
Chapter 38: The Jig is Up

After Erin left with Ben, Victor took off through the forest.

He didn’t bother stripping or following any of the lockdown protocol. Letting rage override his instinct, he ran. He doesn’t think about where he’s going or what he’s going to do when he gets there.

All he feels is his heart thumping loudly in his chest as it frees itself from his ribcage to crawl up his throat.

When he bulldozes into a clearing, he realizes he’s followed the same trail he first took Erin on. He doesn’t stop though, and runs right into the water, diving under it. When the pressure in his head gets too tight, he shifts and floats up to the surface. With a gasp, he gulps air into his lungs and wades out of the water.

This place was full of light when Erin was in it. Now, it’s nothing but dull and ugly. The color of the bluebells is irritating, the grass is prickling his skin, and the wind is too loud in his ears.

The whole world is too loud.