
Chapter 35: Lies, Lies, and More Lies

When Erin wakes up, the first thing he notices is the warm pressure on his left leg keeping him from moving it.

He peeps through his eyelashes at his leg and sees Victor’s right hand resting above his knee. He blinks before his eyes trail a path from Victor’s hand to his sleeping face. His arm cuts off most of his face across his nose and left eye, but Erin can still see how his thin lips are parted slightly, the breath rustling the blanket after every exhale.

The corner of Erin’s lips curve into a half smile at the picture. Suppressing a groan, he lifts his left arm and pokes Victor’s tense eyebrow. Victor sniffs, his brows tensing inward as he opens his eyes. Erin feels as Victor’s hand squeezes in surprise before all the energy leaves him in a rush. His shoulders drop and his face scrunches up to cry.