
Chapter 34: I'm Confused

Victor waits patiently for Natalie and John to arrive.

He gently places Erin’s hand on the bed and stands from the seat next to it when he hears them running up the stairs. He walks over to the balcony and opens the double doors to let a breeze in. Erin’s always had such fascination with the balcony, so hopefully, this will make him feel better while he sleeps.

Natalie flings the bedroom door open, John right behind her. They both have their casual clothes on still as, due to the training session, they were only going to work in the afternoon.

“Erin!” She shouts as she runs over to kneel at his side. Her usual long braid down her back and painted bandana are nowhere to be seen. Instead, her hair is loose, but limp like it too has spent all its energy worrying for Erin.

John takes a seat on the bed by Erin’s feet. His hair is mused, and the collar of his shirt is upturned. “How did this happen?” While his voice is grim and quiet, his eyes are burning like vengeful suns.