stranger in my house although he had just saved me. He was handsome, He was well built with short messy black hair, nice jawline and green jade eyes. Eva focus not the time to be drooling! His jaw and fists were clenched tightly "I told you to stay away!" his husky voice resounded around my room. I figured he was much safer then my attacker and quickly made my way behind him. The stranger backed down, no doubt because another man was here. My mind wondered how a man who looked skinnier and frailer then me had managed to pin me down so easily. Without another word my attacker jumped out of my window which shocked me. Did he just? I didn't hear a thud or a cry of pain so he must of gotten away.

My mysterious savior then turned towards me with a gentle smile as he placed his leather jacket over me. I had completely forgotten about my ripped shirt until this moment and felt that unmistakable heat rise to my face. That's when I noticed he was blushing as well, that was kind of cute awe. I smiled back to him "Thank you for saving me. I was really worried there for a minute." I said trying to break the tension.

His smile went from gentle to charming "Don't worry he won't be back I can promise you that." he said before walking over to my window and leaving threw it as well. I was stunned, and I didn't even get to ask him for his name. Maybe I would get to meet him again some day. I went and found a comfy sweater to put on and placed his jacket down on my bed. I went to my window and shut it tight before locking it. Now to clean up this mess before Tyson got back home. Great like I don't have enough to do with my regular chores. Once I was all done I was way to beat to cook dinner so I decided to order take out. Chinese sounded great.

I was waiting for the food to arrive when my phone started ringing. I answered slightly warry after the ordeal that had happened today. I took a deep breath "Hello?" I asked managing to keep my voice steady. I was relieved when it was just Andy's mom asking if Tyson could spend the night. I decided that it wasn't that big a deal since they went on the same bus everyday anyway. I wasn't going to mention the fact that someone had broken in today as that would cause a whole lot of drama that I did not want to deal with at the moment.

I turned on the tv and curled up on the couch with a blanket to watch some random show. I jumped when my doorbell rang almost forgetting I had ordered food. I made my way to the door grabbing the money from my wallet as I opened up for the delivery guy. I paid him and grabbed my food. I made sure to relock my door before going back to the living room to eat and binge watch some tv. Before I knew it I was drifting to sleep on the couch wondering who my guardian angel was today.