
Chapter 31: The Scent of Fear

It’s now Sunday, four weeks into the landscaping project, and the Lovelace Pack has taken to Erin like a wolf howls at the moon.

Not a day has gone by where Victor isn’t walking around smiling like an idiot. In the mornings, he sees his pack exchange greetings with Erin when he arrives to work instead of the usual silent nodding or blatant ignoring. Around lunch, he smells homemade meals and snacks being prepared and peeks over the stairs to see the head chef Michal trying to feed Erin multiple meals at once while his apprentice, David, stands there giggling.

And at night, he hears the snickers and teasing coos and kissing noises from the little kids when he hugs Erin goodbye. That part he could go a couple of days without.

Walking toward the back fence near the corner where the pile of rocks sits, he supposes that if he had to choose between hiding a relationship with Erin or putting up with his family teasing him, he would take the teasing any day.